Intention focuses our attention and informs our actions. What is behind the ways you set intentions?
  • Focusing your goals
  • Connecting to lunar cycles
  • Setting your mood
  • Manifesting
  • Letting go
  • Creating a mindset
  • Making a commitment
  • Taking responsibility

How often do you set your intention?
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Hourly
  • Occasionally

Are there areas of your life where you could benefit from being more intentional? Consider:
  • What you eat
  • Relationships you nurture
  • Approaches to self-care
  • Ways you honor yourself
  • The transformational work you do
To Your Blossoming,
Mindy Schrager
Mindy Schrager
Recent Blogs

In making updates to my website recently, I was speaking with some people who commented on my logo. I mentioned that the colors were each chosen for a specific reason; there was intention behind the decision. After hearing that, one of them suggested I write a blog about those choices.

I first saw an Aura-Soma® training called The Seven Levels of Letting Go numerous years ago. At that time, I told myself I wanted to attend. It was my intention. Several years went by… and there was no offering. Then, earlier this year, I received a pleasant surprise. Not only was there an upcoming training, but the timing and location were workable. I finally was able to follow through on the intention I set many years ago.

Program Highlights
Notes of Appreciation

Thank you to the current attendees of Self-Care through Color. Your engagement with the program, the insights you share, and the transformations you are creating are inspiring. Looking forward to seeing what unfolds during the remaining sessions.
Thank you to everyone who recently ordered Aura-Soma® products supporting a breath of new energies to be brought in. My recent attendance at the Aura-Soma® training “The Seven Levels of Letting Go” reminded me of the many layers to this self-care color system. I wish you a magical journey as you work with and experience the 49 herbs, essences, crystal tinctures, and essential oils contained in the bottles.
Thank you to all who attended Ancestral Connection on May 30th. I appreciate your willingness to look at deepening your connection with your ancestors. Your sharing highlighted the many different ways that are ancestors are a part of the tapestry of our lives.
Upcoming Opportunities

Look for new offerings of Meeting the Shadow, Self-Care through Color and Ancestral Connection starting after July. If you’d like to attend and have a preferred day of the week and time, please let me know in response to this email.

For Meeting the Shadow, I am looking at three different offerings – a 6-week virtual with bonus integration session, a weekend retreat, and one-day workshop in the Cary, NC area. Interested? Reply to this email and let me know.
Ongoing Opportunities for Personal Growth – Connect to your Roots, Connect to your Path, Connect to your Self

I look forward to supporting you (and anyone you refer) on your transformational journey to shine light on hidden patterns to unlock progress and unleash remarkable results. Here are options to create amazing changes and create new pathways for growth.

Which one resonates the most?

1:1 coaching is available at any time. For group coaching programs, join the waitlists as noted below.
Group Program Waitlists
Registering for the waitlist will give you advance notice of upcoming events and an opportunity to set the time and date. It also helps me to gauge the level of interest and decide when to offer a new series. Group programs are as follows:
Meeting the Shadow
If you are experiencing a recurring pattern, find it challenging to achieve a specific goal, or are triggered by people and events around you, consider investing in yourself by signing up for this 6-week program, along with a follow-up integration session. If you have a group of friends or colleagues who are interested, I’m happy to schedule an additional series. 
Ancestral Connection is a 60-minute free guided activity designed to support you in creating a bridge between the present and the strength of your ancestors. Tap into the wisdom of your family lineage and weave their support into the tapestry of your life and self-care. Sign up for the waitlist and receive advance notice regarding the sessions.

Self-Care Through Color is a 4-week program designed to build your awareness and usage of color as a transformational tool. Focus on one area of your life and experience the myriad of ways color can focus your attention, change your perspective, and enhance your self-care routines. If you are feeling confused, stuck, unclear, or simply want to learn more about how color plays in your life, Self-Care Through Color is for you. A new series starts on May 17th but if that timing doesn’t work for you, sign up for the waitlist.

My article library for Brainz Magazine can be found at - Article Libary 

Here is a link to the magazine - Brainz Magazine
Systems of Change |