How Does Your Preferred Behavioral Style Affect Your Communication Style?

What’s your speaking style? Do you tend to speak fast or slow or a rate somewhere in-between? When you speak, do you have many gestures or only a few gestures? Does your face easily transmit what you are feeling or are you poker faced when you speak? Is it natural for you to relate stories or are you more of a fact-based speaker?

Your answers to the above questions indicate both the way you speak as well as the behavioral style that prompts you to speak that way. This can be very helpful knowledge for you as a speaker, trainer, coach, and leader. In the 1920s, Dr. William Marston of Columbia University conducted research and surveys of human behavior and found that all human beings have a mixture of four basic behavioral traits. Marston’s research results have been verified and expanded upon in the last several decades. Using a non-judgmental language, we can name these four behavioral styles as Dominant (D), Influencing (i), Steady (S), and Conscientious (C). Which is your preferred behavioral style and what does that say about the way you prefer to communicate? Find out at

Are you curious as to what your preferred behavioral style is and what that means? Complete and submit an online questionnaire (it usually takes only about 15 minutes to complete it) and receive a customized and detailed 23- page report. To find out how you can do this, visit and click on the “DiSC Classic icon.

Knowledge of human behavioral styles and how to adapt to styles that are different from yours can come in particularly useful in an incredible variety of human endeavors. Included in these would be increasing effectiveness: as a manager, in team dynamics, coping with stress, sales, leadership, listening, learning, and time mastery. Find out how you might apply DiSC knowledge in a very practical way at

Quote to Think About

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” - Alvin Toffler, Author and Futurist

Recommended Resource

Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box
by The Arbinger Institute

This book gives fascinating and empowering insight into the root cause of problems and successes in human relationships. More importantly, it teaches how to be more effective in all relationships that matter -- at home, at work, in society. I highly recommend this book.

Coming in the June E-Newsletter:
How to Maneuver Successfully Through Difficult Conversations.

To access free articles on communication, leadership, and personal development, visit



May 10 - Excelling at Teamwork
Workshop for Sobha Developers Ltd., Bangalore, India
To inquire about these events, please Contact Dilip Here.

May 13 - Toastmasters: The Meaning of What We Do
Opening Address at District 82 Annual Conference, Mysore, India
To inquire about these events, please Contact Dilip Here.

May 18 - Mind Mapping: Unlock Your Creative Genius Workshop
Colombo, Sri Lanka
To inquire about these events, please Contact Dilip Here.

May 24 - Mind Mapping: Unlock Your Creative Genius!
Public Workshop, Colombo, Sri Lanka
To inquire about these events, please Contact Dilip Here.



Dilip Abayasekara, Ph.D., A.S.   |   PO Box 405, Enola, PA 17025
Phone: 717.728.2203   |   Cell: 717.648.1080   |   Fax: 717.728.2296