July, 2020
House of Ruth Happenings!
Virtual Moveable Feast

Thank you to all who virtually attended and supported our Moveable Feast Event on June 13, 2020 and making it a huge success.

The feast was kicked off by a powerful presentation from Executive Director Pat Bell, who addressed the negative impacts, of COVID-19, namely, Governor Newsom's Safe at Home Order leading to increased rates of domestic violence. She also highlighted the importance of the Black Lives Matter social movement and House of Ruth's commitment to continue fighting against systemic racism, oppression, and all forms of violence.

Development Director, Rhonda Beltran concluded the night by enthusiastically announcing, Moveable Feast raised $20,000 thanks to the continued support from all of our House of Ruth friends.

Lastly, the Opportunity Drawing winners were announced and Nicole Figueroa, was awarded Best Dinner Photo, (featured above), for hosting a lovely Hawaiian dinner for her family. "Mahalo!!!"
All Lives Can't Matter
Until Black Lives Do

The senseless murder of George Floyd ignited public outrage and triggered the nation to unify and demand equality for the Black Community. House of Ruth families spoke up against systemic racism and lifted their voices to end racism, oppression, violence, and police brutality.

After debriefing with their Case Managers, our families took action by creating posters, illustrating their frustration and anger with an unjust system needing immediate change.

Families shared their positive and negative experiences with law enforcement in their community and the fear behind seeking police involvement in domestic violence disputes. According to USA Today, "Eighty percent of the participants in the 2015 Hotline Survey who had called police were afraid that if they called again in the future, officers would not believe them or wouldn’t do anything about the violence, the survey reported. A majority of the participants feared that calling law enforcement would make the situation worse resulting in a slap on the wrist for the abuser and potential negative consequences for the victim.”

Due to health and safety reasons families were unable to attend protests by foot, but Case Managers transported families to local protest sites and had the families place their signs outside the windows, while honking in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. This enabled families to participate and show their support against systemic racism, oppression and police brutality.

Raising Resilient Children

When reminiscing about childhood memories some of us are taken back to carefree days filled with fun adventures and a zest for life. However, for children growing up in abusive households' carefree days are substituted with a range of emotions including anger, sadness, stress, anxiety, loss, and uncertainty. According to the American Psychological Association, "building resilience, the ability to adapt well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress, can help our children manage stress and feelings of anxiety and uncertainty".

During COVID 19, House of Ruth's Children's Program has continued providing fun and safe outlets, for kids residing in our shelter, who are not only dealing with the stressors of social distancing, but also processing trauma they've experienced at home.

Some of the activities the Children's Program utilize to promote resilience include, emotional check-ins to discuss feelings, counseling, painting, jewelry making, arts and crafts, gardening, board games, virtual tours to museums, aquariums, and botanical gardens, water activities, movie nights, and tutoring. All these activities promote creativity, empathy, mindfulness, patience, joyfulness, learning and a sense of community.

Below you''ll find a list of ways the Children's Program helps parents raise resilient children:

  • Connecting: Teach your child how to make friends and have a sense of community.

  • Helping Others: Teach your child to be empathetic, kind and helpful to others.

  • Positive Self-Talk: Model positive self talk, so your child can use this to build up their self-esteem.

  • Self Care: Show your child the importance of self-care by modeling positive self-care behavior.

  • Mindfulness: Teach your child to listen to their body and take a break when feeling overwhelmed.

The Power of Self-Love

After being in an abusive relationship survivors are left wounded, confused and emotionally hurt. Appeasing the internal chaos takes time, patience and support.

In February, before the safe at home order began, the House of Ruth counseling department facilitated a self love workshop. Participants crafted a heart shaped wreath made from puzzle pieces symbolizing the many facets of their life.

Tears of anger and joy were shed that day as survivors shared stories of abuse, resilience, freedom and hope.

The power of self-love, support and community was palpable in the room. Despite language barriers. Survivors connected emotionally as they cried laughed and expressed gratitude for each others essence.

On that day, the power of self-love gave birth to a community of strong women building up one another with kindness, acceptance and empowering each other to be the best version of themselves.

Without your support, this day of healing would have not come to fruition. So please accept our gratitude, for supporting House of Ruth and allowing us to provide a safe space in which we can promote healing and growth to survivors of domestic violence.
Community Partner Spotlight!

House of Ruth and survivors of domestic violence are grateful to the many foundations and donors who've donated during this pandemic. Your gifts have allowed us to continue to provide emergency services to the community.

We value your partnership and thank you for your generosity and hope to continue working with you through out the years.