Ganga Sasidharan Dhanesh, Ph.D. & Gaelle Picherit-Duthler, Ph.D., Zayed University
This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center

Dr. Ganga Sasidharan Dhanesh and Dr. Gaelle Picherit-Duthler explored how internal communication practices (such as two-way communication and message content) impact employee engagement during a crisis.

An online survey of 304 participants was collected in 2020 after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Arab Emirates, India, and Pakistan.

Key findings include:
  • When employees have to suddenly shift into remote work that could potentially be isolating, it is not enough to provide employees with a sense of control over their time, work, and communication media. New ways of working must also enable social connection.
  • Organizations that employ two-way communication are more likely to keep remote employees engaged, allowing them to share their concerns, in the case of a prolonged crisis.  
  • Content that aims to strengthen trust in the organization by explicating the organization’s values, strategies, and long-term outlook can boost employee engagement. 
  • The content of internal crisis communication, whether about information, identification, or fact, can motivate and encourage employees to stay engaged at work.

The Harris Poll
The Harris Poll examined Americans’ views on cybersecurity and technology development at the outset of 2022.

A survey of 2,037 U.S. adults was conducted from Jan. 7 – 9, 2022.

Key findings include:
  • 74% of Millennials follow tech trends like electric vehicles, virtual reality, smart home technology, and health wearables "a lot" or "a little bit."
  • Privacy is the biggest constraint to new technology adoption.
  • 70% of Boomers and older do not trust tech companies to keep their data information secure and private, compared to 45% of Generation Z, 39% of Millennials, and 60% of Generation X.
  • Millennials, Black, and Hispanic Americans are most familiar with Web3/Web 3.0, a new iteration of the World Wide Web that would incorporate decentralization based on blockchains.

Morning Consult analyzed the trust American citizens have in major governmental institutions.

A survey of 2,201 U.S. adults was conducted on Dec. 30, 2021.

Key findings include:
  • Only 28% of Republicans said they have at least "some" trust in the U.S. government, down 20% since January 2021.
  • Republicans were most likely to express trust in the military and the police, at 81%, though both figures have dipped over the past year.
  • 53% of Republican voters say they are “very” or “extremely” enthusiastic about voting in the midterm elections for Congress, compared with 49% of Democrats.

Anthony Leiserowitz, Ph.D., Yale University; Edward Maibach, MPH, Ph.D., George Mason University; Seth Rosenthal, Ph.D., Yale University; & John Kotcher, Ph.D., George Mason University 
Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz and colleagues examined Americans' willingness to engage in consumer activism to reduce global warming.

A survey of 1,006 U.S. adults was conducted from Sept. 10 – 20, 2021. 

Key findings include:
  • 33% of Americans said they have rewarded companies that are taking steps to reduce global warming by buying their products in the past 12 months.
  • 28% of Americans said they have punished companies that are opposing steps to reduce global warming by not buying their products.
  • 41% of Americans said they intend to "reward companies that are taking steps to reduce global warming" more frequently over the next 12 months.
  • 41% say they intend to punish companies that are "opposing steps to reduce global warming" more frequently over the next 12 months.
  • 50% of Americans say they would be more likely to purchase goods from a company that is lobbying Congress to pass legislation to reduce global warming, while 15% say they would be less likely to purchase goods from such a company.

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