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 "How can this be," Mary asked the angel.

—Luke 1:34

O Word that became flesh, thank you for making your home among us and within us. n this Advent season, invite us into rhythms of soulful reflection. Help us to get quiet so we can hear who you are calling us to move toward.

Bless the work of our hands and the doorposts of our homes. Help us to journey with you, Jesus, as we anticipate your arrival in a stable in Bethlehem so long ago. Help us to journey with you, Jesus, as we anticipate your arrival in war-torn Bethlehem, even now. We can hardly fathom the mystery and grace of your presence. Still, we need you. Still, you are near. Amen.

Prayer adapted from Every Season Sacred, by Kayla Craig.

For more resources for daily reflection during Advent,

visit FUMC Austin on Instagram or Facebook.

Contact Rachel Wright, Director of Communications, with questions or concerns about these daily Advent devotionals.