How full is your fridge?
Canada’s Food Price Report, published by Dalhousie University, predicts a Canadian family of four will spend up to $1,065 more on food, to a total of up to $16,288, in 2023.
For context, annual income for a person who accesses the Ontario Disability Support Program to cover all their expenses, not just food, is roughly $14,736.
March is Nutrition Month in Canada. The 2023 theme is Unlock the Potential of Food. It focuses on the direct connection between food and health. And yet, Canada is experiencing some of the highest food price increases in 40 years. It’s unreasonable to expect people and families to rely on food banks. It’s unreasonable to expect people and families to go without.
As the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit states, “Household food insecurity is a serious public health issue that requires policy changes that work to improve the incomes of low-income households.” This would directly affect many of the community members who access Community Living Huntsville's services.
We invite you to join us in advocating for policies and programs that improve incomes and end poverty. Download and fill out our food security advocacy letter and send it to your municipal, provincial, and federal elected representatives as a call to action. Together, we can make a difference.
Suzanne Willett
Executive Director