Why I'm Golfing To End Homelessness
and YOU Should Too!!!

Robert Kauffman, Critical Thinking for Success, A Senior Partner at the American Institute of Learning and Cognitive Development and 

A Safe Haven Advisory Board Member


Bob has been a longtime supporter of ASHF. Having met co-founders Brian and Neli Vazquez Rowland through his professional network, Bob was immediately impressed by ASHF's approach to fighting poverty and getting people off the street. 'I really love ASHF and the incredible work they do with Veterans. Working with individuals suffering from PTSD, I understand the tremendous importance of treating our veterans with care and respect.


As you can see, I enjoy nature and any excuse to be outside and enjoy all that our freedom and beautiful Country has to offer.  This will be my second year participating in the GOLF To End Homelessness and I am so proud to help represent this wonderful organization that helps rebuild the lives of the homeless, especially homeless veterans.  I look forward to seeing many of you there! 







In this week's issue...

Connect With Us
Meet Success Story
Military Veteran, Beverly!


Like too many of our nations heroes, last August Army Veteran, Beverly, found herself without a home or the support she needed to get back on her feet.


After reaching out to the VA for help Beverly was referred to ASHF where she was immediately matched with a case manager. Through ASHF, she was able to find housing and within months, was living on her own.   


Beverly aspires to become a business owner.  She plans to give back to the community through her business by running a training facility where she can hire and train others who've faced the same barriers as she to employment.  


Please join us in thanking her for her service to our Country, and congratulating and wishing her well as she enters the next phase of her life as a wonderful and contributing member of her family and society!  She fought for it!

Tune-In to Watch 

Neli Vazquez Rowland, President

of A Safe Haven Foundation

Hear The Inspiring Mission & 

Real Stories of Veterans Overcoming Homelessness!


Ryan Chiaverini & Val Warner, Co-Hosts of ABC7 Windy City Live


Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 11:00 AM on

ABC7 in Chicago


By the Numbers...Ending Homelessness  For Veterans One Veteran At A Time!



 Gardeners Volunteer with Us!

Let's Spruce up & Plant the

A Safe Haven Veteran Suites Harvest Garden 

on Memorial Day! 


A Safe Haven Veteran Suites is a 30 Unit Supportive Housing Program for Veterans in Transition.  It was an abandoned building that was renovated and opened in 2012 in North Lawndale on Thanksgiving Day as a way to Give Thanks!  We say thank you by providing housing, services for our Veterans in need.  The greatest gift of all is helping them return to a home where they can safely, and be empowered to rebuild their lives with their pride and purpose, restored. 


Adjacent to the Veteran Suites thanks to our friends at Yellow Tractor and Northwestern University Graduate Students, we planted an A Safe Haven Veteran Harvest Garden. The garden plays a a tremendous role in helping our Veterans to grow and tend to growing their own urban garden and provide a farm to table opportunity.  This Harvest Garden goes a long way all summer long towards helping to develop a sense of health, nutrition, belonging, value, and self-worth. That is why ASHF will be honoring our veterans this Memorial Day by sprucing up and planting our A Safe Haven Veteran Harvest Herb and Vegetable Garden!


On Monday, May 25th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Volunteers and Veterans will join together and prepare the property at our

Veterans Suites Supportive Housing site. 


Volunteer Opportunities are Still Available!

Sign Up your family, friends or work family and organization get involved!

 To sign up or learn more contact us at: volunteer@asafehaven.org 


Neli Vazquez Rowland and Brian Rowland 
receive 2015 Freedom Award from
John Marshall Law School Alumni Association

ASHF co founders  Neli Vazquez Rowland  and Brian Rowland, a Military Veteran and JMLS Alum  will be honored at The John Marshall Law School's 2015 Freedom Award Distinguished Service Luncheon on  Friday, May 29, 2015  at The Palmer House. The John Marshall Law School Alumni Association is awarded in recognition of outstanding contributions to freedom in today's society and honors individuals, who through their thinking, accomplishments or profession reflects the basic tenets of freedom. 
Brian and Neli Rowland were also named Champions of Change by the White House in 2013. 
"John Marshall Law School has been an incredible leader in the community in supporting the work that we do, especially when it comes to Veterans Legal and Advocacy issues.  Brian and I are both humbled and honored to be recognized by them with the most prestitious honor that they present to leaders in the community.  We are grateful to be recognized by them and for many years to have them as committed partners leading and pioneering the efforts in the Community on behalf of serving our Military Veterans facing legal, social and economic challenges that have served and sacrificed so much for us all.  We could not do what we do without them.  Special thanks to ASHF Board Member, Mike Favia for nominating us for this signficant award"  -Neli Vazquez Rowland, President A Safe Haven Foundation.  
5th Annual 5K RUN! To End Homelessness
Only 7 Weeks Away! 
High Visibility and High Impact
Sponsorship Opportunities STILL Available

Join thousands of people from the business, academic, policy makers and the community at large who want to see our most vulnerable neighbors in need get access to housing and the support they need to become productive citizens. 

