21 Days of Prayer begins Sunday, January 5

My hope for us is to be a church where seeking God in prayer is our first response, not a last resort because we believe that prayer changes things.

This Sunday we will begin our 21 day prayer journey by growing in our understanding of the gift and promises of prayer. Jesus has given us an amazing invitation (Matthew 7:7-11) Let’s come before him in anticipation that he hears us and will respond as we learn to pray His agenda for our lives.

Join us this Sunday at 8:15am or 10:30am.

Reminder that Sunday School, Equipping Classes for all ages begins this Sunday at 9:30am. See note below about the Adult Equipping class!

Also Wednesday evening activities begin again this Wednesday. Community Meal from 5:45 to 6:30pm with Kids programming beginning at 6:30pm and prayer time at 6:45pm. Ignite Youth will be meeting at Grace Church in Maple Grove beginning at 6:30pm

Sunday 9:30am Adult Equipping Class

Now We Live: How Your Faith Can Restore a Broken World

The Christian worldview calls for action in all areas of life. Loving God and loving others guide how we interact with our family and friends, our coworkers, and those who disagree with us. Grounded in truth and lived out in God’s grace, your faith has the potential to transform your own life and ultimately help transform a broken world.

Join us as we look at how our faith can truly impact and transform our world as we seek to be salt and light to those around us. Sundays 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall downstairs.

Click to hear from Nacho about Neighborhood Outreach!

Community Outreach

We have had the pleasure, for the last three years, to host a group of college students who come with CRU and help us outreach to our community.

This year's outreach is on Saturday, January 4th from 1:30pm - 4pm.

We want to challenge our congregation (all ages) to join these college students in walking around our neighborhood and blessing our neighbors and chatting with them. It's a great opportunity to get to know our neighborhood and the stories of those who live in it!

Can't wait to see you there! No signup, just show up at Hope!

Questions, call the office at 612-521-3547 x2001 or talk to Nacho!

Young Adult Passion Event at HOPE

January 6th at 6pm - Young Adults ages 18 to 35!

Snacks, Fellowship, Prayer, Worship, + Message from the PASSION CONFERENCE!


Location: Hope Church 5200 Emerson Ave N Minneapolis


Women of Hope!

Bring a favorite Mug and some friends and join us on Saturday, January 11 at 9am and we will do the rest!

Our speaker will be Michelle Olson a former Youth Director at Hope Church and an adjunct professor at the Free Lutheran Bible School.

A time of fellowship and great muffins & coffee/tea/hot cocoa.

Help us plan for your attendance by clicking button below to sign up!

Mugs and Muffins  -  Women of Hope Event!

Thank you to the many people who have cooked and served lunches this fall following the second service to our Young Adults!

We are again looking for people to signup to serve in this ministry!

Click button below to sign up for an open Sunday lunch. Abby Smith will be in touch with you to answer any questions you may have.

Signup to cook and serve a Young Adult Meal on Sundays

Do you have a prayer request or praise you want to share with our prayer team?

Submit a prayer request or praise


Click here to read the update on the Church Parsonage 12/8 pdf
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