Planning Commission Meeting on Feb. 28th to Discuss the Housing Element and DSEIR:
City planners have revised the Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element based on comments received from the community and state Department of Housing and Community Development. On February 28, 2023 Planning Commission will host a public hearing to collect comments on the revised Draft Housing Element and Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) for the project. At the end of the hearing, Planning Commission will consider a resolution recommending that City Council certify the SEIR prepared for the Project and adopt the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update and related General Plan Amendments, including changes to the Land Use Element and Land Use Map which are required to implement the Housing Element.
Please note that this agenda item solely relates to the content of the Draft Housing Element and the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DESIR) for the project. Staff has received several pieces of correspondence related to the proposed housing at 1 Hamilton Drive. The Housing Element EIR is a “program EIR” which analyzes the impacts of the policies laid out in the Housing Element on the City of Mill Valley as a whole, pursuant to CEQA. The Housing Element EIR does not include a site-specific, project-level analysis of the proposed 1 Hamilton development or any other site described in the sites inventory, nor is it required to include such an analysis. A project-level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be conducted for the proposed housing at 1 Hamilton Drive, including an evaluation of air quality and asbestos. See the 1 Hamilton discussion below for details.
What is the DSEIR? The DSEIR evaluates the potential environmental impacts of implementing the goals, policies and programs contained in the Draft Housing Element.
The DSEIR is available for public comment and review through March 3, 2023. You can also submit written comments on the DSEIR to Senior Planner, Danielle Staude:, 26 Corte Madera Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941.
Where can I access information? The revised Draft Housing Element and the DSEIR are available to download on the project website and may also be accessed at the Planning Department in City Hall (26 Corte Madera Avenue) and the reference desk in the Mill Valley Public Library (375 Throckmorton Avenue). Additional supporting materials, such as the staff report, are also available on the website.
How do I participate? Written comments can be sent prior to the meeting to Danielle Staude, Senior Planner,; 26 Corte Madera Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941. The Planning Commission meeting will be held in person at 6:30pm, Mill Valley City Hall, 26 Corte Madera Avenue, Mill Valley, CA. You can also watch the meeting remotely online here.