Upcoming HPS Programs
Invited Evening Lecture (2 CME/CEUs)
January 21, 2021
The Death Instinct: “Remorseless Law of Nature” or Metaphor?
Presented by Hannah Decker, PhD, Historian
Evening Speaker Series (1.5 CME/CEUs)
February 18, 2021
The Pilgrims’ Progress: A Therapist and Patient Journey to London
Presented by Jeffrey Stern, PhD
Conference (3 CME/CEUs)
February 6, 2021
Ethics a Deux: Problems in Cyberspace in Our Digital Era, and the Ethics of Supervision
Presented by Glen Gabbard, MD
Evening Speaker Series (1.5 CME/CEUs)
March 4, 2021
Restoring Hope for the Future: Mentalization-Based Therapy in the Treatment of Suicidal States of Mind
Presented by Shweta Sharma, PsyD and Christopher J. Fowler, PhD
Study Group (7.5 CME/CEUs)
5 Tuesdays | Mar. 9, Mar. 23, Apr. 13, Apr. 27, May 11, 2021, 7pm-8:30pm
Racism in Psychoanalytic Treatment and Supervision
Facilitated by JoAnn Ponder, PhD
Conference (3 CME/CEUs)
Saturday, Mar. 27, 2021, 9:00am- 3:00pm (co-sponsored by Houston Group Psychotherapy Society and Houston Eating Disorder Specialists)
Getting “Inside Out and Outside In” the Relational Montage of an Eating Disorder
Presented by Jean Petrucelli, PhD
Study Group (3 CME/CEUs)
2 Mondays | Apr. 12, Apr, 19, 2021, 7pm-8:30pm
Down the Yellow Brick Road: The Wizard of Oz as a Journey of Psychic Transformation
Facilitated by Jamie L. Loveland, PhD, LCSW
Conference (3 CME/CEUs)
Saturday, April 24, 2021, 9:00am-12:15pm (co-sponsored by The Jung Center)
Traveling Through Oz: A Journey to Wholeness
Presented by Gita Dorothy Morena, PhD
Evening Speaker Series (1.5 CME/CEUs)
May 6, 2021
The March from Selma to Montgomery and the Nonviolent Movement in Analysis (co-sponsored by The Jung Center)
Presented by Renee Cunningham, MFT