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Blessings on the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in highest heaven! Luke 19: 38, NLT

What a wondrous sight. As I entered my church yesterday and saw the sanctuary filled with people waving palm branches, it was a wonderful reminder that this was not just another Sunday I had gathered to worship with my fellow parishioners - this was Palm Sunday.

What a wondrous sight it must have been that day too when Jesus rode down the Mount of Olives on a lowly donkey towards Jerusalem and his followers began to spread their garments on the road ahead of Him. As they walked along, shouted, and sang praise songs, they also realized it was not just another day, but the day their long-awaited King was entering Jerusalem to restore it to its former glory.

But Jesus had so much more in mind when he came down the Mount of Olives to enter Jerusalem than his followers who lined the streets understood. For his mission was not just to enter Jerusalem to be their deliverer, but the deliverer of all; not just to be their king, but the king of all.

That is such great news for you and me as we enter this holy week leading up to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So wave your palm branch in adoration wherever you are and cry out in glorious song: "Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who has come in the name of the Lord!" (Matthew 21:9, NLT).

Sharing the Word,


Today's prayer: Father, thank you for sending your son as the savior for all. Amen. 

About Jeaninne:

Jeaninne Stokes is Christian author and Bible-teacher and the founder of Inspiration for living ministries, a division of JStokes Writing Ministries. Jeaninne's mission is to write and teach God's Word to equip, instruct, and encourage others seeking to live a life of faith in every arena of their lives. If you enjoyed today's devotion, please share it with others and encourage them to join her mailing list. Visit her also at her website to read more of her devotions and view the other inspirational books and resources she offers for your Christian walk.


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