The Berkeley trip happened today! It was decidely not as warm as the above photo, but still fun. The tour was great and then we had lunch in the dining hall. We are planning a trip in early May to UC Santa Cruz or CSU Monterey Ba, so keep a lookout here for the sign up.
If you are going for UCLA TAP then you should have met or are meeting an Honors Counselor right now. Contact us if you are late to the party.
Speaking of party, on March 24th there will be a Quarter Ending BBQ BASH. Keep a lookout for more details.
And remember to sign up for Spring classes starting this week! This Winter Quarter we added 113 new students to our Honors cohort. Welcome amigos.
You all should be considering submitting something for the annual Foothill College RSLS (Research and Service Learning Symposium). It is a fun day of excellent presentations about anything and everything. The deadline to apply is March 17. Check it out!
Do not forget our midyear survey-- seriously it will take 10 seconds.
In fact this entire newsletter takes 10 seconds to scan over.