November 1, 2023

Recently Adopted Housing Element Submitted to the State for Review & Certification

On October 16, 2023 City Council adopted revisions to the

2023-2031 Housing Element and directed staff to collect public comments on the Housing Element through October 23, 2023. The Planning Department received seventy two public comments during the comment period and, upon review determined that comments did not require further modifications to the Housing Element. As a result, city staff has submitted the adopted Housing Element to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for review and certification. 

Staff anticipates receiving feedback on the revisions from HCD by the end of December and will then report the findings to the community and City Council. 

Public comments and the final revised Housing Element sent to HCD can be accessed on the Housing Element project website. Access to the recent City Council meeting video and meeting documents (Item 3) are also available online. 

The Housing Element is one of the required chapters (or "elements") of the City's General Plan and provides a road map to address and plan for the housing needs of our community.

Housing Element Project Website

1 Hamilton: Draft Environmental Impact Report Available for Review and Planning Commission Hearing Scheduled for November 28, 2023

1 Hamilton Project Website

The City of Mill Valley, as lead agency, has released a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) which evaluates the potential environmental impacts associated with the housing proposal (also referred to as "the project").

Public Comment Period on the Draft EIR:

November 1 through December 15, 2023

Public Hearing (Draft EIR and Project):

November 28, 2023 (6:30 pm)

Mill Valley City Hall, 26 Corte Madera Avenue

On November 28, 2023, the Planning Commission will host a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed project, Draft EIR, and planning application for full review and consideration. At the close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission will consider a series of resolutions providing its final recommendations to the City Council.

Draft EIR Available Online and In Person:

The Draft EIR is available online on the 1 Hamilton project website. A hard copy of the Draft EIR is available for review at Mill Valley City Hall in the Planning Department, located at 26 Corte Madera Ave., and the Mill Valley Public Library, located at 375 Throckmorton Ave. during normal business hours.

Written Comments:

The City invites members of the community to comment on the project or Draft EIR. Comments on the Draft EIR should focus on the sufficiency of the draft document in discussing potential impacts on the physical environment and ways in which potential adverse effects might be minimized considering the Draft EIR’s purpose to provide useful and accurate information about such factors.

Please send written comments to:

Steven Ross, Senior Planner

City of Mill Valley

26 Corte Madera Avenue

Mill Valley, CA 94941

Next Steps:

Following the close of the public review period for the Draft EIR and receiving recommendations from Planning Commission on November 28, the Planning Department will prepare a Final EIR, incorporating and responding to all comments received during the public comment period. All comments received during the review period will be considered prior to finalizing the EIR and before the City Council makes a decision on the Project, (hearing date to be determined).

For more Information:

1 Hamilton Project webpage

1 Hamilton Housing Proposal EAH Housing has partnered with the City of Mill Valley to build and manage the on-going operation of an affordable apartment complex on the northern portion of the city-owned parcel known as "1 Hamilton Drive."

The current housing proposal includes 45 total units, including one manager's unit and forty-four rental units affordable to lower-income households with annual household incomes ranging between $40,000 to $140,000 (depending on household size and affordability level). Sixty three residential parking spaces are proposed as part of a first floor parking garage for the residents.

The proposal also includes the relocation of the existing on-site public parking, electric vehicle charging station and restroom facilities to the adjacent Public Safety Building (PSB) parking lot. Reconfiguring the PSB parking lot will increase public parking from 38 spaces up to approximately 50 spaces. 

The planning application includes the consideration of design review, tree removal and rezoning the proposed housing site from O-A (Open Area) to RM-B (Multi-family Residential Bayfront).

Housing Complex Name

City Planners are also collecting input on the name for the 1 Hamilton apartment complex. Take the survey now through December 1, 2023. 

Survey: Apartment Complex Name

Looking to Share Your Home?

Be a part of the City's "House Mill Valley" initiative. Work with Front Porch to establish a contract and help provide new affordable housing solutions for the local community and workforce!

Learn more

City of Mill Valley

26 Corte Madera Ave

Mill Valley, CA 94941

Phone: (415) 388-4033

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