Weekly Eblast -- 3/10/23


Your child’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is developed each quarter and includes individual learning outcomes your student is expected to achieve by the end of that quarter. This serves as both a visual indicator of progress and an agenda for personal conferences with the student’s teachers and parents. ILP goals are developed each quarter during a student/parent/teacher ILP conference. The conference includes a review of the student’s progress and goals for the upcoming quarter. Progress on the learning outcomes is noted in the PowerSchool program. Participation in the ILP Conference is required. Students might not be promoted to the next grade level and/or graduate without this involvement.  


Thursday, March 23 and Friday, March 24

- 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Please sign up for one teacher per time slot. You will be able to meet your students' teachers individually. 

  • Kindergarten signups are listed by classroom.
  • 1-2 sign up for your students' Reading and Math teacher. 
  • 3-4 sign up for your students' Language and Math teacher. 
  • 5-6 sign up for your students' HumanitiesMath & Science teachers.
  • Specials and Student Support teachers are available as well.

Please be prompt for your scheduled appointment. Please bring your drivers license and sign in with the elementary office to obtain a visitor’s badge.

  • Elementary students (Grades K-6) will dismiss at 11:30 a.m.
  • Secondary students (Grades 7-12) will dismiss at 12 p.m.
  • Club Horizon will be open at 11:30 a.m. on all ILP days for students' in Grades K-6 (registration required.)
  • Lunch will not be served on ILP days.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the Elementary Office 480-659-3100. We look forward to seeing you and your child at your ILP conference.

Sign up for ILP Conference Here!

In P.L. Travers' Mary Poppins the children ask just how long Mary is going to stay with them, and she replies, "I'll stay till the wind changes." In that, Mary Poppins implies that she will stay until she makes a change for the better in the lives of the children.

The wind has changed and so it is time for me to go on and help other children with their “big feelings”. I sincerely hope that I have made a difference in the lives of your children “for the better” during my time here as their school counselor.  It has truly been an honor and a privilege to serve and support the students, staff and families here. I am ever so grateful for the bonds that were created and the wonderful memories made. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the community and in the lives of your sweet families. 

Lovingly, Mrs. Andrea Dinardo


In order to be completely informed please check out the links below or visit our Horizon Honors Elementary School Resource Library.

Horizon Honors Elementary School
16233 South 48th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85048
Office: 480.659.3100
Attendance: 480.659.3062
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