December 16, 2022

Hospital Bed Provides

Peace of Mind for Local Family

When area resident, Chuck Williams, 86, lost his wife earlier this year, it was heart-wrenching and has taken a toll on the family, especially Chuck. But they look out for each other. Midwest Mission had the privilege recently of being part of their story.

On Thursday, December 1, Taylor, from Synergy Home Healthcare of Springfield called Development Manager, Lisa Rigoni, here at Midwest Mission. “I was at Midwest Mission for the Good Morning Springfield Chamber breakfast you hosted back in February. It might be my imagination, but I was thinking you had medical supplies. So, I thought I’d call in case I didn’t dream it. I work for Synergy and the Dad of one of my client’s needs a hospital bed. Would you have something like that? Is it even something you do?” 

Lisa said, “Yes, Midwest Mission does receive various medical supplies and sometimes beds.” After checking with Executive Director, Chantel Corrie, Operations Manager, Brad Walton, and Operations Specialist, Ramon Ortiz, she called Taylor back to let her know there weren’t any in stock. When Lisa got off the phone, Chantel stopped by her office smiling, “We don’t have a bed, YET” - fully aware that often when someone calls with a need, the requested item “randomly” shows up. 

Sure enough, Friday after lunch, Lisa looked up from her desk to see both Chantel and Ramon standing in her doorway, grinning like Cheshire cats. Chantel asked, “Did your contact find a bed, yet?” 

Then Ramon added, “Because we just got a call and someone is sending two hospital beds to us this afternoon. If they still need one, it can be picked up on Monday.” 

After a call back to Taylor, Lisa found out the bed was still needed and the son had a truck and would come pick it up. Taylor called Lisa on Tuesday after some confusion about the pick-up schedule to see if the bed had actually been picked up.  

“Yes,” Lisa told her, and went on to talk about how grateful the son was. “Dad hasn’t been sleeping well,” the son said. “This will help.” Ramon showed him how to operate it.

“Thank you so much. What do we owe you?” the son asked. Ramon was helping him load the bed … “Nothing. It’s a gift.” 

Taylor was so excited. She was a caseworker for Chuck’s daughter and was going to their home on a regular basis. She noticed Chuck was sleeping on the couch and asked about it. That’s when the need for the bed came to surface. When Lisa explained how the beds “appeared unexpectedly” and credited God, Taylor was so moved. She said, “This is amazing. It’s a full-circle thing. I grew up with this family. His grandkids were my age … one a year behind me and one a year ahead and we all played together when we were young. That I am now helping to care for the family and see how this all came about … it’s really amazing. Thank you! It’s good to know we have this resource right here.”

Give the Gift of Love this Christmas Season

In Luke 10, Jesus commands us: “'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'”

Love is one of the greatest gifts we can share with one another. We are commanded to love our neighbor, and Christ has so evidently loved us. He is the perfect example of love, and we get the chance to model His love daily. Now, in the midst of this holiday season, is a great time to start.

Sometimes, all people need is to know they are loved and cared for by others. 

At Midwest Mission, we strive to show God’s love in a practical way. We send tangible items to those in need to make an intangible difference in their lives. 

This Christmas season, we invite you to partner with Midwest Mission in giving the gifts of love, joy, peace, and hope to those around the world and around the corner.

$45 brings the gift of love to a mother and child when receiving a Layette Kit.

You can also give in someone else's name. Instead of a traditional present, give a monetary gift to Midwest Mission in their name, and present them with this downloadable gift tag to show them the gift of love was made in their honor.

Whether you are giving monetarily, or through Christlike actions, together we are perpetuating the gift Christ's love while we are here on earth.

May the beautiful gifts of hope, love, peace, and joy be blessings over you this Christmas and always.

Donate the Gift of Love

Prayers to Lift Up

This week, we pray for our international partners. We pray that their ministries will be blessed as this year ends, and that our partnerships continue to grow. We lift up a prayer of gratitude for our international partners. We are thankful that with them, we can send hope and empowerment around the world and show God's love in a practical way to those we may never meet.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Acts 1:8

Midwest Mission Weekly Projects

Work of the Mission Volunteers

Projects Completed

  • 170 Personal Dignity Kits
  • 80 Student Kits
  • 10 Feminine Hygiene Kits
  • 72 Home Care Kits
  • 1890 One Stop Kits

Other Projects

  • Sewing
  • Cleaning
  • Desks
  • Bikes
  • Count into inventory


  • CICIM Decatur, IL: Redirect furniture/furnishings Value: $2,724.00
  • Chatham Micro Pantry Chatham, IL: Redirect food items Value: $68.00
  • Ball Chatham Chatham, IL: Redirect school supplies Value: $144.00
  • Inner City Mission Springfield, IL: Redirect cleaning supplies Value: $120.00

                      *Redirected items are those items received that do not fit into the parameters of our kits and projects.

Midwest Mission is able to do this work because of your generous donations and willingness to volunteer. Thank you!

Share some GOD news with those you love!

Do you have family or friends that need some GOOD News - GOD News - to uplift them? If so, please click on the button below and share the link provided. The more we can spread the word about the work God is doing here, the more we can make the world a more joy-filled place.

Link to Share the Midwest Mission Newsletter

Ready to Get Involved?

Schedule Your Mission Journey

Dates are available in 2023 and 2024

Need a Saturday option for team volunteering

or assistance in booking?

Contact Pat Wright at

or 217-697-4063

Click below to check calendar openings and to reserve your spots.

Mission Journey  Reservation Calendar

Volunteers at Work

December 12-16, 2022

Volunteer Leaders

Chuck & Karen Porter

Brighton, IL

Volunteers This Week

First UMC Sewing Group

Springfield, IL

Michael Marchizza

Springfield, IL

Grace UMC

Jacksonville, IL

Simpson Group

Springfield, IL

Waverly First UMC

Waverly, IL

Bill and Nancy Snell

Monticello UMC

Monticello, IL

Mary Daugherty

Springfield, IL

Jan Ogden

Springfield, IL

Hannah Sawers

Art Runge

Kent Douglas

Jay Grim

David Whitney

Tod Shelly

Kelly Bagley

John Himpel

Dan Blank

Brad Boucher

Kathy Davis

Ray Ogden

Marsha Johnson

Bob Leach

Ron Kinner

Rita Smith

Steve Smith

Mary Snider

Mike Snider

Denny Cocagne

Bill Walden

Roger Schlichting

Alison Schlichting

Sherry Sinnott

Carol Swettman

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