Honey Creek Community School

The Sunday News from Honey Creek


August 27, 2023

One Week Away!

Good Afternoon Honey Creek Families,

As we approach the first half-day of school on Tuesday, September 5, it’s time to review some basic nuts and bolts of a typical school day at Honey Creek.

The info and resources cited below are available on-demand on our website at www.honeycreek.org. It’s a great site to favorite for frequently asked questions.

Classroom/Teacher Assignments

Classroom and teacher assignments will be the focus of our staff's work early this week and they will be publicly posted at the picnic on Wednesday. Beginning Thursday, you can email our office here or call (734) 994-2636 to find out who your child's base class teacher will be this year.

The School Day

The outer lobby opens to students at Honey Creek at 7:40 am with classrooms open at 7:50 am. Classes begin at 8:00 am and our staff appreciates on-time arrival so we can start teaching and learning right away. The school day ends at 3:15 pm except on Fridays when we dismiss at 2:10 pm.

Our academic and events calendars for the year can be found here.

Breakfast & Lunch

All students in Michigan are now eligible for free hot lunch plus breakfast! We will be serving breakfast in our classrooms each morning so we don't lose instructional time. Of course, parents are still able to pack their child's lunch if you choose. FYI - food service at Honey Creek is managed by the ISD through Dexter Schools Food Services.

Drop Off & Pick-Up

This process - unchanged from last year - requires patience and a focus on safety above all else. Our procedure can be reviewed here. Afternoon pick-up is consistently finished by 3:30 pm each day and parents should anticipate this in their schedule planning. The process also improves dramatically over the first few weeks as school as we all practice.

We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding with this process each day and we look forward to everyone's help in ending our students' and staff's days on positive, friendly notes with consistency.

Walking Students to Class

All parents are welcome to walk their children to class during the first few days of the school year. As we transition into week #2 and beyond, we encourage students to independently enter the building and head to their classroom community. We understand this may take more time for our K/1 students as well as others. Going back to school can be hard and we understand that.

Absences & Appointments

Please email your child's classroom teacher and the office when your child will be absent or leaving school early for an appointment. Please keep in mind that one of the best predictors of academic and social/emotional success at school is consistent, regular attendance.


Communication is key to our success as an educational community. Proactive as we strive to be, we can only solve some problems when they are brought to our attention. With that in mind, we encourage you to communicate with your child's classroom teacher(s) early and often about any concerns. You can the teaching staff each via email here. Our administrative and office staff can be reached here.

Who Does What at Honey Creek?

The more efficiently we can serve your needs and those of our students, the more we can accomplish as an educational community. As needs arise for your family, we encourage you to refer to this handy guide to who does what at Honey Creek. As a general rule, your child's classroom teacher is the first point of contact for educational and classroom challenges and questions but our support and administrative staff is also here to help.


Like every human endeavor, we understand that we can always improve what we do at Honey Creek. To do so, we need your direct feedback. That can easily be provided at any time using this online resource or by reaching out here.

We're looking forward to Wednesday's picnic, Thursday's Open House and the first day of school next week! If you need anything in the meantime, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Thank you,


Kevin Kelly

[email protected]

Executive Director

23-24 Academic Calendar

One-Stop Calendars

Honey Creek Website

Family Toolbox Page

Family Feedback Portal

Volunteer Sign-Up Site

Parent-Teacher Organization

Teaching Supplies Sign-Up

HC Media Center Link

September Lunch Menu

Coming Soon!

Click for Pandemic Response Resources

Click for Latest 10-Day Transmission Table



New Families: Please make sure you've submitted all required enrollment paperwork to Mariolga in the office soon!

Returning Families: Please review and confirm your family contact sheet at the picnic or in the office this week or next. It will only take a minute or two.

Enrollment questions? Email us here!

Text Alert Test Received?

Did you receive your text alert test on last Friday? If you signed up for the texting service but didn't receive the test text, please email us here.

If you haven't signed up yet for text alerts, please do so here. If you signed up last year, you do not need to do so again.

We will utilize the texting service during the school year for urgent notices and/or interruptions to the normal school day (snow days, power outages, etc.).

We will not use the service for regular reminders or fundraising. All numbers are kept confidential.

We encourage all families to sign up. There is no limit to the number of numbers you can register.

Thank you.

Middle School Camp Fall 2023!

The middle schoolers are going to CAMP! Since the beginning of Honey Creek Middle School we have attended camp in the fall, with the exception of the COVID years. Beginning our year at camp brings wonderful opportunities to build community, get to know each other (outside of the school), play hard and work hard together to expand our comfort zones, and to have a lot of fun! It’s truly a great way to start the year that has rippling benefits throughout the year.

There will be an information meeting after the first half day of school, Tuesday, September 5th at 12:15 pm in the cafeteria. We will be leaving for camp on Monday, September 11th and returning on Thursday, September 14th. Since building community is one of our goals, we welcome parents to participate. There will be many opportunities for you to be involved, whether you’re able to come to camp or help prepare from home. After the information meeting we will send out a sign-up sheet with description of different ways to be involved. We will discuss the cost of camp for your child and financial support as needed.

The packing list for camp can be found here.

We are truly grateful for this opportunity to work with your child and look forward to talking about it more with you.

The Middle School Team,

- Joe, Chris C., Chris P., Josh & Cindy

Staffing Update

Special Education

We've had a week of downs and then ups on the staffing front. We are sad to report that special education teacher Liz Coscia and part-time teacher Deb Waterman resigned their positions at Honey Creek in recent days for other opportunities. However, we are thrilled to announce the hiring of special education teacher Cornelius Shields, an experienced and impressive educator we've been recruiting for some time. He joins our new full-time social workers Jo Brown and Anna Stocker working under the direction of our new principal Lindsey Segrist to service our special education students. Although we continue to aggressively recruit one additional special education teacher, we are better staffed in special services than the school has been in years.

