The League of Wisconsin Municipalities E-Newsletter | February 2022
Important Reminder!
The League & LWMMI interim address!

Please use this interim address until further notice:

League of Wisconsin Municipalities
PO Box 6358
Monona, WI 53716

The building that housed the League's offices was closed due to concerns with the underground parking structure. We are in the process of seeking new office space.
NEW Wisconsin-Specific Zoning Guide for Affordable Housing

After a year in the making, the League is happy to announce that, "Enabling Better Places: A User’s Guide to Neighborhood Affordability" is now available. The Wisconsin-specific Guide is designed to help communities adjust their zoning codes and remove obstacles to the creation of affordable housing.

The Guide was created through a partnership with the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU). The League spearheaded the project and teamed up with the following organizations to help fund creation of the Guide: Wisconsin Realtors Association, Wisconsin Builders Association, AARP-Wisconsin, Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority (WHEDA), and NAIOP Wisconsin.  

The Guide shows that bite-sized zoning code changes are possible and can have an immediate impact on removing obstacles to the development of workforce and missing middle housing. 
Learn how to use the Guide at League Workshops Next Week. There is still time to register for training workshops on how to make best use of the Guide. CNU faculty is providing training for municipal elected officials, staff, and private planning consultants next week in three locations.

The training is free but attendance is limited* and REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.  
February 21 -- Eau Claire, Morning Session 9 - 11:30; Afternoon - 1:00 - 4:00  
February 22 -- Plover, Morning Session 9 - 11:30; Afternoon - 1:00 - 4:00 
February 23 – Oshkosh, Morning Session 9-11:30; Afternoon - 1:00 - 4:00
You may attend both the morning and afternoon sessions. (Lunch on your own.)
Both the morning and afternoon sessions will focus on the methodology of incremental code reform and the process and implementation described within the Guide. The training will cover how to use the documents in the Guide, navigating the steps to amending a code, and determining where to start. 
The morning session is geared for elected municipal officials, city and village administrators/managers, builders, and advocates. 

The afternoon session is geared for municipal planning staff and private planning consultants. 
Register Here:  Complimentary Registration
*Please note each session is limited to 40 participants.  

Help us spread the word!

  • Facebook: Click here to like, comment and share news of the Guide from the League's Facebook page.
  • Twitter: Click here to Tweet it.
  • LinkedIn: Click here to like, comment and share it from the League's LinkedIn page.
Check out Events below and register now for the League's:

  • Using the League’s New Zoning Guide for Affordable Housing
  • Human Resources for Small Communities
  • Chief Executives Workshop
  • Local Government 101
  • Building Inspectors Institute
  • Plumbing Inspectors Institute
Important Report Shows How State Shorts Cities/Villages

As you know, the League’s top legislative priority is to reform the broken system of funding local government. Last week, the Wisconsin Policy Forum issued an important report that provides excellent data and background, but we need you to spread the word. Read the report and the League's formal public response here.

Please take the time to share this information with your legislators and local news media, and talk about how important reform is for your community.

The broken system of funding local government is real, it is urgent, and we know that you wrestle with it every day. That’s the message lawmakers need to hear.

Help us spread the word!

Like, comment or share the Local Govt Funding study on the League's Facebook pageretweet it, or comment on LinkedIn.
NEW League Resource
Model Law Enforcement Candidate Waiver

2021 Wisconsin Act 82 requires law enforcements agencies to create, collect and share employment information as part of their recruitment and hiring processes. League legal staff worked with a group of municipal attorneys to draft a model waiver form for law enforcement agencies to use. Find it here.
Election Security: and .gov domains

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) and the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recommend that municipal and county government emails, especially those used for election related information, should be easily identifiable as government entities. WEC is assisting municipalities in obtaining and .gov email domains to increase election security and trust in their official election communications.

There is a SUBGRANT available of $600 to assist you in covering some of the costs. The subgrant is also retroactive to August 24, 2021.

