LIFE in Allen banner with Image of youth enjoying indoor pool time

Boy, have we been waiting for the day we could say -

Confetti with words saying Our pools at Don Rodenbaugh are open starting today

In the coming weeks, crews will continue to install the long-term HVAC components, as well as the leisure pool’s new slide. Meanwhile, you can enjoy comfortable temperatures and reduced humidity right away.

We sincerely thank you for your patience through this extended pool closure, especially with this excessive Texas heat.

Memberships that Were Frozen During the Closure

If you opted to freeze your membership due to the pools closure, here are two important reminders:

1 - Your membership is automatically unfrozen and active beginning today (August 3).

2 - The autodraft for your monthly membership costs will resume based upon your original, monthly autodraft date.

For questions, please call 214.509.4770 or visit Don Rodenbaugh Aquatics Center.

Now, pack your towels and goggles and we'll see you at the pool soon!