Weekly Eblast -- 5/12/23


PreK-11 Families,

If you haven’t already ordered pictures for the school year, School Pics is accepting print orders for ship-to-home delivery through May 19, 2023. Digital Orders will be available through June 30, 2023. Visit their website to order: https://www.schoolpicsonline.com/

If you placed a digital order-please check your spam and promotional folders to look for your digital download links. All images will be purged on July 1, 2023, and will no longer be available. 

If you have any challenges accessing your child’s shoot key, please email customerservice@schoolpicsaz.com. Include your child’s school, name, and teacher, and they will reply back with the key. Do NOT contact Horizon Honors with questions regarding picture orders. Thank you!

Horizon Honors Elementary uses an online organizational tool called SignUp.com which helps make signing up to volunteer easy and efficient. Elementary Field Days, Fun Runs, Field Trip Chaperone and Art Masterpiece Presenter and Helpers are just a few events you can sign up for via your students classroom calendar. In addition to the above activities, watch for opportunities via school e-blasts and K-6 Classroom Coordinator emails. Follow the steps below and find out more about a specific volunteer opportunity.

  1. Fill out a Volunteer Application, this must be completed and processed prior to helping on campus. The volunteer application needs to be completed at the beginning of each school year. Please make sure to use your legal first, middle and last name when filling out the application.
  2. Sign up using SignUp.com. Just click on your student's classroom to sign up. 5-6 parents and guardians please choose your students project group teacher unless directed otherwise.
  3. Please bring your driver's license with you and check in at the Elementary office. When volunteering, small children/siblings are not allowed. If you are helping out in the classroom please read the Classroom Volunteer Guidelines and reach out if you have any questions.

We appreciate you taking the time to volunteer...it makes a difference!

2023-2024 Lunch Program: Volunteers Needed

We are in need of more wonderful volunteers to help serve lunches.

(No experience required)

Mondays-Secondary School

Wednesday-Secondary School

Fridays-Secondary School


Wednesdays-Elementary School

Fridays-Elementary School

The above are individual openings

Commitment is once a week for the school year

Serving during the lunch sessions

If you are interested please contact Kasi Knutson for more details


Thank you for supporting Horizon Honors Schools!


View this webpage to review just received books and potential materials for purchase. Please use the links in the document for details. This list will be available for review until 5/26/23.


In order to be completely informed please check out the links below or visit our Horizon Honors Elementary School Resource Library.

Horizon Honors Elementary School
16233 South 48th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85048
Office: 480.659.3100
Attendance: 480.659.3062
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