Questions may be directed to the .gov domain email Or call our Help Desk at 608-261-2028. General information is on the Wisconsin Elections Commission website here.
Enter our Cover Contest for the League's May The Municipality

We have partnered with the Wisconsin Municipal Clerk's Association for the second year in a row to celebrate Municipal Clerks in our May magazine. You can be our cover artist!

See all of the 2021 entries in the May 2021 magazine. (PDF)
Contest Details here(PDF)
Wisconsin Women in Government Seeks Nominations
for Legacy and Rising Star Awards

Eligible nominees for both awards are those with roles in local, state, and/or national government, including but not limited to elected officials, public employees, and those interacting with government through the private sector. Award recipients will be notified of their selection and invited to the 2022 Wisconsin Women in Government Scholarship & Recognition Gala in Madison. Nominations are due by Friday, March 4, 2022 at 11:59 PM.

Municipal Officials - UW-Extension would love your feedback!
UW Extension, in partnership with the League, Towns and Counties Associations, is trying to get an accurate “temperature” of how things are going at local elected body meetings. The survey is brief and easy to complete. Please also pass it on to other officials. We’d like to increase the number to get a clear picture across the entire state.
Take the survey.
UW-Extension does great work across the state, and we hope you will take the time to help them in that work by completing the survey. If you have any questions, contact Victoria Solomon, UW-Madison Division of Extension Green County (608-328-9440) or email Thank you!
P.S., Please don’t delay; this survey will only be open for another week. We really need your feedback.
ARPA Resources

US Treasury has released the final ARPA Rule: 

January 10 - ARPA Final Rule Released

Stay tuned to the League's Legislative Bulletin for details. Check out the ARPA Resources on the League's website.
Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Resources

The League's Federal Legislation Resources (ARPA & BIL) are here.
WisDOT's Feb. 10 webinar focused on a recent solicitation to use Federal Fiscal Year 2022 (FFY22) funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Interested applicants will learn about program eligibility, application procedures, and other related information.

Also for your information please review the Local Government Guidebook to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. And this Summary of Grants currently available.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) White House Informational Webinars

The Administration is providing a series of informational webinars to aid in the understanding of the BIL.

Past webinars include: Ports and Waterways and Airports.

Upcoming Webinars include:

  • Electric Vehicles
  • Tuesday, February 22 at 4pm – 5pm ET
  • Public Transportation: Register Here 
  • Thursday, February 24 at 4pm – 5pm ET
  • Rail Road: Register Here 
  • Tuesday, February 28 at 4pm – 5pm ET

Additional webinars are scheduled. See all of them under NEWS on the landing page of the League's website. (Note - this is where we will post events related to the federal legislation.)
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Transportation Funding
Monday, February 28, 2022
1:30-2:30pm Central

Join Senator Baldwin, Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary Craig Thompson and representatives from the U.S. Department of Transportation for an informative webinar on transportation funding opportunities for local governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Tribes, and other public entities.

Need help with grant opportunities? The League has created a Grants Resource page on our website.

It includes the Grants Assistance Spreadsheet - a list of companies available to assist you with grants, including grants management. It will download as an Excel spreadsheet to your computer.

We'll be adding to this page in the future. If you have a grants resource you'd like to see posted, please contact Gail Sumi at email.
The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) has released its 2021 climate assessment report, Wisconsin’s Changing Climate: Impacts and Solutions for a Warmer Climate!

This latest report follows-up on the 2011 report, showcasing how the climate has continued to change over the past decade and how new data and insight is leading to adaptation, mitigation, and solutions. The report is the product of 14 working groups that include over 200 scientists, practitioners, and Wisconsin residents representing more than 50 national, state, and local agencies, non-profit organizations, and universities. The assessment report includes details on the continued warming and increased rain and snow that has been seen throughout the state. Research shows that the statewide temperatures have increased about three degrees Fahrenheit since 1950, with the last two decades being the warmest on record. Rain and snow have also increased by nearly twenty percent during this same period, and the past decade was the wettest on record. Additionally, the report showcases the ways in which climate change is impacting communities through several community member interviews from around the state. 

