March 6, 2019
Le 6 mars 2019

Bringing Surveying News to You
NSC 2019 / CANG 2019
2019 National Surveyors' Conference
Halifax: Historic Gateway to Canada

Online registration for the 2019 National Surveyors' Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia from May 1-3 is now available! REGISTER NOW!
Prices shown on the registration site are early bird amounts which are in effect until March 29th. Prices increase by 22% after that date.

We have a very exciting program planned, featuring the keynote speaker who will talk about the “Mysteries of Oak Island”. The conference will be held at the Hotel Halifax. For more information, visit our website!

Don't miss out on a unique opportunity to engage and network with fellow professionals from all around the nation at this highly anticipated event!

We look forward to seeing you in Halifax in May!

Jean-Claude Tétreault
Executive Director

Conférence nationale des a.-g. 2019 (CNAG 2019)
Halifax: Porte d’entrée historique du Canada

L'inscription en ligne pour la Conférence nationale des arpenteurs-géomètres de 2019 à Halifax en Nouvelle-Écosse du 1 au 3 mai est maintenant ouverte ! INSCRIVEZ-VOUS MAINTENANT !
Les prix indiqués sur le site d'inscription sont des montants de préinscription en vigueur jusqu'au 29 mars. Les prix augmenteront de 22% après cette date.

Nous avons prévu un programme très excitant, avec un conférencier invité qui parlera des
« Mystères de l’Île Oak ». La conférence aura lieu à l'Hôtel Halifax. Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre site web !

Ne manquez pas une occasion unique d’échanger avec des collègues de tous les coins du pays.

Au plaisir de vous voir à Halifax en mai !

Bien à vous,
Jean-Claude Tétreault
Directeur exécutif

Program Abstract
Responding to Change – The Evolving Boundaries of Practice

May 1, 2019

Cadastral systems and their management are undergoing significant change in Canada and around the world. The drivers of that change are many and powerful. They include the rapid advance of technology, an evolving public perception of expertise and a seemingly continual scrutinization of authoritative institutions including the traditional professions.

Internationally, the impact of these drivers of change has led to a strategic re-envisioning of the management and delivery of cadastral systems and the evolving role of government, professional bodies, and the geo-spatial industry. Within Canada, a diverse range of change initiatives are underway reflecting the regional nature of our property rights legislation, survey systems and registration systems. What appears to be lacking is a national collaborative effort that engages the entire community of professionals involved in delivering the cadastre in Canada in a discussion of how best to work together to ensure that our cadastral systems evolve to meet the challenge of change.

Résumé de programme
L’adaptation au changement – L’évolution des limites de la pratique

1er mai 2019

Les systèmes cadastraux et leur gestion subissent d’importants changements au Canada et dans le monde entier. Les moteurs de ce changement sont nombreux et puissants. Il y a notamment l’évolution rapide des technologies, une perception du savoir-faire qui a évolué et la surveillance apparemment continuelle des institutions ayant autorité, y compris les métiers traditionnels.

À l’échelle internationale, l’incidence de ces moteurs du changement a mené à une refonte stratégique de la gestion et de la fourniture de systèmes cadastraux et du rôle en évolution du gouvernement, des ordres professionnels et de l’industrie géospatiale. Au Canada, diverses initiatives de changement sont en cours, qui tiennent compte de la nature régionale de nos lois relatives au droit de propriété, des systèmes d’arpentage et des systèmes d’enregistrement. Ce qui semble faire défaut, c’est un effort national de collaboration où toute la communauté de professionnels qui participent à la fourniture du cadastre au Canada est mobilisée pour prendre part à un débat sur la façon de mieux collaborer pour veiller à ce que nos systèmes cadastraux évoluent et s’adaptent au changement.


The ACLS in partnership with PSC is proud to announce the fifteenth National Surveyors’ Conference, May 1 to 3, 2019 with an expected turnout of 100-150 participants. Our corporate sponsors make an important contribution to the success of our conference, so your participation as a Sponsor is greatly appreciated.


L’AATC, en partenariat avec GPC, est fière d’annoncer que la quinzième conférence nationale des arpenteurs-géomètres aura lieu du 1er au 3 mai 2019 et qu’on y attend de 100 à 150 participants. Nos entreprises commanditaires apportent une contribution importante au succès de notre conférence. Votre participation à titre de commanditaire est donc grandement appréciée.

