- May 2015 Newsletter -

Hey, all you Horizon fans out there! Camp isn't that far away and we're halfway to our fundraising goal. We'd like to thank everyone who's helped us get there!

But we still have work to do.


Some of the ways you can support Horizon: There are still a limited number of raffle tickets available. In May, we'll be participating in "Choose Your Charity" from Infinity of Naperville. Vote on Facebook daily for Horizon and help us win $500! You can also support Horizon by searching the web with Good Search, or shopping with Amazon Smile. You can have garage sales, bake sales, or just donate on the Horizon website. Or check out The Batch Match a homebrew challenge with proceeds benefiting Horizon. Every little bit helps! Thanks!


Are you PAR for the Course
Fore! Have you registered for our upcoming event? We invite you to join us on Saturday, June 13 at Indian Lakes Resorts in Bloomingdale, Illinois.

Whether you are a scratch golfer or just a beginner, this is the event for you. Not a fan of golfing, no worries, come enjoy the dinner banquet and live music. This will be a fun and exciting way to chip in and raise money for Horizon Camp.

For more information, visit  2015 Golf Outing & Banquet.
Volunteers Needed 
We are still searching for camp volunteers. Camp is July 19-25 so mark your calendar and fill out your application today! If you are a student needing service hours you can earn 144 hours with Horizon. All camp participants need to mail in a signed waiver and have a pre-camp physical. Contact Sheila if you have any questions regarding the application process.
Featured Highlight: Brad Mickel

Brad Mickel's first camp experience was at MDA camp in 1989. He heard about camp through his friend, Geoff Jania, who had attended camp the previous year and convinced Brad to sign up. Brad attended camp the next summer as well, but in 1991 he got a job and couldn't get time off. Brad says, "Camp always held a place in my heart," and finally after many years he was able to return to camp in 2014.


In addition to being an attendant at camp this past year, Brad also joined the activities committee. He has planned several new activities that will be introduced this year. Aside from the main activities, one of Brad's favorite things to do at camp is take pictures, especially candid shots. "The expression is more genuine if it's captured, let's say, while trying to get a ball through a hoop on carnival night or while holding a live animal or while on the back of the boat with the wind flowing through your hair on boat night."

Brad and Mona

 Brad has an extensive background in photography. His aunt gave him his first camera when he was 11 and he's always seemed to have a camera in his hand ever since. He majored in photography in high school and he was the student newspaper photo editor in college. In addition to his love of photography, Brad also enjoys woodworking, painting, crafting, and making things with his hands. Although he has been sworn to secrecy, Brad is already busy working on many projects for camp this year.

Great America & Horizon
Want to go to Great America, use half-price tickets and raise money for Horizon? It's quite simple. Visit Great America, enter the promo code: HORIZON, purchase & print your tickets. Tickets are $30 each, and valid May 16 or 17. Great America will donate $5 for each one sold after 20. Share this with your friends and family and we hope to see you at the park.
Hear Ye! A 2015 Camp Activities Decree:
Look forward to seeing old favorites like the Night Swim, Animal Show, and of course the Royal Ball. Plus get excited for new events with a Medieval twist in Target Sports, Arts & Crafts, and a live performance!
Follow Horizon on Social Media
In This Issue:
Upcoming Events:
Attendant Application Deadline - May 1st
Great America - May 16th& 17th
13th Annual Golf Outing - June 13th
Batch Match - June 20th
Summer Camp - 
July 19th-25th
Visitors Day - 
July 24th
Family Picnic -
Aug. 15th
Help Support Horizon
Please help us surpass our 2015 camp goal!
Cheering on the Chicago Wolves at the Allstate Arena in April at our annual hockey outing.

Association of Horizon, Inc. | 773-477-5170 | horizon@associationofhorizon.org | http://www.associationofhorizon.org
3712 N. Broadway #335
Chicago, IL 60613