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Hey People!

Citizens Education & Advocacy's Homeless
Action Project Roseberg, Oregon

Housing & Homeless Summit Comes to Douglas County Oregon

Paul Boden, Director for the Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP)
will be the keynote speaker for the upcoming housing and homeless summit in Douglas County.

Housing the Homeless: Finding Common Ground

Is happening on Saturday, September 30th from 1 to 4 pm, at the Roseburg Senior Center.

Homelessness is a situation that affects everyone. If you are concerned and wish to do something to help, join Common Ground Coalition of Douglas County at this very important event. Paul Boden will share the results of the extensive research that WRAP has conducted, which brings to light the root causes of homelessness and the solutions we can all work to achieve.

A special presentation by Square One Village about how tiny housing offers one solution to homelessness in Lane County.

The MC for the event will be Mike Fieldman, Executive Director of United Community Action Network (UCAN), who will also provide an overview of the housing and homeless services in our community. UCAN is the largest service provider for homeless services in our community, as well as one of the few affordable housing operators here.

Other local housing and homeless service providers will be there with information about their programs and services.

The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

It is critically important that those who are impacted most by homelessness are part of the discussion. So if you are interested in helping make sure folks who live on our streets are there, please contact:

Citizens Education & Advocacy's Homeless Action Project at 541-375-0623,
Facebook Homeless Action Project or via email homelessactionproject@gmail.com