In the Media / Dans les médias
Ottawa homeowners take each other to court over shared fence
The Star
Robert Frost wrote, in his 1914 poem Mending Wall: “Good fences make good neighbours.”
Justice Sally Gomery had her own take on the Frost poem when she began her decision in a court case last year by writing, “Good fences do not always make good neighbours.”
The litigation was launched by James English and Jill Perry, at 371 Third Ave. in Ottawa. David and Brenda Perras live next door at 373 Third Ave. The houses are just over 14 feet apart and what was once a shared driveway runs between them. Read more
L’agent immobilier Remax Resto parle du Certifcat de localisation
Remax Resto
Pour voir la vidéo YouTube, suivez ce lien.
How We Got from Stone to the Cloud - History of the National Cadastral Records
dm insights on location
There is archeological evidence that cadastral (property ownership) mapping came into being upon humans deciding to settle in one place and become food producers instead nomadic hunter gatherers, moving about for food. In Ancient Egypt, paintings in tombs depict registration of land to provide proof of ownership. The fundamental principles that applied to those ancient methods of maintaining public records about land, its use, and ownership still apply today. Read more
There's a New Surveyor in Fayetteville: It's a Specially-Outfitted Van
A white "specially-outfitted" van will be surveying Fayetteville streets
A white tricked-out van, with beacon lights on top, is cruising the streets of Fayetteville.
But, why?
According to the City of Fayetteville, the specialized van, known as a Laser Road Surface Tester (LRST), is measuring and performing an analysis of the city's street pavement roughness, rutting, cracking, and sidewalk conditions.
In addition, the LRST is also collecting right-of-way data using four digital video cameras mounted inside the van and Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) lasers. Read more
International News / Informations internationales
Property Boundaries
Whether you want to establish the boundaries of your property to understand how much of the land is yours, or you are trying to work out which boundary is your responsibility and which is a neighbour’s responsibility, boundaries can often be unclear and tricky to decipher.

Below, we examine some of the more common questions we receive on this subject.

What are the boundaries of my property?

Whilst the majority of properties in England and Wales have a Land Registry title, the Land Registry title plans will only show “general boundaries”. Read more
Tech News / Nouvelles techno
7 security tips to stop apps from stealing your data
We asked data privacy experts how to protect your personal information when downloading and using apps on your phone.
C|NET Security
We regularly see news about ways our personal information has been compromised after a data breach -- and apps can be part of the problem. Apps have been unmasked as malware, used to commit click fraud or to sell your data to third parties in recent years.  Read more
Upcoming Events / Prochaines activités
The CGA 811 Excavation Safety Conference & Expo
Common Ground Alliance (CGA)
March 26-28, 2019
Tampa Convention Center
Tampa, Florida

BeSpatial '19 Conference
BeSpatial/Urisa Ontario
May 1-2, 2019
The Bayview Golf and Country Club
Thornhill, ON

Geolgnite Conference 2019
GoGeomatics Canada
June 18-19, 2019
Ottawa Conference and Event Centre
Ottawa, ON

Historical Tour to France for Surveyors
AOLS In Sight January 4, 2018
Association of Ontario Land Surveyors

Adventure, travel and history opportunity!

Doug Culbert, OLS and Vicky Culbert from the Archival and Historical Committee of the AOLS are planning to walk through history in Normandy this fall. A tour has been planned with Elison Tours and you are invited to join on this two-week adventure!
Eiffel Tower AOLS In Sight Jan4-2018
Please find below the links to the information about this trip. It is open to people working in the Land Surveying business and their families. The travel insurance is not mandatory, but highly recommended - not necessarily from Carlson, many plans are available.


Vimy Ridge AOLS In Sight Jan 4-2018
If you have any questions regarding this tour or to make arrangements, please contact Ellison Tours directly:
Rick Wendler
(519) 235-2000 x.278
If you have any further questions after talking to Ellison Tours, Vicky Culbert is there to answer them - please contact her at [email protected]

November 13-14, 2019
Red Deer, AB

Advertise with PSC / 
Annoncez par l’entremise GPC
Please contact Ria van der Veen, Executive Assistant for ad specifications and rates. Horizon is distributed to over 2500 readers.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Ria van der Veen, Adjointe exécutive. Horizon est distribué à plus de 2 500 lecteurs.