Spring2ACTion Weekly Update
February 12, 2020
In this Issue...
Free Agent Fundraiser Recap * Nonprofit Toolkit * Maury's Spring2ACTion Giving Story
Meet Our Sponsors * Register Now
Want to increase giving and engagement during Spring2ACTion?  Try Free Agent Fundraisers (FAF)! 
Organizations with Free Agent Fundraisers raise 2.5x more (on average) than those that don’t.   
Our esteemed panelists each shared about the importance of asking board members, volunteers, donors and others close to the organization to join the giving day fun.  They care about your organization and want to use their reach and influence on your behalf.  Check out the materials shared at the workshop and visit the Nonprofit Toolkit for additional FAF resources. If you're a new organization or administrator (or just need a refresher) to Spring2ACTion, be sure to check out the Spring2ACTion 101 presentation from GiveGab. 
Our next training:
Social Media, Marketing & Storytelling
Tuesday, March 10, 9-10:30am
"Our Spring2ACTion Impact Story"
Maury Schoolyard Initiative was a specific, focused PTA effort led by parents of Maury students. For years, the playground had deteriorated to an unusable state. So the parents mobilized, developed a world class plan with Gensler, and targeted Spring2ACTion for a major fundraising push led by Amy Rutherford. Amy masterfully engaged, entertained, and combined our grassroots base of parent, neighbor, grandparents, friends and neighbors with a highly strategic fundraising effort. With FAFs and ongoing appeals, we engaged 859 donors, raising more than $75,000! This put our public private partnership on the course for success.

Have a Spring2ACTion Impact Story You'd Like to Tell? Email your story to brandi.yee@actforalexandria.org.
The deadline to register your nonprofit for Spring2ACTion is February 29.
Thank you Spring2ACTion Sponsors!
Eshom 'n Wilhelm Family Fund
Interested in Spring2ACTion sponsorships?
Contact Tricia Ritchie at tricia.ritchie@actforalexandria.org.
Questions about Spring2ACTion? Contact Brandi Yee at brandi.yee@actforalexandria.org