How Does God Fit Into Your Schedule?
Then Joshua summoned all the people and told them, "Come and listen to what the Lord your God has said." (Joshua 3:9)
Even in our daily schedules, giving attention to God ought to be our first priority. Just before crossing over into the promised land, Joshua gathered the people to hear the words of the Lord. 

Their excitement was high. No doubt they wanted to rush on, but Joshua made them stop and listen. We live in a fast-paced society where everyone rushes just to keep up with everyone else who is rushing. 

It is so easy to get caught up in daily tasks and become too busy to stop and listen to what God is saying. Before making your daily schedule, do you leave time for God? 

Do you take time to focus on what God wants for the day? Knowing what God has said before you rush into the day may help us all avoid foolish mistakes. Stop right now and listen to what the Lord your God is saying to you.

Rev. Margaret Minnicks

5 Reasons to Be Merciful

People have been heard saying, "Have mercy, Lord" or "Have mercy on me." What is mercy? How does one obtain mercy? How can a person be merciful? And why did Jesus say, "Blessed are the merciful?" Mercy is more than merely feeling sorry for...

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When to Use "Each Other" and "One Another"

No matter how long you have been out of an English class, you might still wonder when to speak or write "each other" and when to speak or write "one another." Only those who majored in English in college or have a fondness for the language will...

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