Friday, April 2, 2021
Horizon West Middle School
HWMS Community Member,

First, I want to wish the warmest welcome to all our incoming 6th graders for the 2021-2022 school year. We wanted to give you a head start on all the news, activities and excitement buzzing around Horizon West. So we have added you to our mailing list for THE HORNETS BUZZ. This is our electronic community brief that we send out to families twice a month to keep everyone up to date on the latest and greatest Horizon West has to offer. We hope all our families, both new and veteran, will take time to read each edition!

We have successfully made it to the last quarter of 2020-2021 and TESTING SEASON is here! Students have been back for two weeks and report cards for quarter three are available. This is a great opportunity for you to assist your Hornet in doing their best at school. Please take the time to review final grades on Skyward with your student and check in on their classes using Canvas.

Right now, all our Hornets need to be focused on performing their best on the FSA Writing Assessment. Start the conversation now with your student about our FSA testing. FSA Writes is on April 8th. Please see the message below for more information regarding testing. Also, you can visit the OCPS Spring State Testing FAQ page at:
Parents, you can help your Hornet by talking about testing and helping them go into testing with a positive attitude. Help your child by:

  • Make sure children gets enough sleep the night before tests
  • Eat a healthy breakfast and arrive on time to school (remember breakfast is free on campus!)
  • Also, make sure your student comes to school with their laptop fully charged and with their charger.

Most importantly, stay positive. Let’s encourage our students to do their best. We know all our HORNETS are prepared and will do an amazing job.

We also want all of our LaunchEd students to join us for testing. If you have questions in regards to testing for our LaunchEd students you may email, our School Testing Coordinator.

Don’t forget to regularly visit to get more information concerning all things Horizon West Middle.

Here are the highlights for this week. I hope you enjoy this latest edition and thank you for your continued support.


Michelle Thomas, Principal
Useful Links
Connect with HWMS
8200 Tattant Drive
Orlando, FL 37486
(407) 554-1570
Our Amazing Administration Team:
Assistant Principal Hutchinson, Principal Thomas and Assistant Principal Flanagan
April Calendar / Special Events
April is World Autism Month
April is World Autism Month, and we’re inviting our Hornets to participate in increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism. Friday April 2nd, is World Autism Day students and teacher are invited to wear BRIGHT COLORS/TIE DYE to show your support of Autism Awareness Month.
Boys & Girls Club – Zumba started April 1
Also, please keep a look out on our social media for information in regards to Boys & Girls Club Summer Programming.
No Early Release – Wednesday, April 7
Table Talk with Pam Gould – Thursday, April 8
Please meet your school board leader for District 4 during next Thursday's virtual meeting:
Clothing/Shoe Fundraiser – April 16 & 17
BIG IDEA Virtual Conference – Parents of ESE - April 17
The Exceptional Student Education (ESE) department is excited to host the virtual Big IDEA Conference April 17, 2021 for families of students with exceptionalities.
Summer Camp
4th QUARTER REMINDER: Masks on Campus
Students need to remember that each day they are to have a mask on when they arrive to campus and wear their mask properly during the school day. Noses and mouths should not be exposed at any time and masks should fit snuggly. Please also be sure to send your child to school with an extra mask.
Fun Fridays – Counting Down Until Summer Break
Each Friday we have a different theme planned for students to dress up and show their excitement during this last quarter of 2020-2021:
Important Testing Information – April 8th – FSA WRITES DAY
Dear Horizon West Parent/Guardian,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your student will take the computer-based/paper-based Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Grade 6, 7, 8 ELA Writing assessment(s) on April 8th.

Your student will have an opportunity to participate in a practice test to become familiar with the computer-based testing platform, item types, and response formats he or she will see on the FSA assessment(s). If you or your student would like to review the computer-based practice test at home, the practice tests and answer keys are available at

For information regarding test session lengths for all Spring 2021 FSA assessments, please visit the FSA Portal at, click on the Students and Families icon, select the Frequently Asked Questions card, then select the question: “How long are the tests?”

Please review the following policies with your student before testing:

* Electronic Devices — Students are not permitted to have any electronic devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones, smartphones, and smartwatches, at any time during testing or during breaks (e.g., restroom), even if the devices are turned off or students do not use them. If your student is found with an electronic device, his or her test will be invalidated.

