How About a Multigenerational VBS?
Growing in God’s Word takes place at every age. So can we bring all ages together for one study? Can we have these different generations interact, converse, and grow together? In this issue, take a look at one example of a multigenerational vacation Bible school and a sample lesson of what a study could look like.

Pastor Dan Schroeder serves as pastor at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Modesto, California. He previously served in Jackson, Wisconsin; Chula Vista, California; and as Bible Study Editor at Northwestern Publishing House.
They never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. Acts 5:42
Adult Education: Additum
6 Myths About Introverts

It’s estimated that introverts make up 30 to 40 percent of the world’s population. That means introverts are also a large portion of your Bible study participants. Can you think of someone in one of your studies whom you might consider an introvert? Being aware of what an introvert is and isn’t can help in teaching and facilitating a study. The article has a link to a TED Talk that has been a help to many leaders as they work to better understand introverts.

Teaching Toolbox
17 Tips to Motivate Adult Learners

Adult learners in a Bible study might not always realize what blessings come with spending time in the Word together. But the Holy Spirit works in their hearts to desire more knowledge and growth in God’s precious truths. In this article, Christopher Pappas provides 17 tips that may help in the design, presentation, and engagement of a Bible study. Though written specifically for e-learning courses, why not try incorporating two or three of the tips into your upcoming study?

Curriculum Connection
Predestination: Chosen in Christ

When a doctrine is complex and deep, that doesn’t mean it has little practical value. The Bible study Predestination: Chosen in Christ by John Moldstad Jr. intends to show that our being chosen as followers of Christ is a source of strength when temptations to doubt creep in. The study of this doctrine involves more than simply setting forth the scriptural principles in a systematic way. As Lesson 7 demonstrates, our understanding of election has an important bearing on our daily lives as Christians. Take a look at the samples of this study below.

Teaching Tip
Specifying Blessings of a Bible Study

When advertising and promoting an upcoming Bible study, present specific benefits the learners will get through the course. Growing in faith and knowledge of the Word are obvious gains of a Bible study, but naming some blessings might help. For example, when promoting a study of 1 Corinthians, you might list what kind of problems can exist within a Christian congregation and note that the study will teach how God handles them.
  Teach the Word  is a collaboration of Northwestern Publishing House,
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, and WELS Discipleship.