Welcome To This Special November Part 1 Edition Of "The Green Marble" Newsletter

The November Part 1 Issue Includes:

- "The Times... They Are A-Changin'..."
- We've Been Nominated For A Readers' Choice Award!
- Upcoming Seminars/Events/Meetings
Apopka Residents - Here's An Organization Just For You!
- Who's The Most Awesome In Your Association
- Annual Meeting Package Service
- New Way To Reach Our Director Of Public Relations Now Available
- Quote Of The Month
- November Birthdays 

(Keep a look out for part 2 of the November Green Marble later in the month) 
"The Times... They Are A-Changin'..."
By: Partner, Brian Hess

Condo Association Board Members may now face recall without the ability to arbitrate the recall process conducted by owners.

In early September, the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares  and Mobile Homes, issued a Final Order of Dismissal in the recall arbitration case of Sunbrook Condominium Association, Inc. v. Unit Owners Voting For Recall.  This particular case was the first test of the new changes to Section 718.112(2)(j), which severely limited the right of condominium association Board members to challenge recall efforts by unit owners. 

 We've Been Nominated For A Readers' Choice Award!

We are so thrilled and honored to have been nominated for the fourth consecutive year for this very prestigious award the Florida Community Association Journal's Readers' Choice Award.   Just like the Hollywood People's Choice Awards, this award is determined by people such as yourself casting their vote. 
Clayton & McCulloh - the firm that "Embraces Community" -  is requesting your vote again this year.  Won't you please honor us by taking time out of your busy schedule to vote for us again? Click the link or button below!  Thank you so much for your consideration.  We are humbled by your vote.

Upcoming Seminars/Events/Meetings

Our upcoming seminars and events are listed below.

Check out our website for information on specific classes by clicking  here.  
Monday, November 13 - Hosted by The Mount Dora Area Condominium Association
6:45 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Attorney Brian Hess is the guest speaker for the November meeting of The Mount Dora Area Condominium Association organization.  The topic is "Oops!  They Did It To Us Again:  The 2017 Legal Update."  This complimentary one hour class is open to any condominium association board members in the cities of Mount Dora, Tavares, and Eustis.  There were dramatic changes to the laws that affect community associations this year and here's the place to find out what Community Associations now have to do to comply with the Statutes.  Light refreshments will be served.  After the meeting, Board Members are encouraged to remain and network with each other to share solutions to the issues they face.  The meeting is being held at Lakewood Condominium Association in Mount Dora ( 110 N Tremain St, Mt Dora, FL 32757 ). For more information, please contact Leisa Buccieri at lbucc@me.com or Arlene Ring at (407) 875-2655.

Hold the Dates!
We will be hosting individual Board Certification classes for Condos/Co-Ops, HOAs, and Mobile Home Parks next year.  Exact dates are to be determined, but here's the time frames:
March 2018
Condo/Co-Op Class - Maitland and Melbourne - evening class
HOA Class - Maitland and Melbourne - evening class
Mobile Home Parks - day class - Lakeland
June 2018
Condo/Co-Op Class - Maitland and Melbourne - evening class
HOA Class - Maitland and Melbourne - evening class
Mobile Home Parks - day class - Lakeland (or somewhere in Polk County)
September 2018
Condo/Co-Op Class - Maitland and Melbourne - evening class
HOA Class - Maitland and Melbourne - evening class
So, don't make plans to go anywhere else as we will be featuring these complimentary two hour Board Certification Classes.  Spend an evening enjoying delectable appetizers, great company, and knowledgeable instructors while getting certified!!
What is "certification?"  All Board Members should take the Board Certification class within 90 days of taking office or complete a sworn affidavit and furnish to your Association's secretary.  If you would like a copy of the Affidavit, please furnish your name, legal name of Association, and your e-mail address and we will furnish you the form.  Please let us enjoy the pleasure of your company.  Another way, we Embrace Community.

