How About Digging Deeper Into Doctrine?
Does anyone want to do required reading and homework for a Bible study? You’d be surprised! This month we see another option for a congregation’s Bible study curriculum. It’s a Digging Deeper Into Doctrine course. Course materials and a sample bulletin insert for the study are provided at the end of the article.

Pastor Dan Schroeder serves as pastor at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Modesto, California. He previously served in Jackson, Wisconsin; Chula Vista, California; and as Bible Study Editor at Northwestern Publishing House.
They never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. Acts 5:42
Adult Education: Additum
Ministering to Millennials

Understanding the age group of your participants will help shape your Bible studies. How well do you know the 23- to 38-year-olds in your church? Although not specifically about Bible studies, this series of videos and discussion guides created by WELS Congregational Services can help you minister to millennials in the area of discipleship.

Teaching Toolbox
Bring New Context to Past Personalities

Learners can find it difficult to think of biblical or historical personalities as real people. They also read texts without realizing that there are tangible personalities behind them. One effective way to give flesh and blood to the past is by designing questions that ask students to bring authors, historical characters, and texts into the study.

Curriculum Connection
End Times: Jesus Is Coming Soon

November is the time in the church year when the church focuses on the end times and Jesus’ return on judgment day. This 8-lesson study on end times by Tim Gumm can be tailored to fit your needs, by allowing you to chose specific lessons for the number of weeks needed. The sample lesson below, Lesson 3, can be used to get a realistic and accurate picture of what Christians in the world will experience as they wait for Christ’s return on the Last Day. It also gives a brief study about the Antichrist.

Teaching Tip
Specifying Blessings of a Bible Study

“To promote effective retrieval, at the end of class ask students to put their notes away and force themselves to remember what was covered.”

James Lang
Director of the Center for Teaching
Excellence at Assumption College
  Teach the Word  is a collaboration of Northwestern Publishing House,
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, and WELS Discipleship.