April 2023
Dear Friend,

Happy Easter to you, your families, friends, and communities!

This is the season we celebrate renewal and new life. Our hearts open to the promise of the Resurrection. Christ's triumph fills our lives and our futures with hope.

At OIS, our vibrant Ignatian Young Adult Ministries fill us with hope. We are actively connecting with the future of our Church. We do so in the manner of Ignatius, meeting these young people where they are and challenging them to be women and men for others.

Programs like Jesuit Connections introduce young adults to Ignatian spirituality. Through topics on reflection, prayer, and discernment they take time to explore spirituality and find God in all things. They also discover that the Church offers a home for them too.

Our Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA) program anticipates welcoming nearly 200 young adults across the country later this year. We will accompany them as they deepen their faith and grow as leaders through the practice of Ignatian spirituality. By the way, it's not too late to invite those you know in their 20’s and 30’s to explore the program.

We've recently produced a short video (above) highlighting these programs. I invite you to watch, reflect, pray and join us in looking toward a hopeful future for the world and our Church.
Un abrazo,
Carlos Aedo
Executive Director
Office of Ignatian Spirituality
CLA Info Sessions Next Week!
April 19, 12pm EDT, 12pm CDT, 12pm PDT

Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA), an Ignatian spirituality and leadership program for people in their 20's & 30’s, is currently accepting applications for ten new 2023-2025 cohorts.

We encourage those interested to learn more and apply! Three info sessions will be held on Wednesday, April 19, at 12pm EDT, 12pm CDT, and 12pm PDT. Sign up here to attend an info session, find out more and ask questions.

The Application Deadline is May 1, 2023. 
The Brave Yes
Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 7:30pm EDT

All are invited to join us this Tuesday, April 18, for an evening of sacred storytelling.

Our presenters will be Michael Cuevas and Matthew Meyers from the Ignatian Spirituality Project, a Jesuit ministry that provides spiritual care to individuals recovering from homelessness and addiction.

This event is presented by Ignatian Young Adult Ministries and is open to all ages. Click here for more info and to register.
Revisiting Supervision:
The Changing Face of Compassionate Supervision Across the Life of Spiritual Direction Ministry
May 11, 2023, 12:00pm EDT

This online program will explore the changing face of supervision across the life of spiritual direction ministry and emphasize the role of compassion in the supervision process. This offering is appropriate for spiritual direction supervisors, for those in supervision training, and for spiritual directors discerning a call to supervision ministry.

Our presenter will be Maria Tattu Bowen, PhD. Click here for more info and to register.
Escuchar a Dios como San Ignacio
Viernes 19, sábado 20 y domingo 21 de mayo de 2023

El retiro de fin de semana "Escuchar a Dios como San Ignacio", es una oportunidad para practicar la oración dentro de la tradición ignaciana. Una buena introducción para aquellos que no conocen o que no han participado antes de la espiritualidad ignaciana. Celebraremos la misa dominical juntos el domingo en la mañana.

Inscipción. Para mayor información, envíenos un email a info@comunidadesignacianas.org.
Drawing Water Joyfully from the Springs of Salvation
Thursday, June 8, 2023, 7:00pm EDT

Where do you discover joy in these challenging times? What are the springs of salvation from which you draw? How does joy manifest itself in your spiritual direction ministry?

This informal, reflective evening will provide an opportunity to connect with other spiritual directors as we gather together in joyful community. You are welcome to bring quotes/readings about joy to share.

Click here for more information and to register.
Our recent online Lenten morning of prayer invited spiritual directors into the gritty grace of the Third Week of the Spiritual Exercises, drawing near to the suffering Jesus as he is crucified.

In case you missed it or wish to view again, click here.
Ignatian Living for Mission Retreat (ILM)
July 17-20, 2023

Gratitude. Healing. Call. Co-laboring. These are the four interrelated graces upon which an Ignatian Living for Mission retreat is based.

The retreat offers a mix of quiet prayer time, spiritual conversation and presentations alongside daily mass and opportunities for reconciliation.

The next ILM retreat will take place at Loyola on the Potomac Jesuit Retreat House in Faulkner, MD from July 17-20, 2023.

Click here for more information and to register.
Mass and Mingle
Sunday, April 30, 2023
5pm Mass: St. Ignatius Parish, Chestnut Hill
6pm Social: Vanderslice Hall, Boston College

Mass & Mingle is a new social opportunity for 20- and 30-something Catholics in the Greater Boston area to meet new friends while also engaging with faith and spirituality.

This initiative is sponsored by the Boston College Church in the 21st Century Center, in partnership with the Boston College Alumni Association and the Jesuit Parish of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

All are welcome! You do not need to be a BC alum to attend. Click here to find out more.
An Ignatian POV

Jim Manney, popular author of numerous books on Ignatian spirituality, recently launched a new substack.

An Ignatian POV - Ignatian spirituality: What it is. What makes it different. Why it's great.

Click here to sign up for a free subscription to receive new posts each week.
Pope Francis's Prayer Intention for April 2023

This month, Pope Francis asks us to join him in praying for a culture of peace and non violence. ”We pray for the spread of peace and non violence, by decreasing the use of weapons by States and citizens.”

Click here to pray.
Retreats Calendar
sunset on a lake
Find your next retreat on our calendar of retreats offered by OIS and our partners across the Jesuit network.

The God of Us All: Praying with Black Spirituality
JARS 8-Day Retreat, June 12-21, 2023
St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat Center, Detroit

The Jesuit Antiracism Sodality will be offering an 8-day, Ignatian retreat to enter into prayer with and through Black Spirituality this summer. Click here to find out more.
Ignatian Spirituality and Antiracism Gathering: Dialogue and Collaboration

Learn more about the Ignatian Spirituality and Antiracism Gathering held this past January by reading a reflection on the experience by Clarissa Aljentera, Director of Education for Justice at Ignatian Solidarity Network.

The gathering was cosponsored by the Ignatian Solidarity Network, the U.S. Jesuit Provinces, and Jesuit Antiracism Sodality of the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus.
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Office of Ignatian Spirituality | USA East Province of the Society of Jesus