Heads up! Projects Needed - please share with anyone interested
UW-Madison's UniverCity Alliance and Thriving Earth Exchange — an American Geophysical Union program — are looking for Wisconsin communities to work with on their geotechnical projects. This free opportunity connects communities with scientists and experts as they work to solve local challenges related to natural hazards, natural resources and climate change. 
The deadline is March 1! Past examples of Thriving Earth Exchange projects can be found in this database. Wisconsin-based communities and volunteers who are interested can contact Shelly Strom at, to get involved! 
Creating a vibrant place: the arts and creativity in your downtown

It’s a proven fact that the arts help establish and provide a sense of place in downtowns large and small.

Anne Katz of Arts Wisconsin reports on research, models, best practices and ideas to help you make sure arts programs and experiences are a fixture of your vibrant downtown.

Subscribe now to the League's "Newish' Cybersecurity Newsletter.

One monthly in-depth issue and alerts as needed. 

Questions or suggestions? Contact the League's Robin Powers at email.
League Handbook Orders!

You can order the following Handbooks in print or as a PDF:
Handbook for Wisconsin Municipal Officials - Completely updated in January 2017. PDF Available!
Handbook for Wisconsin Police and Fire Commissioners - Completely updated in January 2019. PDF Available!
Municipal Licensing and Regulation of Alcohol Beverages - Updated in July 2021. PDF Available!

League Handbooks include: Annual Directory of Wisconsin City and Village Officials (Free PDF) * Annual Products and Services Guide for Wisconsin Municipalities * Annexation of Territory to Wisconsin Cities and Villages * Basic Financial Administration for Wisconsin Local Governments * The Conduct of Common Council Meetings * The Conduct of Village Board Meetings * A Citizen's Guide to Wisconsin Cities and Villages FREE (PDF) * Handbook for Wisconsin Municipal Officials - Completely updated in Jan. 2017. * Handbook for Wisconsin Police and Fire Commissioners - Completely updated in Jan. 2019. * Municipal Licensing and Regulation of Alcohol Beverages - Updated in July 2021. * The Powers and Duties of Wisconsin Mayors * The Powers and Duties of Wisconsin Village Presidents * Proceedings of the Annual Municipal Attorneys Institute * So You've Been Elected (Booklet) * So You Want to Be An Elected Official (Booklet) * Special Assessments in Wisconsin

Orders for print Handbooks will be fulfilled once a week. Place your order here.
Register Now:
Using the League’s New Zoning Guide for Affordable Housing
CNU faculty is providing training for municipal elected officials, staff, and private planning consultants interested in using the Wisconsin-specific Zoning Guide. The training is free but attendance is limited and REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. 

The overall goal of the Guide and the training is to show that bite-sized zoning code changes are possible and can have an immediate impact on removing obstacles to the development of workforce and missing middle housing. 

(The Guide will be available for download in mid-February, prior to the workshops. Background is available on the League's website here.) 

The training will cover how to use the documents in the Guide, navigating the steps to amending a code, and determining where to start. Both the morning and afternoon sessions will focus on the methodology of incremental code reform and the process and implementation described within the Guide.

The morning session will be geared for elected municipal officials, city and village administrators/managers, builders, and advocates. The afternoon session will be geared for municipal planning staff and private planning consultants. 

You may attend both the morning and afternoon sessions.
February 21 - Eau Claire, A.M. Session 9 - 11:30; P.M. Session - 1:00 - 4:00  
February 22 - Plover, A.M. Session 9 - 11:30; P.M. Session - 1:00 - 4:00 
February 23 – Oshkosh, A.M. Session 9-11:30; P.M. Session - 1:00 - 4:00
*Please note each session is limited to 40 participants.

