Join us this Sunday at either 8:15 or 10:30am! Sunday School and equipping classes begin at 9:30am.

Check out upcoming events below and see pictures from our first Ladies' Mugs and Muffins, too!


This will be our last week to gather as a church to pray. Join us on Wednesday, January 22nd at 6:45am, 12:00pm OR 6:45pm

Prayer guides/devotionals are still available. We have copies at church. We also have a PDF version online for those who’d like. 

Link to online Prayer Guide

What’s the purpose of a worship night?

It’s to facilitate your encounter with God.

How is it different from the worship during the church service?

  1. It’s longer. So you can spend more time worshiping.
  2. It doesn’t lead to anything else. There’s no sermon or prayer meeting after. It’s just worship. You start and end with worship.
  3. It’s informal. So you don’t have to stand. You don’t even have to sing. You can sit and read your Bible. You can kneel in the corner. It’s really up to you. It’s between you and God.

Join us at 6:30pm on Sunday, January 26!

Ignite Youth is hosting their THIRD Annual Valentine’s Banquet!

When: Saturday, February 8th,

Time: 5:30 Social Hour | 6pm Meal

Where: Free Lutheran Bible College’s Heritage Hall.

Theme: Western! Dress up with your best western outfit if you can

The night will include a meal, worship led by students, a message and a silent auction. Childcare will be provided. Tickets are on sale in person at church for $30 per ticket or click below and purchase online for $32. Proceeds will go to our FLY fund.

Please join us for a night full of fun and fellowship as we support our youth. 

Purchase Valentine Banquet tickets here!

Mexico Mission Trip Fundraiser at Hope Church

Sunday, February 23

Event hosted by some of Hope's Young Adults that attend the Bible School (FLBC) who are going to Mexico on a mission trip in March.

One Sunday Service at 9:30am followed by our Annual Meeting followed by the Chili Cookoff!

We need a few things from you:

  1. Attend event and EAT
  2. Donate what $ you can
  3. Have fun!
  4. Cook a chili to be served at the event!

This is a contest, and we would love for there to be many entries of different kinds of chili!

Can you make a pot of chili for the event?

Click below link to let us know you will bring a chili or call the office at 612-521-3547

Let us know you will bring a chili!

Do you have a prayer request or praise you want to share with our prayer team?

Submit a prayer request or praise

Carol Anderson, wife of Roger, passed away last week. Her funeral is Saturday, January 18 at Gearty-Delmore Funeral Chapel in Robbinsdale at 2pm.

Click below to read full obituary:

Carol Anderson Obituary

January's Mugs and Muffins

We had 60+ ladies attend!


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