
Honoring Black History Month

Thank you to leaders in the Cedar Valley who are making a difference in our community and schools.

We had the opportunity to share the leadership journey of black leaders, and how they are using their influence and expertise to help students be successful in the classroom and after graduation. Additionally, we want to share a special thank you to them for their involvement with Leader Valley and for supporting the mission of developing tomorrow's leaders today.

Thank you to the following leaders for sharing their leadership journies:

  • Madelyn Ridgeway, CBE Companies
  • Maria Anderson, Marico Consulting
  • Latisha Leyh, Lowell Elementary
  • Tamera Phillips, Lincoln Elementary School
  • Gwenne Berry, University of Northern Iowa

The full videos can be found on the Leader Valley Facebook page.

EXPO Student Lighthouse Team Meeting

This month, Gina Weekley, Coach/Facilitator attended the student lighthouse team meeting at Expo High School. These meetings are special because they are student-led. In these meetings, the students plan upcoming events and activities for the building.

This meeting included planning Black History Month activities and Valentine's Day Fundraiser. Additionally, the students engaged in professional development around leadership. Lastly, the students were helping plan for conferences. The student team outlined the responsibilities of showing parents/guardians to classrooms and asking them to complete a survey.

Recently, Expo was featured in a Courier Article about the progress they are making as a building.

At each meeting, the student lighthouse team starts with a daily booster. The booster for the meeting was, "If you don’t let a teacher know at what level you are–by asking a question or revealing your ignorance–you will not learn or grow. You cannot pretend for long, for you will eventually be found out. Admission of ignorance is often the first step in our education.”

- Paradigm & Principles of Effectiveness

Donor Spotlight

Leader Valley would like to thank the Max & Helen Guernsey Foundation for its ongoing support of students and educators in the Cedar Valley.

Check out this thank you message from an Irving Elementary student.

"The Guernsey Charitable Foundation is honored to partner with Leader Valley for its Leader in Me programming. The impressive outcomes related to family engagement, student achievement, and school culture speak volumes about the effectiveness of this program. With the life and leadership skills learned from Leader in Me, the future is bright for Cedar Valley’s youth! "


Casey Reints, Executive Director, Max & Helen Guernsey Foundation

Leadership Series Sponsor Spotlight

This year, Maria Anderson of Marico Consulting is the supporting sponsor for the Leader Valley Leadership Series, a collection of leadership courses to invest in yourself and your team through personal and professional development.

Maria shares, "Leader Valley is an organization that helps provide leaders with the tools to actively live as leaders through the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Marico Consulting understands how these habits have a vital role in quality leadership in today's society. Marico Consulting practices paradigm shifts daily in order to be effective. Keep up the good work Leader Valley in teaching us all how to be more effective."

Maria makes it possible for local educators and non-profits to attend the Leadership Series at a discounted rate and supports Leader Valley's work, bringing the Leader in Me curriculum to over 11,000 students in the Cedar Valley.

Thank you, Maria, for making this possible!

Reminder: Upcoming Golf Tournament


  • July 15, 2022


  • Sunnyside Golf & Country Club
  • 1600 Olympic Dr, Waterloo, IA 50701

For any questions regarding sponsorship or tournament details, contact [email protected].

Leader Valley prepares Pre-K-12 students for life by providing them with the essential employability or professional skills needed for a life of effectiveness and a competitive advantage in the workforce. 

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Leader Valley | www.leadervalley.org

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