News & Updates
Message from the President

As 2022 dawns, we hope a more peaceful and healthy year for all awaits. At Houston Psychoanalytic Society, we are ringing in January with two (plague themed) fascinating events.  

First is our Evening Speaker Series on Thursday, January 6th, 2022, from 7:00 to 8:30pm.  
  • Jean Goodwin, M.D. presents Chistoph Haizmann: The Painter, the Pact and the Plague. This 17th century artist, whose seizures, visions and subsequent exorcisms while surviving the Black Plague, was the subject of a paper Freud published in 1923.

Next is our Ethics Conference on Saturday, January 22, 2022, from 9:00am to 12:15pm.
  • Donna Orange, Ph.D., Psy.D, presents Radical Ethics in Times of Plague. In this workshop, we look at the twin plagues of Covid-19 and white supremacy.

There are a plethora of “types” of psychotherapy, but one element of all of them is neglected in our literature and taken for granted in our professional development: the complexities of being a trustworthy therapist to our patients.  
  • Jon Allen, Ph.D. presents ideas from his new book in Becoming a Trustworthy Psychotherapist on Thursday, February 3, 2022, from 7:30 to 9:00pm. 

For those of you waiting for our rescheduled two day Mark Solms conference, it’s almost here!
  • Neuropsychoanalytic Revisions of Basic Theory will be held on Friday, February 18, 2022, from 10:00am to 1:15pm
  • Neuropsychoanalytic Revisions of Clinical Technique will be held on Saturday, February 19, 2022, from 10:00am to 1:15pm.

Please do take a moment to join or renew your HPS membership if you have not done so. You can see the entire selection of HPS Programs for 2021-2022 here.  

May 2022 bring the world more peace and progress than its predecessor.

Warm Regards,
Sharon Chada, Ph.D., President
News from the Program Chair

Revisions to HPS Program for 2021-2022 
Due to low attendance, our monthly Book Club program is being cancelled, effective immediately. We will proceed as planned with our conferences, evening lectures, and study groups. The updated calendar can be found on the HPS website.

HPS Educational Programs to Remain Online in 2022-2023
HPS educational programs (conferences, lectures, study groups) will remain online next year, regardless of the status of the COVID pandemic and social quarantine. This decision was made in the interests of increasing the diversity of our membership and reducing negative environmental impact resulting from travel, fossil fuel use, and climate change. While we value in-person interaction, we believe that educational programs offer little time for socializing, which does not justify the environmental impact. We will offer a few arts events next year for local members to gather in the Houston area for purposes of socializing and networking. 

The HPS program theme for 2022-2023 is Conflict and Discord. Conflict and discord are ubiquitous in human development and functioning. Obviously, conflict can be internal or external, involving dyads (parent-child, couples, client-therapist), families, organizations, or large social groups. Freud based his theory on inner drives, conflict, and defense mechanisms. The centerpiece of his developmental theory involved the resolution of Oedipal issues and conflicts. Contemporary infant-parent observations have taught us the lifelong importance of processes of attunement-disruption-repair. While discord is uncomfortable, its resolution can promote emotional growth and resilience. 

We are seeking proposals for evening lectures and study groups that address the theme of Conflict and Discord in a variety of ways, based on either clinical or applied psychoanalytic theory. Interested persons should submit a short paragraph about their proposed program and topic, along with a few sentences about their expertise on the topic. Program proposals are due by February 15th and should be emailed to JoAnn Ponder at [email protected]. Other required documents are due in the Spring. Please note that presenters and study group facilitators receive much appreciation, but very little remuneration.   
Happy New Year!
JoAnn Ponder  
Community Events

JANUARY 5, 2022 
Monthly Meeting

Sighted Therapist, Blind Client: More Simply Human than Other(wise)
Presented by JoAnn Ponder, PhD

Austin Psychoanalytic
7:30pm - 9:00pm CT
JANUARY 29, 2022 

Conceiving the Minds of Others: Developmental Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Presented by Stephen Seligman, DMH

Austin Psychoanalytic
11:00am - 2:15pm CT
FEBRUARY 2, 2022 
Monthly Meeting

Ambivalence about the Other: Racism and Xenophobia
Presented by Stephanie Swales, PhD

Austin Psychoanalytic
7:30pm - 9:00pm CT
The mission of the Houston Psychoanalytic Society is to promote psychoanalytic and psychodynamic principles and engage the community at large in creative discussions about psychoanalytic thought and application.
The Houston Psychoanalytic Society is a leading source in southeast Texas for continuing education for mental health professionals presented by experts in psychoanalytic research, practice, and application at discounted fees for members. If you are not a member and are interested in joining, or you are a member and would like to become more active, please contact a Board member and join us in our mission!
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