Upcoming at CTS

Bladder and Bowel Basics

October 9th at 10:30am

Reservations only. Please RSVP to Anne Shea at 858 457-8419 or * Learn More

Men's Pelvic Pain Support Group

September 24th at 6pm / October 15th at 6pm

For more information, contact Chris at or 619-985-3282, or Milan at or 858-457-8419. * Learn More

Vulvodynia Support Group

October 20th at 10am

Reservations only. Please RSVP to Nicole Maas at 760-908-1684 or * Learn More

Studies have shown subjects who were mildly dehydrated made 12% more errors on cognitive tests & reaction time.

This has many implications for decision making while at work, driving, testing and all activities of daily living.

So how much water should we drink?

The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine suggest women consume about 91 ounces of total water per day and men even more, 125 ounces. This level can be from food & other beverages we consume as well. There is variability between people due to body type, activity level & heat exposure so general guidelines can be modified to suit. By simply checking the color of your urine you can tell if you might be dehydrated. Urine should be the color of straw or pale lemonade when we are hydrated. Don't rely on thirst to tell you if you are hydrated. The older population seems to have a diminished ability to recognize thirst but they are also prone to reduced cognition when dehydrated.

So, the bottom line is to sip fluids through out the day, check your urine, and you may find improved health & cognition from simply consuming more fluids.

Pam Dehne, PT, MPT
Physical therapists spend their day analyzing and dissecting movement, finding ways for people to optimize their movement so they can get back to the activities they enjoy, such as golfing, running, or playing tennis. While you may not be thinking about what goes into each of these activities, when you are unable to participate due to injury, your PT is definitely trying to figure out what component needs to be addressed. One thing PTs will be looking at is the different planes of movement involved in your particular activity.

There are three movement planes to be addressed - sagittal, frontal, and transverse - which are described below.

Sagittal plane - You can think of this as the forward and back plane. When you are walking or running you're primarily moving in the sagittal plane. Your arms are swinging back and forth, your legs swing out in front of you and push the ground behind you, and you move forward. This is the plane we spend the most time in day to day and often what we focus on when working out at the gym. Exercises where you push away from or pull towards yourself such as bench press or rows, are sagittal plane movements.

Frontal plane - Think of this as side to side movements. When you are trying to squeeze through a closing door and you turn sideways, you are using a frontal plane movement. You move in the frontal plane when you are shuffling side to side on the tennis court or while guarding someone during basketball. You even use the frontal plane at home when reaching to the sides to grab spices or utensils while cooking.

Transverse plane - When you think of the transverse plane, think rotation. Whenever you look over your shoulder to check your blind spot while driving or throw a Frisbee to your dog, you are using the transverse plane. Even during a simple reach across your body, you create rotation through your spine which means you are moving in the transverse plane.

Can you identify what planes you are moving in during your own day to day or recreational activities?

You might find you are actually combining movement planes such as sagittal and transverse during a throw where you generate power through rotation but are also creating a forward movement of the ball. If for some reason you are unable to participate in an activity you love, consider what movement planes you are having difficulty with and let your PT know. The PTs at CTS are trained to consider each of these planes and help you move better in all of them so that you can keep doing what you love, pain and injury-free.
Milan Patel, PT, DPT