Honey Tree Preschool and Childcare 
of Wilton
THIS WEEK 4/20/15
The children will learn all about what makes the EARTH so Special!  From bugs, to flowers to sunshine!  We will discuss how we are supposed to cherish the earth and everything in it! 
We have a few surprises too!
Please note the following:
- We are putting together an information presentation for those children nearing preschool age to show off our amazing Preschool  and PreK Program.  We would love to hear from you.  Do you have any questions?  Our Orientation will be April 28th at 6PM. 

OUR "April showers" and "May Flowers" Jars are all ready.  Please take a guess at how many raindrops and how many flower petals are in the jars.  Winners will win a Potted Plant to bring home!



Days to Remember this week:



20- National Look a-like day

22- EARTH DAY and Jellybean Day

23 - Bring your daughter to work day

Enjoy your week!
Danielle Gallop and the HTP Team

Teacher:  Let's clean up everyone!
Child: No thank you! 




   It's a Buggy World!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather, it was gorgeous! This week the children will learn many concepts about "Bugs and Insects". Bugs are fascinating for children! They will explore the world of bugs and it's life cycles as we sing about them, move like them, and paint them. We will point out different characteristics of insects and spiders; we will compare the two. There will be many creative art activities, wonderful books by Eric Carle, and silly songs. The children are doing a fascinating job with the sight words as well as our Sight Word Readers Booklets, which they really enjoy! We'll introduce a new booklet and two other sight words, learn basic Math concepts, introduce the letter Mm, and continue our Writing Journals. This is going to be a creepy crawly learning week!

Ms. Val




The preschooler loved looking at the different flowers, bulbs and seeds under the microscope and the magnifier. The theme for this week is all about bugs that can be good or bad for the garden. There will be lots of talk about what they do, where they live, how they sound and what the bugs eat. There will be bugs in the sensory table with some oatmeal. The children will be going on an insect hunt in the play ground. There will be lots of outdoor play if the weather permits us. Hope everyone got outside this weekend and enjoyed the fresh air and the warm temperatures. Ms. Rose


Toddler 2 Class



Hello everyone!! We hope you enjoyed your weekend!! Last week we started our spring theme :) This week we will be continuing with our theme and we will talk about the warmer weather and fun things we can do during spring with our families! We will be drawing spring pictures and making spray art! We will also be counting and sorting objects and we will be planting our seeds outside!! See you all on Monday!!


Mrs. Renata

Ms. Charmaine


January 1st  and 2nd
Presidents Day 
Good Friday 
Memorial Day
Closing at 3:15 for our Moving up Ceremony in June 
July 3rd 
Labor Day 
Thanksgiving Day & the Friday Following 
December 24th - Closing at 1:00pm 
December 25 through January 2, 2016
Reopening on Monday
January 4th.


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Singing and Signing with Ms. Janine on Tuesdays 



14 & 28



12 & 26



9 & 23



Pizza on Wednesday



JUMP BUNCH on Thursdays



This week we will be focusing on the weather! Now that the sun has made a grand appearance we will be learning about what the sun does for spring! We will also read some books about the weather and do some really fun art projects as well!

Thanks so much,

Ms. Kristyn, Ms Meghan and Ms. Fallon







Infant Class

What a beautiful weekend! I hope everyone enjoyed it! Last week I planned to add a little spring decor to our room, but we had such a good time getting to know our new friend Madeline and enjoying the long anticipated sunny weather, that we didn't get a chance. With a few rainy days in the forecast for this week, I'm sure we'll get the chance to start this week! Please make sure to provide an extra change of clothes. See you all Monday ! 

Ms. Jackie 

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