Wisconsin Rural Economic Summit
Tuesday, February 22, 2022– No cost
– Community Economic Development. Virtual. 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Using the latest research and data specific to Wisconsin’s rural communities and regions, we will focus on the Wisconsin rural economy. The summit includes an overview of the latest economic and demographic trends across rural communities, an examination of entrepreneurship, housing, healthcare, and child care, and a discussion of a 4th wave of economic development policies.

Creating Your Decarbonization Plan Webinar
Feb. 22, 2022, 1 p.m.-2 p.m. Central
Wisconsin Clean Cities
Join Drive Clean Indiana and Wisconsin Clean Cities for the 2022 Winter Webinar Series! The series continues with the Creating Your Decarbonization Plan Webinar. Hear from municipal, utility and business leaders who have created decarbonization plans about their methods for successful planning and implementation. Scheduled speakers include Evelyn Bauman, Director of Sustainability, City of South Bend; Stephen Holcomb, Manager, Environmental Policy & Sustainability, NiSource; Mahanth Joishy, Superintendent, City of Madison Fleet Service and Maria Redmond, Director, Wisconsin Office of Sustainability & Clean Energy 

Upcoming Certified Public Manager® Racial Equity Class
Use code “Equity20” for 20% off.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022– “Sustaining Anti-Racist and Equitable Practices in Government Bodies” – Virtual. 8:30 a.m.- 3:15 p.m.
Learn the critical elements of equity-focused mentoring and succession-planning programs, assess your organization's readiness to develop anti-racist leaders, and examine effective, DEI-centered succession programs in other agencies. Cost: $225.

Promising Practices Webinar: Reflecting Racial Equity in City Policies
National Civic League
Thursday, February 24th at 1:00 pm - Free
Learn how cities and communities are evaluating and addressing discriminatory and biased policies and practices.

Fundamentals of Zoning & Land Use Decision Making
Center for Land Use Education. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams Resource Center, Janesville, WI.
Monday, February 28, 2022, $20
This workshop introduces local government officials to three primary tools for land use decision making: the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, and subdivision ordinance. We’ll take a closer look at zoning decisions and review rules that apply when your plan commission and elected officials adopt and apply the ordinance. Learn about permitted and conditional uses, rezones, and variances. Cost: $20. Registration:

Public Utilities Law Update 
March 2, Hybrid Program
Wisconsin Public Utility Institute
This annual program highlights regulatory and legislative changes over the past year. It will include presentations from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin as well as attorneys familiar with these recent changes.

Budgeting for Public Works
Wednesdays, March 2-9, 2022 - Cost: $150.
Transportation Information Center. Online. 1:00- 4:00 p.m.
Learn how to use various budget formats to communicate your department’s operational costs, benefits, effectiveness, and changes over time, as well as work with your agency’s capital budgeting process to meet long range department needs.

Equipment Use and Workplace Safety
Thursdays, March 3-10, 2022 –
Transportation Information Center. Online. 8:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Cost: $150.

The League's Human Resources for Small Communities
Tuesday, March 8, 9, 10, & 11, 2022 from 10:00 AM-11:00 AM via Zoom

This workshop is Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association credit eligible.

Please thank our sponsor - 

Tree Planting: Top Picks for 2022
March 8, 2022 TIME: 6:30 pm (Central)
PRESENTERS: Fred Hoppe, Board Certified Master Arborist and Hoppe Tree Service Co-Owner, and Devin Hessler, Hoppe Landscape Services Manager
Planting the right tree into the right place makes all the difference in the success of your landscape investment. Learn how to select the proper tree in this session. The presenters will also share their favorite picks for species that balance beauty and resistance to insects and disease.

March 9, Web-only Program
Wisconsin Public Utility Institute
Energy storage technologies continue to evolve and improve. This program will provide an overview of energy storage in the U.S., discuss policy updates and impacts, examine the alternatives to lithium-ion batteries, review what approaches states are taking, and conclude with a discussion with industry experts who will share their perspectives on what’s next.

Congressional City Conference
March 14-16, Washington DC
National League of Cities

Improving Communication Skills
Thursday, March 17, 2022 – Transportation Information Center. Fond du Lac, WI. 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Cost: $150.

