Dear Supporters,

What an incredible first quarter this year has brought us! After an exhausting end of year in 2022, I wondered how many of our volunteers would return! But to their credit, we not only had everyone back, but four of our core volunteers sought increased roles!

After kids went back to school in January, we got busy. We reconfigured procedures and our org chart so that not everyone is doing everything. We booked venues and speakers. We met with spouses and couples in crisis and for mentoring. Nicole Erdvig took on the role of Home Watch Lead, and with Krisha Halstead, the two put together a detailed procedure so that Home Watch Conferences would be meticulously organized.

Treasurer Lorie Osborne transitioned our accounting to a better software program, outsourced our finances to a bookkeeping firm, set us up for employment/payroll, and mailed all donor receipts by the end of January! Lorie is now available to serve in other areas as well.

Our state liaisons were very busy in response to local crises and requests for them to speak to families (Indiana Liaison was especially in demand—see below pic). Two of them agreed to host Home Watch Conferences and set to work on those details. Some of our peers were able to use their skills with their husbands in response to critical incidents.

In February, one member was a guest on a public safety podcast, and then went to Atlanta to attend the Traumas of Law Enforcement class put on by Concerns of Police Survivors. She interacted with several departments who were looking for guidance on their family wellness programs, did peer support with some officers, and gave out a couple dozen books and resource materials.

We continued prayers for patches across the country, praying for seven more departments.

And then, March! Krisha Halstead became our very first paid employee! She is my administrative assistant, keeping me on track, helping with follow up, making sure things are running smoothly. She’s taken on many of my admin duties, freeing me to do more presidential tasks!

A team of four drove to Anaheim, California to represent our booth at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Officer Safety and Wellness Symposium. This began three days of non-stop interaction and peer support with departments all over the country. We gave out resources, prizes, and networked until we had no energy left. We are still following up with dozens of departments! (Our team is pictured below with the Survive First team.)

The following week we hosted our first Home Watch Spouse Conference in Elk Grove, California. About 160 were in attendance! We heard from amazing speakers, ate delicious food, and loved on these spouses (and some officers) until they left fully blessed. The feedback has been nothing short of amazing, and we’ve been told at least three marriages were saved thus far. (The pictures below are cop wives writing letters to their younger selves, and a group photo of everyone who attended!) See below for quotes from Elk Grove and Baton Rouge!

The following week we witnessed a huge response at the Lubbock, Texas Traumas of Law Enforcement class—departments were lined up wanting to talk with us about our programs and resources. We gave out everything we had and collected a page and a half of sign-ups to follow up with.

We sent John and Janine D’Agostini (Retired Sheriff of El Dorado County and our Vice President) to Washington D.C. to speak on behalf of a bill designed to give first responders federal benefits that are given to military. John mentioned How 2 Love Our Cops during his testimony! They were well received, and the bill has gained support.

The last week of March we took a team to Baton Rouge, Louisiana for our second Home Watch Spouse Conference (April 1). This event was more intimate, with 30 people attending. But the impact was huge—the feedback was incredible! A few of us then went to New Orleans for the Traumas of Law Enforcement class. We contacted several more officers, giving out a few dozen books left over from the conference. (Guest Speaker Jill Newman is pictured below, talking about how law enforcement careers have an impact on children.)

While all this work was taking place, we launched our newest resource for departments—our video, starter kits, and landing pages for new officer families and departments are on the website!

Here are the numbers for our team from the first quarter:

  • 73 Peer Contacts, with 24 Referrals to Clinicians/Rehab and Follow Up
  • 22 Events hosted by Team Members countrywide
  • 3 Bible Studies led by Team Members
  • 6 Departments received New Officer Starter Kits
  • 14 Educational Presentations by Team Members
  • 5 Couples Mentored
  • 4 documented marriages saved by attending Home Watch Conferences

I’ve already lost count of the thousands of volunteer hours that have been given already this year. I am so impressed with our team members—truly motivated by love for our blue families. Everyone—from social media to Costco runs, from a tearful conversation to running A/V, from event preparatory work to hosting our speakers, from prayers to emails and phone calls to teaching—all of it comes together to make an impact that grows each week. With 17 regular team members, growth is exponential!

Next quarter will bring peer support expansion, Home Watch Haverhill in MA, National Police Week in DC, recruiting several new volunteers, and continued community outreach, among several other works in progress.

Thank you for your support—whether you’ve given time, dollars, prayers, or you are benefitting from our work, we appreciate you!

Gratefully yours,

Victoria Newman

Founder and President

How 2 Love Our Cops

A few comments from police families about Home Watch 2023:

“With each conference I am educating myself and diving into the conversations with doctors, chaplains, pastors, and fellow LEO spouses of lessons learned and how to help my officer heal. Thank you, H2LOC, for another outstanding conference!”


“Yesterday me and ten beautiful law enforcement wives attended the Home Watch Spouse Conference! Some of us know each other, some of us have never met, and some of us are building friendships. But we all left as a FAMILY. We cried together. We laughed together. And we talked about A LOT of hard stuff…I continue to be amazed by these women and their strength.”


“I needed this day, and I didn’t even realize it. I thought I had been there, done that. But I realized I’m doing a lot of things wrong in our relationship. I look forward to using the tools I received today to make our lives so much better!”

-Louisiana spouse

“This weekend marked a difference in our journey together. My wife is now on my team!”

-Anonymous Officer


-Officer who attended with his wife

Visit our Website for more info!


P.O. Box 811

Penryn, CA 95663

Building Resilience. Restoring Hope. Thriving Together.

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