We are so happy to have everyone back at school! Along with all the back-to-school excitement, we also face the splendor of sharing our germs. The Health Office is reaching out with some important reminders regarding illness at school.
To minimize exposure and promote a healthy environment, students exhibiting the following symptoms will be sent home. Please do not send your child to school with these conditions:
- Fever of 100.0 degrees and above. Children may return to school when they are fever-free for 24 hours, without fever-reducing medication.
- Persistent cough or severe sore throat.
- Symptoms consistent with a contagious rash or communicable disease, such as chickenpox, measles, fifth disease, ringworm, pertussis (whooping cough), conjunctivitis (pink eye), etc. These conditions require a medical release to return to school.
- Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Children may return to school when they are free from vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours.
- Prolonged pain, discomfort, or other conditions that inhibit the ability to concentrate and learn.
- Altered level of consciousness or syncope.
- Head lice. Please notify the Health Office if lice has been identified. Children with lice and/or nits must remain at home until treated and cleared to return to school by Health Services. Students may not attend school until all nits and lice have been removed.
While the above reasons outline when your child may be sent home from school, we urge you to keep your child home if they are ill, even without displaying these symptoms, so they can recover fully. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to the Health Office at (480) 659-3012.
Thank you so much for following these guidelines to help keep our community healthy and safe.