Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Hello Honors Students

This is your Foothill Honors Newsletter. It comes every few weeks and is filled with critical info that is life changing.

You are getting this message because you signed up for an honors class this year (more than 450 of you) OR you did last year and are already on our list OR you are long gone and loved Foothill so much this is your way to stay connected. We are back! The above photograph is from the transfer celebration last year.

Here is what you have on tap after Week 1.

  1. Oct 9 12-2. Club Day!!! Honors Connection Club will table and take sign ups -- Check it out
  2. Oct 11, Honors Transfer Council of California, Annual Transfer Fair 2023, free and online (RSVP here)
  3. Oct 14, Live Honors Orientation for New Students: 12pm-1:30pm in the new Honors Student Space (HSS) which is Room 1944 across from the Welcome Center. Snacks available.
  4. Oct 17, Virtual New Student Orientation Meeting, 1pm-2pm on Zoom. Check out our permanent zoom link on the Honors website.
  5. Oct 23, Honors Scholar Certificate Workshop for Current College Applicants. HSS Lounge RM 3202, 12pm-1pm.
  6. Oct 24, 5pm-6pm, Virtual Honors Scholar Workshop for Current Applicants (Second session) ZOOM LINK
  7. Nov 9, UC- Santa Cruz! Interested, let us know immediately that you want to come (see below) Meet Saturday morning 8AM to go to campus and return 3PM.
  8. Intending to transfer this year? Applying to colleges this fall? Fill out the Intent to Transfer form for HTCC. (see below)

What is the Honors Institute?

Welcome to the Honors Institute. We are excited to start the new academic year! We are Sam Connell and Tracee Cunningham. You are either new to honors and Foothill, or you already know the drill and just need updates and reminders. You may even be a professor who wants to teach honors or someone in the community who just wants more info. It's all good friends.

The orientations that are on Oct 14th and Oct 17th are important because you learn about:

Here is a link to our slide show from last year in case you miss this or other orientations. We also have a Canvas site that you can simply join that give info and announcements on a regular basis.

The mission of the Foothill College Honors Institute is to nurture student growth by cultivating intellectual curiosity, fostering educational aspirations, and promoting engagement through an inclusive community dedicated to scholarly excellence and social consciousness.

The Foothill College Honors Institute is dedicated to advancing equity in education for all and our courses are open to the general public.

We do not require a separate program application to enroll in honors courses. Unless there is a prerequisite, students can enroll in honors courses through the regular registration process through

Please visit or e-mail us at for additional information about the program.

Honors Connection Club!!! Hit this Link


Join our discord to stay in the loop on club events and ask us any questions!

Visit our table on Club Day Oct 9th 12-2 in the main quad.

Do you have interest in HCC's officer positions for '24-'25 school year! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via discord to the Co-Presidents or email them.

UC Santa Cruz

Interested in seeing UCSC on November 9th? Let us know ASAP. Sign up Here.

Bus will leave Campus Parking Lot #1 at 9AM and come back at 3PM. (you are OK to drive if you want!)

The Honors Transfer Council is holding a virtual transfer fair in a few weeks on October 11th. They are an amazing resource for students trying to transfer as Honors to one of these schools. Check out their site. Do you want to go to the Transfer Fair? The RSVP HERE. Might as well do it now. Check out the list above which transfer reps will attend.

Our HTCC Honors Transfer Fair is once again free and virtual. It will be on Friday, October 11th. Students will also have special sessions available on scholarships, poster building, and writing abstracts. There will also be a special presentation on the Chautauqua Summer Scholars program!

Critical Form

HTCC Intent to Transfer!

Fill out this form - very important

Attention Honors Transfer Scholars

If you are applying for transfer this quarter for Fall 2024, you should try to attend an Honors Scholar Certification/Transfer/TAP Meeting happening in October. This meeting will go over the TAP certification and the Honors Scholar process.

Meeting days October 23rd and 24th!! See above for times and places.

If you have any questions, email us at or visit Tracee's Honors drop-in hours.

Tracee's Fall Office Hours

Honors Counseling

Fall Quarter Drop-In Hours September 23 to December 12


Bldg 1900, Office 1961

Mondays 11 a.m.–1 p.m.

Wednesday 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m.



Tuesdays 2 p.m.–4 p.m.

Thursdays11 a.m.–12 pm.


Questions? Email us at and we'll respond right away!

Want to meet another honors counselor?


Anabel Arreola-Trigonis 650.949.7284  

Cathy Denver 650.949.7214  

Debra Lew 650.949.7066  

Honors Alumni Read This

IF you transferred already and want to help future Honors Transfers, then let us know -- We are creating an Honors Alumni Association. We will reach out to you individually because we are interested in maintaining connections for our students. Sign up here on this link.

Schedule Your Counseling Appointment