April, 2021
House of Ruth Happenings!
The Objectification of Women & Girls

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. During this month space is held to promote open conversations about sexual violence, prevention education, and healing for survivors. Sexual violence is a crime that can affect anyone regardless of age, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religion.

According to the CDC, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetime. Additionally, 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys experience sexual abuse during their childhood. Rape culture has created an environment where violence against women is normalized and justified in the media and popular culture. Misogynistic language, the objectification of women’s bodies, and glamorization of violence have created an unsafe space for women and girls.

A report by the American Psychological Association on the sexualization of girls in the media found that girls are depicted in a sexual manner more often than boys; dressed in revealing clothing, and with bodily postures or facial expressions that imply sexual readiness. Another study of print media at Wesleyan University found that on average, across 58 different magazines, 51.8 percent of advertisements that featured women portrayed them as sex objects and when women appeared in advertisements in men’s magazines, they were objectified 76 percent of the time.

Sexual assault is a public health crisis that needs our attention. Toxic masculinity, rape culture, and misogynistic ideologies must be dismantled. As a society we need to shift and destigmatize conversations concerning human sexuality, sexual boundaries, and consent. We need to provide accessible and culturally sensitive services for survivors of sexual assault and end the media objectification of women and girls. 

Holding Space for
Survivors of Sexual Assault

Below we have listed ways in which you can hold space and support survivors of sexual assault:

  • Believe them!
  • Listen to their story (if they choose to talk about it).
  • Educate yourself on the effects of sexual assault and available resources for survivors.
  • Be an ongoing source of support.
  • Be patient with survivors and non-judgmental.
  • Honor their recovery.

Please remember sexual assault is a traumatic event and the survivor will need ongoing support to heal from their wounds.
Barriers to Safe Affordable Housing

Deciding to leave an abusive relationship is difficult and taxing on survivors. Aside from wanting the violence to end, a survivor must consider their financial situation, anticipate strenuous legal battles, and find a safe affordable place to live. Some survivors will be able to turn to family or friends for support, while others, may not have equal access to certain resources and are at a higher risk of homelessness. 

The Fair Housing Act was enacted on April 11, 1968 to protect people from discrimination when renting, buying, seeking housing assistance, or engaging in other housing-related activities.  Historically marginalized communities such as people of color, families with children, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities, have experienced ongoing housing discrimination for decades. A combination of housing discrimination, affordability, poverty, domestic & sexual violence, mental health conditions and substance abuse issues are causing a surge in homelessness within minority communities.  

According to Safe Housing Partnerships Consortium, 80% of homeless women with children experience domestic violence, and 57% of women report domestic violence as the immediate cause of their homelessness. This statistic clearly links domestic violence as a pre-cursor to homelessness. Other barriers obstructing safe affordable housing were poor credit, ruined rental histories, lack of steady employment, and housing discrimination. 

The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’s 2020 Annual Assessment Report found that African Americans and indigenous people (including Native Americans and Pacific Islanders) remained considerably overrepresented among the homeless population compared to the U.S. population. Almost 4 of every 10 people experiencing homelessness in January 2020 were Black or African American (39% or 228,796 people). A higher percentage of people in shelter were Black or African American (47% or 167,205 people) than were people experiencing homelessness in unsheltered locations (27% or 61,591). Almost a quarter of all people experiencing homelessness (23%) were Hispanic or Latino (counting people of all races who identify as Hispanic or Latino). Together, American Indian, Alaska Native, Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian populations account for 1%of the U.S. population, but 5% of the homeless population and 7% of the unsheltered population.

To address these elevated rates of homelessness and alleviate this burden disproportionally affecting communities of color, survivors of domestic violence, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities. we must fund social service programs who provide culturally appropriate emergency and transitional shelter services, rental subsidies, rapid re-housing, and permanent housing to individuals at risk of homelessness.

As HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge recently stated, “It has been shown that helping people exit homelessness quickly through permanent housing without restrictions prevents a return to homelessness. Furthermore, a healthy productive life begins with a safe and stable home.”    
Virtual Moveable Feast is Back!

Please join us for a virtual charity dinner and opportunity drawing benefiting House of Ruth. The virtual reception will commence at 5:00 p.m. via the House of Ruth Facebook page.
We invite you to host a delicious dinner and invite a few family and friends to support survivors of domestic violence. Ticket prices include 5 opportunity drawing tickets. Winners will be announced during the virtual reception.
To enter our Best Dinner Photo contest, simply upload a picture of your dinner onto House of Ruth's Facebook page. Winner will receive a gift certificate to Nuno's Bistro & Bar. (Open to dinner hosts only).
Tickets can be purchased in the link below. Bon Appetite!
When: June 5, 2021
Event Time: 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Where: House of Ruth Facebook live.
Ticket Prices: $100.00 per person includes 5 opportunity drawing tickets.

If you would like more information on sponsoring this event please call Rhonda Beltran at 909-868-8007.
Immediate Shelter Needs!

We need your help with the following brand new items:

  • Twin size blankets.
  • Full size blankets.
  • 24-28 inch Smart T.V.'S with wall mounts. (10-15 total T.V.'s).
  • Shower curtains, shower curtain liners, and hooks.

Please click on the link below to access our Amazon Smile wish list.

For more information or to schedule a donation drop off please email Rhonda Beltran at rbeltran@houseofruthinc.org. Thank you for your support.