The pandemic has impacted almost every aspect of our lives. We hope you and your family are healthy and are managing through this crisis as well as can be expected.
Under the circumstances, the Dupont Circle Citizens Association will be unable to hold its beloved House Tour. While COVID-19 prevents us from offering our annual event, we are determined to continue to celebrate the rich history, architectural and otherwise, of Dupont Circle. Thus, we will be highlighting significant houses in our neighborhood on a monthly basis via our website and bi-weekly eblast. Some of these houses may be well known to you. Others you may have passed by numerous times without realizing the history or stories associated with these buildings. Hopefully these regular monthly features will inspire you to take a walk through our wonderful neighborhood and see these homes through a new lens. You will note that many of the homes featured this year highlight the significant African American history of our neighborhood. We hope you will agree that this is the best way to continue our House Tour tradition during these unusual times.