Spring 2020
NY Coastlines / Currents
Vol. 48, No. 2 / Vol. 8, No. 3       
Welcome to New York Sea Grant's (NYSG) Spring 2020 New York Coastlines , our program's flagship electronic newsletter. You can also check out our archive at nyseagrant.org/nycoastlines.
In This Issue ...

top How Sea Grant Benefits You in 2020

For nearly 50 years, New York Sea Grant (NYSG) has worked with coastal residents, communities, businesses and teachers, among others, on problems, opportunities and specific activities within the land and water interface.

Together NYSG promotes cost-effective and common sense solutions to concerns New Yorkers face along the State's marine, Great Lakes and Hudson River coasts.

Thousands of New Yorkers have benefited from Sea Grant programming in such areas as fisheries, aquatic invasive species, coastal tourism and coastal community resilience.

In this issue of New York Coastlines, we examine nearly two dozen impacts that our program's specialists and funded researchers made this past year to use science in order to improve decisions made by local communities, businesses and individuals as they develop resilience action and promote sustainable resolutions to pressing coastal issues.

For more, see the #Research, #Extension and #Education sections below.

As for " How Sea Grant Benefits You," see our national by-the-numbers one-pager " Sea Grant: A Smart Investment in Our Economy," which was updated last fall.

You can also search impacts of Sea Grant's work, browse current projects, and explore any of the Sea Grant Colleges at seagrant.noaa.gov/Our-Work.

Here in New York, we offer a " What is New York Sea Grant" one-pager, which was updated in February.

What's Trending

Letter From the Director

Welcome to the spring edition of NY Coastlines!

Within you will find New York Sea Grant's (NYSG) annual "Impacts and Accomplishments" ---  stories that provide 2019 program highlights from across the State.

NYSG would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our partners, communities, researchers, teachers, students, and other stakeholders for your contribution to, and partnership in, this work. We could not do it without you.

Also in this edition we share links to a number of existing NYSG and partner resources that are available online for your viewing pleasure. These range from educational materials to flood mapping tools to resources for our partners in the seafood industry, among others.

In addition, you will find links to information about some current and upcoming funding opportunities.

In the coming weeks, please keep an eye on our website, including the online resources page ( www.nyseagrant.org/keepingconnected), and on our social media channels for new postings of information and resources that may be of interest.

We hope you will enjoy this "year in review" and encourage you to reach out to the relevant staff and/or partners identified in each story or in the online program resource pages should you have any questions or wish to learn more.

--- Becky Shuford, NYSG's Director

Opportunities: Funding, Support and Resources

Funding Opportunities: 2021-2023 Long Island
Sound (LIS) Research; 2020 LIS Futures Fund ... and More

Connecticut Sea Grant (CTSG) and NYSG announce that preliminary proposals are invited through 5 pm EDT on Monday, June 8, 2020 for Long Island Sound Study (LISS) research projects.

Approximately $3 Million in funding is expected to be available for one or two-year projects that will support the management of Long Island Sound (LIS) and its resources. The LISS is a regional, community-based partnership to protect and restore LIS.

Any investigator seeking support for the funding period of March 1, 2021, to February 28, 2023. (or portion thereof) must submit a preliminary proposal via NYSG's electronic submission web site www.NYSGproposal.org.

Hardcopy, email, and fax submissions will NOT be accepted.

In a separate Request for Proposals, the Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF) is seeking proposals to protect and restore the health and living resources of Long Island Sound watershed (CT, MA NH, NY, VT).
Approximately $3 Million is expected to be available for grants (which range from $5k-$500k) in 2020. Full proposals are due by 11:59 PM EDT on Tuesday June 2nd, 2020.

Connecticut and New York grants are available for: Clean Waters and Healthy Watersheds; Sustainable and Resilient Communities; Community Coastal Resilience; and Thriving Habitats and Abundant Wildlife. Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont grants are available for: Water quality.

The LISFF program is managed by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Long Island Sound Study, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

For full details on the LISFF RFP, including a tip sheet and information on webinars for prospective applicants, visit www.nfwf.org.

Access to Long Island-related water quality data is vital to local and state officials for making important resource management and regulatory decisions.

That is why the Long Island Regional Planning Council (LIRPC) is inviting proposals from qualified candidates to provide direct assistance, coordination, and administration for the Long Island Quality of Water Integrated Data System (LIQWIDS) project.

For answers to frequently asked questions and to submit proposals, which must be received by 4 pm EDT on Monday, April 20th, visit lirpc.org.