The League's Chief Executives Workshop
March 22, 23 and 24 - Virtual - $50.
Magnetic Communities, Solving the Daycare Dilemma, Grants Panel.

Talent Development Conference (TDCON 2022)
April 7 & 8, Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells
Wisconsin Workforce Development Association

The League's Building Inspectors Institute
April 20-22, 2022
Lake Lawn Resort, Delavan

Attendees will receive: 12 Commercial Building, 12 UDC Building and 6 UDC HVAC credits

The League's Plumbing Inspectors Institute
April 20-22, 2022
Lake Lawn Resort, Delavan

Annual Rural Summit
Wisconsin Rural Partners
April 26-27 - Marshfield

This year's theme is “Collaboration for Rural Success.”
Breakouts include:
  • Financing Small Business Growth in Rural Wisconsin
  • Healthcare Collaborations to Meet Pressing Community Needs
  • Collaboration for Shared Public Services in Rural Communities
  • Rural Broadband
  • Public Safety Services in Rural Communities  
  • Leveraging Natural Resources and Tourism for Economic Development in Rural Communities
  • Developing and Strengthening Community Leaders

Transportation & Innovation Expo
April 28, 2022, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Madison
Wisconsin Clean Cities
Register now for the Transportation & Innovation Expo April 28 in Madison with our co-hosts Alliant Energy, the City of Madison & Madison Gas & Electric! Our sustainable transportation, infrastructure, technology and fleet vehicle conference & expo is the must-attend event of the year. Our last Transportation & Innovation Expo was the largest one-day sustainable transportation event in Wisconsin with more than 50 exhibitors in the 70,000-square-foot expo hall, 60 vehicles & equipment on display and 30 industry experts presenting in breakout sessions. Sponsorship and exhibit opportunities are available.

Join us for the League’s popular Local Govt 101 Workshop  
This is your chance to learn the basics and more!
  • Organization & Powers of Cities and Villages
  • Recognizing and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
  • Budgeting and Financial Oversight
  • Procedures for Local Government Meetings
  • Managing Public Works Activities
2022 attendance options include in-person and virtual workshops.* 
  • May 6 - Webinar 
  • May 13 – Eau Claire, The Lismore Hotel
  • June 3 – Madison Marriott West
  • September 9 - Webinar
  • September 16 – In-Person Location TBD

*If you register for either of the webinars, you can participate in any of the Local Government 101 webinars within one year from your registration date. Mix and match the segments - take them all in one-day or attend when you can.
In-person registration is for a specific date and location only. Registration deadlines are 5 days before the workshop date. In-person or online, the registration fee is $110. The League also offers prerecorded versions of the webinar program for purchase. 



Wisconsin Certified Public Manager® (CPM) program
Offered through Local Government Education, Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Leadership, Management and Workplace Skills Classes

Local Government Education Webinar Classes Available for Purchase
If you’ve missed any previous LGE programs, there are several available for purchase here:
Some recent webinars for purchase are:
·       Practices for Protecting Local Farmland:
·       Grants: From the Funders’ Perspective:
·       Increasing Housing Options through Simple Zoning Changes
·       Civically Engaging Youth in Local Government and your Community

Check out the League's General Grants Resource page here.

U.S Department of Commerce
Economic Development Administration (EDA) offers this flexible American Rescue Plan Act grants to support job creation/retention through construction, non-construction planning, workforce development, and entrepreneurship and recreation economy support. Application Deadline: Rolling | Contact your local Economic Development Representative

U.S Department of Commerce
Economic Development Administration (EDA) is available to qualified applicants to accelerate the recovery of communities that rely on the travel, tourism and outdoor recreation sectors. Specific requirements apply. Application Deadline: Rolling, until funding is exhausted

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Funds support research that expands the evidence needed to build a culture of health, with an explicit emphasis on advancing racial equity. Application Deadline: Open

