News & updates - H1 2020
Dear All,

It has been a challenging, yet busy and very productive first 6 months of the year. Please find below some of the key news articles, videos and highlights from all of us here at GMEX Group. We hope that you are well and continue to keep safe.

Hirander Misra, 
Chairman & CEO of GMEX Group
Interview with
Hirander Misra, Chairman of GMEX Group & SECDEX – Interview Series
GMEX Group (“GMEX”) is a global provider of innovative multi-asset exchange trading and post trade business solutions and technology ecosystems. As a market infrastructure vendor, we focus on technology and interconnectivity...
Tokenise Launches Regulated Exchange for Digital Securities

Interview with Coin Telegraph:
From ICOs to IEOs to...? | The
Evolution of Crypto Fundraising

SECDEX goes live with over half a billion USD of tokenised assets

Digital assets exchange Maxda Markets announces launch

GMEX uses IBM Blockchain to
Reinvent how Markets are Traded, Cleared and Settled

Bitcoin Needs to Make an Effort
to Not Waste this Crisis

Fintech Files

What the Financial Exchanges of the Future Will Look Like. Watch the video >

Digital Assets: Managed in the Seychelles. Watch the video >

What is possible for financing SMEs and what exchanges could become in the future. Listen to the podcast >
GMEX Views

Check out page 15 of Asset Servicing Times where GMEX is featured here >

Addressing Investor Needs for Robust Digital Asset Infrastructure. Read article >

The Investor, the SME and COVID-19: Time for the Stock Exchange to change or estrange. Read article >