Oct. 5, 2023

Hospital Discounted Care Newsletter

This newsletter provides information and updates on the implementation of House Bill (HB) 21-1198, Health Care Billing Requirements for Indigent Patients, otherwise known as Hospital Discounted Care. Low-income patients who aren't enrolled in Health First Colorado or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) will have the opportunity to apply for financial assistance or charity care programs at the health care facility where they receive care.

Please visit our Hospital Discounted Care webpage for more information.

Hospital Discounted Care Updates

Data Reporting:

After reviewing the remaining errors from the last update, HCPF will be working with Inzata on a few more updates to their system. The targeted date for this system update is Friday, Oct. 13. Once this is completed, Inzata will rerun all the hospital's data submissions. If there are still errors in your data submissions, your facility will receive an email containing the errors with details. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

In addition, your facilities will soon be receiving an email from the State Programs Section Manager regarding complaints, appeals, requests of your current hospital license, and internal policies related to HDC. More details will be included in the email.

Office Hours:

The format for Office Hours will be changing starting Oct. 25, 2023. We will be introducing topics each week to discuss for half of each session. The remaining time will be open for general questions. We would like provider input on specific topics you want to discuss. Please send your suggestions via email to hcpf_HospDiscountCare@state.co.us

The schedule will be posted on the HDC Website under Office Hours.

There will be no office hours held on Oct. 18, 2023. Office hours will resume the following week as scheduled.

HDC Hospitals Invited to the October CICP Advisory Council Meeting:

HCPF would like to invite all of the non-Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP) hospitals to attend the October CICP Advisory Council meeting, scheduled for Oct. 30, 2023, from 1 to 3 p.m. The Council will be discussing updates to the Uniform Application and the CICP/HDC cards, as well as the potential to add discussion of HDC topics during future council meetings. We encourage all hospitals to attend even if your facility is not a CICP provider as these changes to the Uniform Application and card would impact all HDC hospitals. The discussion will also help increase the knowledge of how the CICP and HDC portions of the application and card interact.

Office Hours

HCPF is holding office hours every Wednesday at 9 a.m. No registration is required. The Zoom link and call in information are available on the Hospital Discounted Care website.

Stay Informed

Sign up for the Hospital Discount Care newsletter to stay informed about the implementation of HB 21-1198.

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