Thursday, September 16, 2021
Drawing on the gifts of all God's people to
serve Christ together and live Jesus' Way of Love.
Celebrating, Welcoming, and Saying Farewell
Greetings from the mid-point of September. This week we share what’s up next for Latino/Hispanic Ministries in the diocese and celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month (Don’t miss Mildred Briones Reyes’ piece, “Faith in a Sand Dollar”!). We announce the new diocesan Dean of Chaplains (Welcome, Rev. Lisa!). We prepare to say a fond and grateful good-bye to our beloved assisting bishop, The Rt. Rev. Chilton Knudsen (Sniff!). And if you’re looking for ways to head “back to school” this fall, our School for Christian Faith and Leadership has some great courses to choose from.
¡Todos estan bienvenidos! All Are Welcome!
National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15) celebrates the contributions of the Latino/Hispanic community in the United States. Our diocesan Latino/Hispanic community comprises people from over 20 Latin American and Caribbean countries -- and Latino/Hispanic ministries is an exciting area of growth in the Diocese of Washington. 

Mildred Briones Reyes, Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries and Diocesan Initiatives, shares about what’s next for Latino/Hispanic Ministries in the diocese here

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month 
Celebrate and learn more about Hispanic Heritage Month with live music, sports, food tastings and more.

Articles from ECF Vital Practices’ Vestry Papers Celebrating Hispanice Heritage Month

Welcome Our New Dean of Chaplains
Please join us in welcoming the Rev. Dr. Lisa Barrowclough, Chaplain at Beauvoir, The National Cathedral Elementary School as the diocean Dean of Chaplains.

As with the regional deans, Lisa’s work will focus on strengthening relationships and fostering collaboration efforts; in this case, her leadership will be among diocesan chaplains, most of which serve in our Episcopal schools. Read more
Bishop Chilton Farewell
As the day approaches when Bishop Chilton departs the Diocese of Washington to serve the Diocese of Chicago, she shares vignettes of her time among us and her heartfelt thanks. Read her message

Holy Eucharist & Thanksgiving for the Ministry of The Rt. Rev. Chilton Knudsen
Washington National Cathedral | Wednesday, September 29 |
5:30 p.m. 

Please join us to offer prayers of thanksgiving and blessing for Bishop Chilton. Attend in person or watch online.

Fall Offerings from the School
Get that back to school boost by registering for one of the many offerings from the School for Christian Faith and Leadership. From Strategic and Mission Alignment to Advent @Home to Contemplation and Creation Care and more, these courses have been carefully selected to support congregations to grow in deeper discipleship and greater vitality.

You might also be interested in Engaging Storytelling, a six-week course that explores the transformative moments of your life and how to turn them into stories that will compel your audience - brought to you by our friends at Bexley Seabury.
Quick Links
The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde writes regularly to encourage, inspire and challenge. Click below to read her most recent post.