* Testing Rules Acknowledgment — All FSA tests include a Testing Rules Acknowledgment that reads: “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my test score may be invalidated.” Prior to testing, test administrators read the rules to students, and students acknowledge that they understand the testing rules by signing below the statement on their planning sheets, worksheets, or work folders.

* Discussing Test Content after Testing — The last portion of the testing rules read to students before they sign below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment states: “Because the content of all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details about the test content (including test items, passages, and prompts) after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.” Please make sure your student understands that “discussing” test content includes any kind of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, posting to social media, or sharing online. While students may not share information about secure test content after testing, this policy is not intended to prevent students from discussing their testing experiences with their parents/families.

* Working Independently — Students are responsible for doing their own work during the test and for protecting their answers from being seen by others. If students are caught cheating during testing, their tests will be invalidated. In addition, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) employs Caveon Test Security to analyze student test results to detect unusually similar answer patterns. Student tests within a school that are found to have extremely similar answer patterns will be invalidated.

* Leaving Campus — If your student leaves campus before completing a test session (e.g., for lunch, an appointment, illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to that test session. If your student does not feel well on the day of testing, it may be best for him or her to wait and be tested on a make-up day. Please remember not to schedule appointments on testing days.

* Testing Accommodations — If your student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), a Section 504 Plan, or is an English Language Learner (ELL), please contact the school to discuss the testing accommodations that will be provided for your student.

If you have any questions related to this test administration, you may contact Heather Rodriguez at For more information about the FSA program, please visit the FSA Portal at

Thank you for supporting your student and encouraging him or her to do his or her best during this test administration.
Teacher Tips for FSA Writes
How to Have a Successful Testing Day From Our Counselors
Our counselors are always here with some sage advice for our students when they are nervous or feeling stressed. Take a few moments to review with your student some of the best practices our counselors, Ms. Ferrand and...

  • Be sure to get a good night’s sleep before test day.
  • Eat a filling and nutritious breakfast the morning of.
  • Take the time to stretch in the morning when getting out of bed.
  • While taking the test, if you get nervous you can try box breathing and repeat it a couple of times:
~ Inhale for 4 seconds
~ Hold it in for 4 seconds
~ Exhale for 4 seconds
  • Stay positive and try your best!
Encouraging Pre-Test Words from Our Administrators
Our Horizon West Administration Team is so proud of all the hard work from our students. We know that you all are more than prepared for the FSA Writes and will make us proud!
Ms. Stanley – Instructional Coach
Ms. Cameron – Digital and Math Coach
Dean Rodriguez -7th & 8th Grade Dean
Ms. Rowe - 504 Coordinator
Principal Thomas
Special Recognition
Caroline C. - State of Florida Literacy Week Winner!
Congratulations to Caroline C. (7th grade) for being the State of Florida Winner for the FLDOE Literacy Week. Horizon West was honored with this award out of all the middle schools in Florida! Outstanding success Caroline!!
Horizon West Recycling Award
Celebrating Horizon West and their commitment to recycling! The recycling program at Horizon West Middle School just earned top honors in the OCPS Southwest Learning Community! Horizon West received $1,500 as the reward for all the hard work of both staff and students.
Upcoming Testing Information
Hornet Families — Be sure to mark your calendars now for the following dates that we have testing:
  • April 8 – FSA Writes
  • May 3 & 4– FSA Reading
  • May 6 & 7 – FSA Math and Algebra & Geometry EOC
  • May 10th – 7th Grade Civics & 8th Grade Science
  • May 13th – 24th Common Final Assessments

On testing days it is important that your student is on time to school and remains in school for the entire day. Most tests will be completed by lunch, however technology issues happen and sometimes testing may take longer than expected.

Below are some important tips for testing from the Florida Department of Education that further explain the rules our students are expected to follow during test administration.

Care for your School Laptop
As we approach the end of the school year, we wanted to reach out about caring for the laptop your student has access to through the OCPS LaunchED Digital Learning program. Due to an increased level of breakage, we want to ensure that students are safely using their devices both at school and at home. Please remind your student of the following best practices:

  • Shut down your laptop when you are not using it.
  • Use your laptop only on a hard, flat surface such as a desk or table.
  • Carry your laptop in a backpack and if possible in a laptop case.
  • Unplug your device when it is fully charged.
  • Keep your charger out of reach of younger siblings and pets.
  • Carry your device with both hands if moving around during classroom instruction.
  • Save your work to Google Drive.