MS English

We are also very happy to welcome Joshua Jordan to the Honey Creek team. Josh will be teaching middle school English during Liz Scott's absence this year and will co-teach with her upon her return. Josh brings a great deal of energy and passion with him and we're certain he will be a great asset to our students and families.

Instructional Aides & Substitutes

Our instructional aides and substitute teachers play a vital role in the daily operations of Honey Creek. If you'd be interested in serving in either role, please let us know here.

Learn more about career possibilities at Honey Creek here.

Meet Cornelius Shields

New HC Special Education Teacher

Drawing upon roots firmly planted in Saginaw, Michigan, my journey in the realm of education has been both fulfilling and transformative. For several years, I have dedicated my life to the noble profession of special education. This experience has graced me with the privilege of collaborating with some of the most diligent and passionate educators in the field.

A memorable chapter from my past was the summer I spent teaching at High Point Elementary. The evolution and transformation of its infrastructure never cease to amaze me; the new edifice stands as a testament to the commitment towards advancing educational facilities.

Beyond the conventional classroom, I also took on the role of a Behavior Intervention Specialist at ACCE Alternative School. It was here that I supported high school students on their journey to credit recovery, assisting them in making the pivotal leap towards graduation.

My academic endeavors led me to attain a Masters Degree in Special Education from the esteemed Grand Canyon University. Furthermore, I proudly hold a graduate certificate from the University of California at Santa Barbara, specializing in Applied Behavioral Analysis. This deep dive into academia was driven not just by professional ambition but a personal quest for answers.

Working with students from diverse backgrounds has been one of the greatest joys of my life. Their unique stories and challenges inspire me every day to invest time, energy, and expertise in nurturing their potential.

On a personal note, I am blessed to be the father of four remarkable children, each with their dreams and aspirations. One of my beloved children is on the autism spectrum. This personal connection has given me firsthand insight into the complexities and rewards of parenting a special needs child. It has propelled me to seek knowledge and solutions, not only for my family but also to contribute positively to the broader community.

As I look to the future, my excitement knows no bounds. I eagerly anticipate engaging with our incredible students and forging strong collaborations with fellow educators and administrators. I'm equally passionate about partnering with parents, setting tangible goals, and working collectively to ensure every child's success. Re-embarking on this journey, I cherish the opportunity to once again immerse myself in enriching experiences and collaborations.

Welcome Cornelius here!

Meet Josh Jordan

New MS ELA Teacher

Hi everyone! I’m Josh (he/him), the upcoming Honey Creek Middle School English Teacher! After a few years pinballing around the state, I’m so glad to finally come back to Ann Arbor, where I lived as a starving UM undergrad back in 2018. It’s been a long journey teaching in Saginaw (Go Dragons!) and Essexville (Go Dukes!) since then, but I couldn’t have found a better community to come back to; I felt welcome the moment I stepped through the door.

I’m eager to get the school year underway, and meet the students who will be with me

in all the adventures (and fun misadventures) of a middle-school year. My classrooms–which can rarely be confined to a roof and four walls–are places of free thought, endless curiosity, and centered around a fascination for language which has always come naturally to me. I intend to make it a central hub for all the young minds intersecting at Honey Creek come September. Try as they might to avoid falling in love with the wonderful nuances of the English language, there won’t be an inch of our room or a moment of our time not colored by them!

Outside of school hours, you can usually find me traveling, whether that means traipsing the streets of Mexico City, driving the length of Route 66, or hiking the trails of our State and National Parks. If you catch me holding still, then you’ve probably caught me reading: a melange of poetry, Latin American history, and classic novels usually occupy my headspace.

It’s an honor to be among you all–reach out to me to share anywhere you travel and anything you read! I can’t wait to get to know this community, and can think of no better way to do so besides teaching in it. See you all soon!

Welcome Josh here!

Open House Reminder

You can meet Josh, Cornelius and the entire Honey Creek team this Thursday, August 31, from 2:00 to 3:30 pm during our Open House. Visit our classrooms, learn more about our programs and services as well as board and PTO!

Honey Creek After-Care 2023-24

There's Much to do After School at Honey Creek!

We're looking forward to another fun and busy year of after school programming at Honey Creek. All after school clubs and activities fall under the Honey Creek After School Program. All students who wish to participate in any after school club, sport, care, or activity (except children participating ONLY in Girl Scouts, A2 Rec & Ed, or other groups which carry their own insurance) must be enrolled in the Honey Creek After School Program. 

REGISTER HERE: http://app.campdoc.com/register/hccs

If your child has already attended camp this summer, you only need to add the "After School Enrollment 2023" registration if you have not already done so.

You can learn more about the After School Program here.

Board of Trustees Updates

The Board will next meet on September 20 at 5:30 pm in room #144. The agenda is pending and will be available on our board web page here.

Community members can join in person or via zoom at


Upcoming Events

Back to School Picnic - See Below

August 30 - 5:30 pm - Mill Pond Park in Saline

Open House

August 31 - 2:00 to 3:30 pm

First Day of School

September 5 - Half Day with Noon Dismissal

MS Camp Info Meeting

September 5 - 12:30 pm - Cafeteria

First PTO Meeting of 2023-24

September 8 - 8:00 am - Room #144

MS Camp Tamarack Trip

September 11-14

Board of Trustees Meeting

September 20 - 5:30 pm - Room #144

Picture Day

October 10 - More Info Coming Soon!