March 2019 | Healthy Zone School Newsletter
Creating a Culture of Health
The  Healthy Zone School Recognition Program ®  was created as a joint collaboration between 
 The Cooper Institute  &  United Way of Metropolitan Dallas  in 2011, which uses evidence-based knowledge and best practices to assist schools in promoting healthy behaviors.
Health and Fitness Night
School-based Health and Fitness Nights have become very popular because they allow students, families, and the community the opportunity to come together.

Consider hosting one at your school by inviting local vendors to set up stations where students can make a healthy snack, do a family workout or learn about health-related resources within the community.
Decrease Screen Time to Improve Overall Health and Vision
Today’s children are spending a substantial amount of time in front of a screen. Not only does this increase the child’s risk of becoming overweight or obese, it also has an impact on the child’s risk of developing myopia.

Learn ways to motivate youth to decrease screen time and increase physical activity which will help improve their overall health and vision. 
Have Your Seen the
New FitnessGram Overview Report?
The FitnessGram Overview Report: Summary Level shows Healthy Fitness Zone and Needs Improvement Zone percentages for each fitness component, making it easy to reflect on the semester to identify areas of need and focus for instructional planning.
Not only has the design been updated, but the filters now make it easy to select a specific group of students and assessments. 
Health and Wellness is the Foundation for
Building a Strong, Safer Dallas
Our first responders are an integral part of our communities, working hard everyday to keep us safe. Good physical health is necessary for their protection and ours, but finding recruits who meet the physical requirements is becoming more of a challenge. Are our children ready to serve their communities and their country?
“We have programs in place that encourage physical fitness and community engagement with our youth and we are committed to expanding those efforts.”
- Dr. Rene é  U. Hall, Dallas Police Chief
“We encourage fitness and healthy habits for all of our employees by supporting on-duty physical fitness training, doing physical fitness and body composition assessments, offering peer fitness and nutrition counseling, and requiring participation in a wellness exam and physical every three years...” 
- Dominque Artis, Dallas Fire-Rescue Chief