Apopka Residents - Here's An Organization Just For You!
If your community is in Apopka, there is an organization your Association should consider joining - Apopka Area Council of Neighborhoods Associations (AACONA)!  AACONA meets the 2nd Monday each month at the UCF Business Incubator at 325 S. McGee Avenue in Apopka at 7:00 p.m.  The monthly meetings feature guest speakers from the city, county and/or private industry.  Members have the opportunity to network with other communities and share possible solutions to problems that they are facing. 
If you are interested in joining AACONA or would like more information, please complete this brief form and a representative will get back to you. 
Who's The Most Awesome In Your Association?

The Most Awesome Award has continued to be an "Awesome" success as we prepare to enter the final quarter of 2017 (wait, already?) With more and more Awesome Managers and Board Members doing all they can to earn this award, don't miss out on your opportunity to show appreciation to your favorite Board Member or Manager! 
    Look for of the 4 th   Quarter Most Awesome 
Manager and Board Member to be Announced soon!  
Use the buttons below to nominate a Manager or Board Member you know who has truly gone above and beyond the call of duty for your Association. Be sure to elaborate  and ensure we know why your nominee is the Most Awesome!

Annual Meeting Package Service 

Holding an annual meeting of the membership for the purpose of electing directors/officers is an important requirement of your Governing Documents, as well as a statutory requirement of Florida Law for all Associations. We are pleased to offer our Annual Meeting Package Service. We will prepare the necessary documents for your Association's Annual Meeting.  Properly prepared documents, coupled with legal advice of the correct procedures, times, and wording that must be followed by your Association, can avoid election and Annual Meeting challenges.  While professionally managed communities enjoy this package, it is ideal for self-managed Associations!   If you are expecting a problematic Annual Meeting, request one of our attorneys or Director of Public Relations to attend your annual meeting to assist you.  
New Way To Reach Our Director Of Public Relations 
Now Available!
If you would like to reach our Director of Public Relations during business hours, she now has a direct line to her desk:  (407) 875-4429.  By using this direct line, you will bypass our lovely receptionist.  You can still go through our switchboard using our Maitland, Melbourne, or toll free numbers or contact Arlene after business hours at (407) 808-2553! 
Just another demonstration of Clayton & McCulloh's commitment to Embracing Community.
Quote Of The Month

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  • Late breaking news on topics affecting Community Associations;
  • Seminar invitations;
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  • Much more!
This isn't your parents' law firm Facebook Page. Like Us on Facebook !

Join Us In Celebrating These Upcoming Birthdays!

Doreen Acevedo - Manager, Space Coast Property Management - November 26

Gina Holbrook - President, Premier Association Management of Central Florida - December 10
David Forthuber - Manager, Sentry Management's Longwood Office - December 19
Linda Arahill - Manager, LKA Properties - December 21
Lynn Edwards - Manager, Condominium Concepts - December 22
Joanna Hart - Vice President, Sentry Management's Longwood Office - December 25
Dayna Patrick - Manager, Sentry Management's Longwood Office - December 26

A Huge Thank You to our Community Connect Chat Partners
Orlando Prestige Painting Logo

Asphalt Restoration Technology Systems Logo

Reserve Advisors
Ryestone Logo
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Orlando Office: Maitland
The Clayton & McCulloh Building
1065 Maitland Center Commons Blvd.
Maitland, FL  32751
Phone: (407) 875-2655
Fax: (407) 875-3363 
Melbourne Office: Suntree/Viera
Baytree Corporate Park
1301 Bedford Drive, Suite 101
Melbourne, FL 32940
Phone: (321) 751-3449
Fax: (321) 751-3450 
Toll Free: (888) 793-1486
After Hours - 24/7: (407) 808-2553
You are receiving this e-mail as you fall into one of the following categories: 

* You are currently a client or client's manager; 
* You have requested to be on our mailing list;
*as a member of BCAM, you are provided a subscription to the C&M mailing list; and/or
*as a former member of NECAM, you are provided a subscription to the C&M mailing list.

If you elect to be removed from this e-mail service, we will no longer be able to send you seminar invitations, information on changes in the law concerning Community Associations, newsletters, or any other information regarding the Community Association industry.  You will not receive solicitation for business unless you have requested that information.  We sincerely hope we can continue to assist you with the challenges that face Community Associations today through this service. 

When replying with a question please include your full name 
and the legal name of your Association (no acronyms, please unless your legal name on the Article of Incorporation lists an acronym.)