Hosted in neighboring historic Douglas Park, our residents, supporters, and friends are showing America that in Chicago we are willing to Show Up & Work together and fight through adversity. It is only by bringing poverty and homelessness to the forefront of public discourse that we will be able to "inspire" all stakeholders to adopt and support the changes needed rebuild lives to create a stronger workforce, families and more viable communities. 

Please  REGISTER TODAY and join us in our fight to end homelessness.  
Not a Runner/Walker or Can't make it out to Cheer, then Please Give or Sponsor Someone!
Whether it is a little or a lot it all helps. Thank you!!  

Thank YOU!!
We are Halfway to our Fundraising Goal!
$118,334 Needed
Will You Help Us Achieve it?

High Visibility and High Impact Sponsorship Opportunities Available



Join us and Let the World See Your Brand as a Fully Engaged Corporate Citizen and Sponsor or  REGISTER TODAY TO RUN, WALK or CHEER and JOIN THE MOVEMENT and Let's Have Fun in Our Fight to End Homelessness Together!

Great opportunities to also compete and be featured here for top awards: 

  • fastest runners overall by age group
  • top fundraisers
  • largest team

You are Going to Love the 2015

($50+ value)

Light Wt. 50/50 T-Shirts, Drawstring Gym Bag, Sunglasses, & Much more, courtesy of our Sponsors!


A Military Veteran on

Why She's Running To End Homelessness


Retired Lieutenant Commander, and ASHF's Quality Assurance Compliance Officer, Rose has dedicated her life to serving her country and community. 
 As one of the first women to serve on board a U.S. Navy Aircraft carrier, Rose understands what it means to forge her own path in uncharted waters. This experience combined with her passion for social services makes her a leader and inspiration to ASHF's residents and staff alike.
 'I'm running this summer because I'm inspired by the mission of the 5K RUN!; sometimes all it takes to get through life's unexpected hurdles is having the courage to keep putting one foot forward. It's great that the RUN! is just across the street from our A Safe Haven Flagship Headquarters Location in Douglas Park, in North Lawndale, as it provides an excellent opportunity to engage our community in our courageous and important fight on the home front for American social, economic stability and our values and against the growing risk of loss and poverty.' 

Did you know that A Safe Haven was co-founded by a Military Army Veteran and over 10% of our Staff   are Military Veterans? 
We are Proud to Continue to Employ and to Serve Veterans! 

Share your story on why you run by e-mailing us and sending a picture to run@ASafeHaven.org 


(2014 Inaugural Stand Down served 678 Veterans in crisis)

Call To Action!
We Are Looking For The Following Participants to Host A Both & 
Serve As A 
Resource for Veterans:
(Space is Limited!) 



Landlords & Supportive Housing Providers


Medical Services 

Barbers & Beauticians



If you have any questions and want to learn more, please contact 

Veteran Stand Down Coordinator at Veterans@ASafeHaven.org

You and Your Family's
Health is our Priority

If you recently lost your job and insurance through your employer you can still sign up for coverage through the Marketplace.  





Dear Friends,

A special thank you to all veterans for their bravery and courage!  Memorial Day is a day to remember all U.S. service members - through the centuries - who perished in the line of duty, I believe it's also a day to remember those that returned as well as their families who survive them.  

 President Lincoln said, "with malice toward none; with clarity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations."


Memorial Day is always  extra important for us here at ASHF. While we have been working for over 20 years to support the homeless veterans in our community, we know that too often their needs does not receive the widespread attention that it rightly deserves.    

Memorial Day not only gives us an opportunity to express our gratitude for the brave men and women who have dedicated our lives to serving our country, but it also gives us the much needed opportunity to elevate their stories, their needs to a national level and to respond to the call to action on our end to help them transition back home and achieve independence and self-reliance. 

Every week, we offer you a variety of ways that you can get involved and support. Last year we housed over 1,300 Veterans. This year, with your help, we are all hands on deck to help the President of the United States achieve his 5 year National goal to help end Homelessness for the 1,800 documented homeless Veterans in Chicago by the End of 2015! 


This holiday weekend, please consider giving and committing to helping us make that goal happen by participating in one or many of the opportunities we provided here. A simple 'click of a button' a 'like' on our facebook page or twitter and/or sharing of this newsletter with your friends via e-mail or on social media goes a long way and is greatly appreciated too!  We'll be looking for you in cyberspace! 

 As always, we thank you for allowing us to stay connected and engaged with you, every week!  



God Bless America!
 Neli Vazquez-Rowland
Co-Founder and President
A Safe Haven Foundation
About A Safe Haven Foundation
A Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 not for profit, social enterprise that helps people aspire, transform and sustain their lives as they transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency with pride and purpose.  A Safe Haven provides the tools for each individual to overcome the root causes of homelessness through a holistic, scalable model.  A Safe Haven's visible social and economic impact unites families, stabilizes neighborhoods and creates vibrant, viable communities.
A Safe Haven is a 501(c)3, all donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  A Safe Haven Foundation Non Profit Tax ID# 36-4444200.
A Safe Haven Foundation Headquarters
2750 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL  60608 / 773.435.8300
In Residence:  119 C Street, Washington, DC  20002