Weekly Eblast -- 10/13/23


  • Pay attention and follow directions from staff members in the parking lots and streets.

  • Use your blinkers!

  • Do NOT park in the reserved parking spaces. These spaces are reserved before, during, and after school until 4 p.m. on school days. Your vehicle may be subject to tow.

  • We have had several pedestrians almost hit by moving vehicles recently. All pedestrians must use parking lot crosswalks during pickup and drop-off times.

Let's work together to keep our community members safe!


Your child’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is developed each quarter and includes individual learning outcomes your student is expected to achieve by the end of the quarter. This serves as both a visual indicator of progress and an agenda for personal conferences with the student’s teachers and parents. ILP goals are developed each quarter during a student/parent/teacher ILP conference. The conference includes a review of the student’s progress and goals for the upcoming quarter. Participation in the ILP Conference is required. Students might not be promoted to the next grade level and/or graduate without this involvement.  

Conferences will be held on Friday, October 13th

from 1:30pm to 6:00pm

Please remember, ILP days are early release days for students. Students are expected to come with their parents to their scheduled ILP conference. If your family has multiple students, please plan accordingly.

  • Kindergarten signups are listed by classroom. 
  • 1-2 parents/guardians sign up for your students' Reading and Math teacher. 
  • 3-4 parents/guardians sign up for your students' Language and Math teacher. 
  • 5-6 parents/guardians sign up for your students' HumanitiesMath and Science teachers. 
  • Specials and Student Support teachers are available.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the Elementary Office 480-659-3100. We look forward to seeing you and your child at your ILP conference.

Elementary ILP Signups Here


The Horizon Honors Pre-Med Club is hosting a Vitalant Blood Drive on Tuesday, October 17 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm in the MPR.

Schedule your appointment today: Blood Drive Appointments


The above list is available for review of newly purchased and donated books for addition to the Horizon Honors Schools Library from October 13-27, 2023. Review policy is HERE.

Download the October 2023 RAKtivist Toolkit for six fun activities to do this month.

Art Masterpiece is a national art enrichment program that uses reproductions of fine works of art to promote art literacy in children. Various artists are presented during the year to each classroom followed by a hands-on art project.


The Horizon Honors Elementary Art Masterpiece program is run by volunteers. No art knowledge or experience is needed or required to present or help with the classes. All projects are pre-planned and all art materials are provided. Most of the class time is spent with the children working on their art piece. All help is welcome. No experience necessary!

  1. Fill out a Volunteer Application, this must be completed and processed prior to helping on campus. The volunteer application needs to be completed at the beginning of each school year. Please be sure to use your full legal name as it appears on your Arizona drivers license when filling out the application.
  2. Sign up using SignUp.com. Just click on your student's classroom to sign up. 5-6 parents and guardians please choose your students project group teacher unless directed otherwise.
  3. By signing up it lets us know we can count on you to help.
  4. Project information will be emailed to the presenters and helpers so you can be prepared.
  5. Please bring your driver's license with you and check in at the Elementary office. When volunteering, small children/siblings are not allowed. If you are helping out in the classroom please read the Classroom Volunteer Guidelines and reach out if you have any questions.

We appreciate you taking the time to volunteer...it makes a


The cost is $65 for participants who register, the event is limited to 50 participants.


  1. Log In to your PowerSchool Account.
  2. Select Purchases & Payments from the Sidebar.
  3. Select the Student you are shopping for.
  4. Select Items At Students' School.
  5. Select Special Events.
  6. Please fill out the Cheer Clinic Registration Form and turn it into the Elementary or Secondary office.

Registration is Non-Refundable. 


In order to be completely informed please check out the links below or visit our Horizon Honors Elementary School Resource Library.

Horizon Honors Elementary School
16233 South 48th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85048
Office: 480.659.3100
Attendance: 480.659.3062
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