  • Drop your device, even when in a backpack.
  • Pull the charger out of the wall by the cord when charging the device.
  • Use your devices near food or drink.
  • Use liquid cleaner to clean the screen or any part of the device.
  • Pick the keys off the keyboard.
  • Cover or block your device’s air vents when in use.
  • Remove the tags.
  • Download unauthorized extensions.
Winter Park Sidewalk Arts Festival Winners
We are so proud of our HORNET showing at the 62nd Annual Winter Park Sidewalk Arts Festival. This year we had several students (listed below) who were winners. This is a very LARGE competition that goes well beyond just OCPS schools.
JoAnne P. – 8th
Ian C. – 6th
Ricardo – 8th
Message from Our President
Dear Hornet Family,

In just about 7 weeks we will be saying Hello to summer!!! While it has been a crazy two years at HWMS for our 8th graders, they will be a Hornet forever. The PTSO will have yard signs available for purchase to celebrate our 8 graders. You have the option to purchase a generic sign or to customize with your Hornet’s name. Please see our website at to order.

Teacher Appreciation Week will look a bit different this year, and celebrated a week earlier than the National week due to testing. The PTSO will post more information on ideas and needs to help celebrate our awesome staff on our Facebook page in the coming weeks.

Additionally, we are looking for some amazing parents to help create some new traditions and events for the next school year. Please contact us at to learn more.

Have a great weekend!

Tammy Forrester
PTSO Spirit Wear
We are excited to announce Spirit Wear is available in new styles, shirts, sweats and tech material!

Visit our link at and search for **Horizon West**. Each listing will have the available styles/designs in the pictures...but catch a quick glimpse here!

You may have the gear sent directly to your home or save on shipping by bulk order and it will be delivered to school for pick up every 2 weeks.

Additionally, we are closing out on our past year's sweatshirts and t-shirts. They are available on our website (for school pickup) at 50% off for a limited time. You may also find hats and Pura Vida bracelets there too!
2021-2022 PTSO
We are looking for some of our FABULOUS HORNET PARENTS to volunteer to be part of our 2021-2022 PTSO. The link below will allow you show your interest in participating in a committee or running for a leadership position.

We know we have some great parents out there! So join us in helping our students and teachers!!

Spanish Spelling Bee
Congratulations Victoria and Manuel!
Congratulations to our two students, Victoria and Manuel, who participated in the Annual OCPS Spanish Spelling Bee! Both students made Horizon West very proud!
All County Jazz Band
Bravo Andrew!
Congrats to Andrew (8th grade) who will now be representing HWMS as a member of the auditioned Middle School All County Jazz Ensemble! Pictured just below, Andrew is right up front making Horizon West proud!!
OCPS Minority Achievement Office – Calculus Project
Great job Carter!
Many congrats to Carter W. (7th grade) who is part of the Calculus Project with Ms. Pivarsi. Carter has been an amazing student and attending morning acceleration weekly.
Power Hour Tutoring & Homework Help
Mornings from 8 am to 9 am
Just a reminder to all our students, Power Hour Tutoring and Homework Help are available to any of our Hornets from 8 am to 9 am (Face to Face and Virtually). If you would like to attend, email and we will get you set up to join in the fun.
Horizon West is committed to having a culture of acceptance, diversity and inclusivity. We want all our students to feel comfortable and at home while on campus.

As our students walk around school they will notice several of these decals on doors and windows leading to offices and classrooms of safe adults they can come in and chat with. We are happy to have everyone as part of our Horizon West Family!
Interested in Band, Orchestra or Chorus at Windermere High School?
Anyone interested in joining Band, Front Ensemble or Color Guard please feel free to attend.

Please see Mr. Corneau in 2-108 for any questions. All are welcome!!
Have a great weekend Hornets!
Ms. Thomas, Principal
Horizon West Middle School
Friday, April 2, 2021
Social Media
Stay Connected with Us
Horizon West Leadership Team
Michelle Thomas - Principal -
Tamirra Hutchinson - Assistant Principal -
Kevin Flanagan - Assistant Principal -
Brian Evans - Admin Dean 6th Grade and 8th Grade (A-L) -
Heather Rodriguez - Admin Dean 7th Grade and 8th Grade (M-Z) -
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Copyright Notice
Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS-Horizon West Middle School is forbidden without written consent. Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and OCPS-Horizon West Middle School. Please contact Mrs. Heather Rodriguez at with any questions.