Weekly Eblast -- 8/2/24


Effective immediately, all Horizon Honors community members may only park, pickup, and drop off on the east side of the Mountain Park Church parking lot. However, drivers may still enter and exit the church lot from both 48th Street or Frye Road.

If you have students who drive to school, please ensure they also park on the east side of the church lot. Please note that students are not permitted to park in the Horizon Honors lot.

If you have any questions regarding parking or our traffic flow, please call Horizon Honors at 480-659-3000 or email us at news@horizonhonors.org.

Dear Day, Fun Run, Field Trip, Art Masterpiece, or just helping out in the classroom, we love having you with us! A Volunteer Application must be filled out each year. Our Raptor program will process a background check. Please use your legal name as it appears on your state or U.S. government issued id. Parents, guardians, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends need to fill one out at least 24 hours before coming to campus to be with students.

After school clubs are a great way to explore interests and develop talents. Please choose the club your student is interested in and follow the directions on how to sign up in the flyers listed below. A copy of your response will be emailed to you upon submission, please keep a copy for your refence.

Friday, August 9 - Elementary Club Signup Closes

Wednesday, August 14th - An email of which students who were selected in the lottery will be sent out to families.

Monday, August 19th - Elementary Clubs Begin

Sunday, August 25th - Deadline to pay is 11:59am. Information on how to pay will be emailed to families.

K - 6th Chess Club
1st - 2nd Rising Stars Club
1st - 2nd Science Club
1st - 2nd Spirit Squad Club
1st - 2nd Yoga/Meditation Club
3rd - 4th Spanish Club
3rd - 6th Service Club
3rd - 6th ShowBiz Club
3rd - 6th Yoga/Meditation Club
5th - 6th Art Club
5th - 6th Pet Club
5th - 6th Yearbook Club

Please read through the ILP CONFERENCE FAQ's before scheduling.

Your child’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is developed each quarter and includes individual learning outcomes your student is expected to achieve by the end of that quarter. This serves as both a visual indicator of progress and an agenda for personal conferences with the student’s teachers and parents. ILP goals are developed each quarter during a student/parent/teacher ILP conference. The conference includes a review of the student’s progress and goals for the upcoming quarter. Progress on the learning outcomes is noted in the PowerSchool program. Participation in the ILP Conference is required. Students might not be promoted to the next grade level and/or graduate without this involvement.  

First quarter ILP Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, August 15th and Friday, August 16th from 1:30 to 6:00pm.   

Please remember, ILP days are early release days for students. Students are expected to come with their parents to their scheduled ILP conference. Expect to spend about 45 minutes reviewing your child’s work, setting goals and meeting with teachers. If your family has multiple student siblings, please plan accordingly.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the Elementary Office 480-659-3100. We look forward to seeing you and your child at your ILP conference.


Last chance to complete the Family Directory & Carpool Directory Forms!

These forms are optional but must be completed by Monday, August 5.

Family Directory:


Carpool Directory:



We invite our parents and guardians to be a part of the K-12 Horizon Honors Schools Improvement Team (SIT) for the 2024-2025 school year. The theme of this year's work is to be determined. Please note that the Schools Improvement Team will consist of not only parents/guardians but may also include staff, alumni, and students.

Community members who apply must be able to attend most of the meetings listed below. Meetings will be held in person from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. on the following dates:

Monday, September 16 at 3:30 p.m.

Monday, October 21 at 3:30 p.m.

Monday, November 18 at 3:30 p.m.

Monday, January 13 at 3:30 p.m.

Monday, February 10 at 3:30 p.m.

Monday, March 24 at 3:30 p.m.

Monday, April 14 at 3:30 p.m.(IF NEEDED)

We will hold a lottery to select parent/guardian official "voting" team members (should voting be necessary.) If you would like to be an official representative of the Schools Improvement Team, please submit your application by Monday, August 12. A lottery drawing will be held at the August 27th School Board Meeting. You will be notified after the meeting of the lottery results. One parent/guardian representative will be selected for each of the following grade levels:


Grades 1-2

Grades 3-4

Grades 5-6

Grades 7-8

Grades 9-12 (2 representatives selected)

You may complete this form for each child you have enrolled in Horizon Honors Schools. For example, if you have 2 children in Secondary or Elementary you may complete the form 2 times.




To begin the Athletic registration process and review requirements, students must register with Aktivate (formerly known as Register My Athlete) at aktivate.com.

  • Registrations are due by August 7th.
  • Tryouts begin August 19th. 
  • After rosters are announced, the athletic fee will be due by August 30th.


Horizon Honors Schools sends text messages to all parent and guardian mobile phones on file. Text messages are reserved for emergencies and for important school information.

Parents and guardians MUST follow the process to opt-in prior to message sending in order to receive notifications.

To opt-in to text messaging, send a text message of “YES” to 67587.

Please note that your mobile phone number must already be on file in PowerSchool before you opt-in to text messages.

To opt out of text messaging, send a text message “STOP” to 67587.


The Horizon Honors CBC needs you! The CBC is a parent-led group that work to bring the Horizon Honors community together and to care of the Horizon Honors Staff.

CBC Goals:

  • To produce community activities like Movie on The Field, Quarterly Restaurant Nights, Parent Night Out Activities, VIP & Me Dance, & other fun events.
  • To raise funds for staff appreciation activities like ILP Snack Stations and capital improvement projects.

We need help planning, organizing, and producing all our amazing activities! Please join us at our first meeting to learn more.

CBC Back To School Committee Mtg

Sunday, August 4

3 - 4:30 pm

Sun Lakes Area (Riggs & Alma School)

RSVP to get Meeting Info @ Horizoncbc@gmail.com


Horizon Honors Elementary School
16233 South 48th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85048
Office: 480.659.3100
Attendance: 480.659.3062
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