Special days in the lives of students and staff are important to them, their families and to the learning community. The manner in which
these special days are recognized and celebrated should honor and respect both those who willingly participate or choose not to
participate. As students celebrate their birthdays in the Elementary School, the event is acknowledged during Morning Meeting. Gifts
such as balloons, flowers, etc. must be delivered at home so as not to disrupt the learning environment. These items are not allowed in
the classroom and will be kept in the office until the end of the school day. Family may also visit the school during lunchtime to
celebrate. However, NO food or drinks may be shared with other students as part of the celebration. Many students have food
allergies and should not have to be excluded from the celebration. In place of a food item, parents are encouraged to donate a book to
be placed in the Media Center in the student’s name.
Religious and cultural holidays are important to both the individual student and the learning community. Students are encouraged to
share holidays they are celebrating and tell the other students about why the day is important to them. It is the practice of Horizon
Honors Schools to honor diversity in all aspects of our lives. This includes the religious holidays celebrated by the wide span of
religions represented in the learning community.
(Horizon Honors Elementary Family Handbook, page 13-14)