LIQWIDS is a multifaceted system designed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) that provides a custom, map-based user interface for sharing ambient water quality data in a format that allows local stakeholders to visualize their data along with all other available data.

Stakeholders include the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, LIRPC, officials from Nassau and Suffolk Counties, USGS, South Shore Estuary Reserve, Peconic Estuary Program, Long Island Sound Study, environmental groups, academic institutions, water quality monitoring groups and other interested parties.

Accepting Applications:
2020 Long Island Sound Study Mentor Teacher Program

Applications are now being accepted for the 2020 Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher (LISMT) Program through April 28, 2020. Read on >>

Every year, two pairs of educators are selected by NYSG and the Long Island Sound Study (LISS) through the LISMT Program to work together to develop, plan, and lead a professional development workshop for other teachers, sharing interdisciplinary, hands-on activities and lessons about the Long Island Sound that can be easily implemented into existing curriculums.

NYSG will offer guidance and funding support to the selected Mentor Teachers, who will receive a $1,200 stipend and have access to a programming budget and Long Island Sound resources for their workshop. Pairs of teachers from each of the following grade level subsets are encouraged to apply: K-8 and 9-12.

Educators from all across the Long Island Sound watershed in New York, including Queens, are welcome to apply.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jimena Beatriz Perez-Viscasillas, NYSG's LISS Outreach Coordinator, at jbp255@cornell.edu or 631-632-8730. You can also find this information on LISS' Mentor Teacher Program webpage.

Great Lakes Shoreline Contractors

Updated in mid-March, this list is for shoreline property owners wanting to identify potential contractors for their shoreline work in New York State's Great Lakes region.

There's also an opportunity for shoreline contractors working in the region to get themselves added to the list. Read on >>

research #Research

NYSG Reports Results & Impacts from Studies Statewide

Featured are summaries of a sampling of recently completed projects addressing topics such as the impacts of plastic pollution to our coastlines and waters as well as climate change and ocean acidification on aquatic organisms.

Also, researchers examined migration and behavioral patterns of Great Lakes species including king salmon and cisco as well as how dams in the Hudson-Mohawk Watershed might alter fisheries restoration plans of, among others, river herring and eels. Read on >>

extension #Extension

NYSG Posts Impact Statements for
Great Lakes and Marine District Projects

NYSG offers a sampling of results and impacts from recently completed coastal extension and education initiatives. Read on >>

The new profiles, which are posted individually below, provide a summary of how NYSG addressed a variety of marine and Great Lakes concerns and opportunities in 2019, including the partners involved and any additional funding sources ...

Related NYSG #Extension Impacts ...

Seafood HACCP Training
Seafood safety online training from NYSG helps to ensure the health and safety of seafood consumers in New York State, nationwide, and globally. Read on >>

Flood Watch Project
A citizen-community science program around Jamaica Bay launched by NYSG documents coastal flooding in the face of rising sea levels and changing climate conditions. Read on >>

Monitoring NY's Shoreline
Natural and nature-based features are included in a statewide framework piloted by NYSG and partners for monitoring the effectiveness of a variety of shoreline management practices. Read on >>

ADA-Compliance in NYC
A NYSG partnership helps anglers with special needs; installs first Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant bait station in East Harlem. Read on >>

Resilience Forums
Helping Long Island communities increase resilience to flooding via resources, forum opportunities and information provided by NYSG. Read on >>

Preventing Balloon Debris
Reducing intentional balloon debris, one of the most prevalent and damaging "acceptable" forms of coastal littering, is uniting NYSG and partners in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic. Read on >>

Inundation Mapping Tools
NYSG's interactive Lake Ontario inundation mapping tools help communities and property/business owners enhance their flooding preparedness. Read on >>

Lake Sturgeon Conservation
Encouraging conservation of the Lake Sturgeon, a New York State threatened and ecologically and historically significant species, is at the heart of a NYSG outreach effort. Read on >>

Great Lakes Small Grants
Since 2015, over $1 Million in NY Great Lakes Basin Small Grants have funded projects encouraging community- and stakeholder-driven ecosystem-based management applications. Read on >>

Great New York State Fair
Capitalizing on unparalleled public education opportunities at the Great New York State Fair thanks to NYSG and a diverse group of partners. Read on >>

Integrated Shoreline Redesign
Resources from NYSG helped a shoreline property owner make a well-informed decision for managing erosion along Lake Ontario.. Read on >>

education #Education

Related NYSG #Education Impacts ...

