You can modify QuickBooks’ Insights page to display just the set of charts and graphs that you want.
To ensure that you’re seeing everything that’s available, click the gear icon in the upper right. This opens a list of all of the charts and graphs that are available on the Insights page. If they’re not all checked, go ahead and click in front of the ones that aren’t turned on so you can see everything at first. You can change this later.
Directly below the gear icon, QuickBooks displays either Cash Basis or Accrual Basis. You would have established this when you were setting up QuickBooks. If you’re not absolutely sure what the difference is or whether you made the right choice, please contact us.
How Do You See All of the Charts?
QuickBooks can’t show all of the content available for the Insights screen at one time, so you won’t see everything if you’ve selected all seven options. You should see the Profit & Loss chart at the top. You can change the date range by clicking the down arrow next to the field in the upper left. Below that are two additional charts that remain on the screen even if you move on to additional content: Income and Expenses. These three graphs give you a quick look at whether you’re making or losing money. Two links here allow you to Create Invoice and Create Bill.
To get to the other charts, click the Next arrow to the right of Profit & Loss. Keep clicking to see six more graphical representations of various elements of your business. They are Prev(ious) Year Income Comparison, Top Customers by Sales, Income and Expense Trend, Business Growth, Net Profit Margin, and Prior Year Expense Comparison. Like you could with Profit & Loss, you can change the date ranges for these charts.
The first three that appear are self-explanatory. If you have questions about any of the others, please let us know. These charts can provide a good understanding of problems that may be lurking, and we encourage you to look at them every time you open QuickBooks.
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