U.S. Department of Agriculture
USDA Rural Development invests in rural transportation, through the Rural Business Development Grant, to build opportunity for prosperity for organizations seeking to improve passenger services and facilities. Federal Register. Application Deadline: 4/14/2022 

U.S. Department of Agriculture 
USDA Rural Development support for qualified intermediaries to improve housing and community facilities, and to implement community and economic development projects in rural areas. Federal Register. Application Deadline: on 4/19/2022

U.S. Department of Agriculture
USDA Rural Development encourages a regional, innovation-driven approach to economic development by funding job accelerator partnerships in low-income rural communities. Federal Register. Application Deadline: 4/19/2022

U.S. Department of Agriculture 
USDA Rural Development offers this new program to support underserved communities deploy community-scale renewable energy technologies and innovations to reduce climate pollution and increase resilience to the impacts of climate change. Federal Register. Letter of Intent Required: 4/19/2022

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration initiative aimed at reducing the morbidity and mortality of substance use disorder (SUD) in high-risk rural communities and improve to and quality of SUD and other behavioral health care services in rural communities. Application Deadline: 4/19/2022

U.S Department of Homeland Security
This program offers funding for hazard mitigation activities that promote climate adaptation and resilience with respect to those hazards. Application Deadline: 2/25/2022 

Environmental Protection Agency
This program offers funds to conduct ambient air monitoring of pollutants of greatest concern in communities with environmental and health outcome disparities stemming from pollution and the COVID-19 pandemic. Application Deadline: 3/25/2022 

U.S. Department of Agriculture 
USDA Rural Development program that provides loan guarantees to assist in the development, construction and retrofitting of new and emerging technologies for advanced biofuels, renewable chemicals and biobased products. Application Deadline: 4/1/2022

U.S. Department of Agriculture
USDA Rural Development is expanding access to four loan guarantee programs that provide funding to help rural communities create jobs and improve local infrastructure.


U.S. Department of Agriculture
The USDA is accepting applications for up to $1.15 billion in loans and grants to help people in rural areas get access to high-speed internet. Application deadline is Feb. 22, 2022. Details here.

Rural Business Development Grant Program
U.S. Department of Agriculture
This program is designed to provide grants to support technical assistance and training for small rural businesses. Small means that the business has fewer than 50 new workers and less than $1 million in gross revenue. Each year, Congress has mandated that a portion of this program is set-aside to fund projects that benefit members of federally recognized Tribes. Applications are due no later than 4:30 PM local time on February 28, 2022.

2023 Urban Nonpoint Source Construction Grant Applications Now Available

Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water (UNPS & SW) Construction Grant applications for projects beginning in 2023 are now available on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR)’s grant program webpage.

The grant program offers local governments competitive grants to control pollution that is carried by storm water runoff from diffuse urban sources. The grants reimburse costs of construction projects that control this type of pollution. Eligible construction projects include:
  • Construction of structural urban best management practices including wet detention
  • Infiltration, or wetland basins, or infiltration trenches
  • Engineering design and construction services for best management practices installation
  • Land acquisition and easement purchase, including appraisal cost
  • Storm sewer rerouting and removal of structures
  • Streambank and shoreline stabilization
Please note that Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water planning grant applications will not be solicited in 2022 but will be solicited again in 2023.

Community and nonprofit funding and grants, educational offerings, and key resources

The Very Popular Municipal Dam Grant Application period is OPEN! 
The 2021 Biennial Budget increased the Dam Safety Grant appropriation and provided $10 million for Dam Safety Grants. The Biennial Budget also changed the cost-share amount so that Grants now provide a cost-sharing opportunity for eligible engineering and construction costs for dam maintenance, repair, modification or abandonment and removal up to a maximum of $1,000,000.00. The DEADLINE IS MARCH 4TH, 2022.

Innovation Matters Funding Opportunities, Publications, Events and Learning is the latest USDA Rural Development Newsletter. This issue includes the new Rural Community Toolkit which is a Tool to Increase Vaccine Confidence in Rural Areas.
Subscribe to the USDA newsletter.