Mentor-Teacher Trainings
Providing classroom teachers with tools to educate about Long Island Sound subjects is key to NYSG's support of professional development opportunities. Read on >>

Empowering Educators
Equipping K-12 educators with resources via NYSG strategic partnerships to impact educational spaces in the Great Lakes watershed. Read on >>

In Other News ...

NYSG's Currents News Archives   (Vol. 8, No. 3)

Keep tabs on NYSG's news in between issues of
NY Coastlines / Currents via our Web site (nyseagrant.org) and blog (nyseagrant.org/blog).

Here's a sampling of other stories that have made waves recently in the media, on our social media platforms (facebook.com/nyseagrant, twitter.com/nyseagrant) and
via our site's News,
nyseagrant.org/currents, and topic-based News Archives

    Partner News

  • NOAA @ 50: This year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Sea Grant's federal parent agency, marks 50 years of science, service, and stewardship.

    "Our agency was born out of an idea that the ocean and atmosphere are inextricably linked and that we depend upon it - not only for the quality of our lives, but for life itself," says NOAA Acting Administrator Dr. Neil Jacobs. "Since then, NOAA has grown to become a world-class science agency with a reach that extends from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor."

    For stories, info-graphics, videos and more throughout 2020, see www.noaa.gov/noaa-50th-home.
  • NOAA National Weather Service: Spring Safety Campaign
    Join NOAA, the National Weather Service, the National Sea Grant College Program and almost 9,000 fellow Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors this spring by helping communities become ready, responsive, and resilient to extreme weather. #SpringSafety

    One of the most important preparedness actions anyone can take is to identify your safe locations for when hazardous weather strikes.

    And on April 8th, you can help get all Americans to take a few moments to increase their level of preparedness --- post your #SafePlaceSelfie on Twitter, Instagram, and/or Facebook and challenge others to do the same. Be creative and even tie your post with your organization's mission. Think about common hazards in your area.

    Also: "Be a Force of Nature" and follow the Weather-Ready Nation team on Twitter at @WRNAmbassadors 

  • NYSG Extension and Education > Marine Waters

  • NYSG Partners with The Cornell Climate Smart Solutions Program to Develop a Climate Stewards Volunteer Program (March 2020) Read on >>
  • On Air: NYSG's new Hudson Estuary Specialist Talks with CCE Podcasters (March 2020) Read on >>
  • In Media: Flooding Discussed at City Island Rising Meeting (March 2020) Read on >>
  • In Media: The Canaries Along the Coast (March 2020) Read on >>

  • NYSG Extension and Education > Great Lakes Waters

  • On YouTube: NYSG provides free safety boating certification at State's largest, oldest Boat Show (February 2020) Read on >>
  • In Media: 'Resilience' Plan Will Identify, Address Erie Weather Risks (February 2020) Read on >>

  • NYSG Funded Projects > Research

  • In Media: Project Seen Transformative for Hard Clam Industry in U.S. East Coast (March 2020) Read on >>
  • In Media: Study Examines How Sewage Plants Can Remove Medicines from Wastewater (January 2020) Read on >>  

About NY Coastlines / Currents and New York Sea Grant

Sea Grant is a national network of 34 university-based programs whose research, extension and outreach programs promote better understanding, conservation and use of America's coastal resources. New York Sea Grant (NYSG) has been "Bringing Science to the Shore" since 1971 as a joint program of the State University of New York (SUNY) and Cornell University.

New York Coastlines
is a product of NYSG project C/PC-13 funded under award NA18OAR4170096 granted to the Research Foundation of SUNY on behalf of NYSG from the National Sea Grant College Program of the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

To revise your information for our electronic edition of New York Coastlines, click on the "Update Profile" link in the footer of this message. We encourage new subscribers to join our e-list via our online form.
For an archive of all articles featured in this and previous issues: www.nyseagrant.org/nycoastines.
For more about NYSG, visit www.nyseagrant.org/whatisnysg.
For updates on Sea Grant activities in New York's Great Lakes and marine waters, visit www.nyseagrant.org, where you can subscribe to an RSS news feed and follow NYSG via social media on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
New York Sea Grant Administration & Research
125 Nassau Hall / Stony Brook University / Stony Brook, NY 11794-5001
E: nyseagrant@stonybrook.edu / P: 631.632.6905

New York Sea Grant Administration & Extension
112 Rice Hall / Cornell University / Ithaca, NY 14853-5601
E: SGIthaca@cornell.edu / P: 607.255.2386

For a list of NYSG's offices and staff, visit
New York Sea Grant provides equal opportunities in employment and programming.