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Is Delayed Pushing Beneficial?



 Healthy Living:Spice It Up!


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101 Old Short Hills Rd
Atkins-Kent Building, Suite 101
W. Orange, NJ 07052

33 Overlook Rd.
MAC Building
Suite 108
Summit, NJ 07901

340 Main Street
Madison, NJ 07940

731 Broadway
Bayonne, NJ 07002

67 Walnut Avenue, Suite 101
Clark, NJ 07066

Robert J. Rubino,
M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
Audrey A. Romero, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
Lisa Abeshaus,
M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
Jacqueline Saitta, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

Allan D. Kessel,
M.D ., F.A.C.O.G.
Diana Huang,
M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
Priya R. Patel,
M.D., F.A.C.O.G.,MPH
Abigail Whetstone
D.O., jF.A.C.O.G.


Dr. Rubino is nationally recognized for his expertise on Her OptionĀ®


in-office procedure.

Click here to find out more.

 EssureĀ® is a simple, non-invasive,
10-minute office procedure for permanent birth control (tubal ligation).  Click here
 to see if Essure is
 right for you.
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Medical Fact
 "I didn't know that!

Estrogen thickens the vaginal tissue and causes it to buckle slightly, creating many tiny folds called rugae. This provides more surface area for secretions and lubrication, and also gives the vagina more stretch during intercourse and childbirth.

Estrogen decreases in women who just had a baby, are breastfeeding or are going through menopause, causing the ridges to flatten out and the vaginal tissue to become thinner and drier. This is one reason women in these life stages may experience discomfort during sex.

As the end of the year approaches, we wish all of our patients and their families a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and happy and healthy New Year. We are privileged  to be your physicians of choice for your health care. We look forward to continuing to partner together and wish you all good health in 2018. 

This month we share an article from the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology that took a look on effects of delayed pushing during childbirth. We highlight the most recent guidelines on healthy blood pressure levels and how it compares to previous levels.  In our Healthy Living section, we share the many health benefits of different spices. And,  you'll find a new interesting "Medical Fact". 

If there is topic you would like covered in our newsletter, please e-mail us at .
As always, we will continue to provide topics that are current, informative and important to your good health.  

The Rubino OB/GYN Group
Park Line Walking Tour!parkline
The Summit Park Line Foundation is hosting a "First Steps Walking Tour" of this exciting project in downtown Summit.
 It's a great community event for all to attend.

Delayed Pushing Helpful? delayedpushing
A study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology evaluated factors associated with delayed pushing and the relationship between delayed pushing and perinatal outcomes in women during their first pregnancy. 

Delayed pushing is considered waiting one hour before pushing when fully dilated vs. pushing within 30 minutes of becoming fully dilated. 

Also known as "laboring down or passive descent," this practice has been proposed to reduce maternal exhaustion and prevent maternal morbidity such as cesarean delivery and severe perineal lacerations.This theory, or it's safety, has not been clearly established in clinical trials.

Researchers conducted a large, multi-center observational study, looking at 25 US hospitals to observe the clinical outcomes. The results concluded:
  • Women who delayed pushing greater than 60 minutes experienced a longer duration of active pushing
  • Delayed pushing was associated with nearly twofold greater odds of cesarean delivery
  • It increased the odds of postpartum hemorrhage and potential blood transfusion
  • Unadjusted rates of operative vaginal delivery, episiotomy, and major perineal laceration were all significantly greater for women who experienced delayed pushing 
Delayed pushing was not associated with neonatal morbidity.

Although  delayed   pushing  has previously been proposed as a labor technique that may decrease risk of cesarean delivery or decrease the amount of active  pushing , the results do not support that contention. 

In addition, women who  delayed   pushing  had an average total second stage of labor (fully dilated) that was 1 hour and 47 minutes longer. 
The Associated Press released information in November on new guidelines for high blood pressure.

"New guidelines lower the threshold for high blood pressure, adding 30 million Americans to those who have the condition, which now plagues nearly half of U.S. adults."

The guidelines were announced at an American Heart Association conference in Anaheim.

The article states, " High pressure, which for decades has been a top reading of at least 140 (identified in 1993) or a bottom one of 90, drops to 130 over 80 in advice announced Monday by a dozen medical groups."

This change adds an additional 14% of US adults who are now considered to have high blood pressure. 

The article continues, "Poor diets, lack of exercise and other bad habits cause 90 percent of high blood pressure. T he risk for heart disease, stroke and other problems drops as blood pressure improves" 

According to the article, the new guidelines set new categories and get rid of the term  "pre-hypertension". They are as follows:
  • Normal: Under 120 over 80
  • Elevated: Top number 120-129 and bottom less than 80
  • Stage 1: Top of 130-139 or bottom of 80-89
  • Stage 2: Top at least 140 or bottom at least 90
  • Everyone 65 or older should be treated if the top number is over 130 unless they're too frail or have conditions that make it unwise 
That means 46 percent of U.S. adults have high pressure (stages 1 or 2) versus 32 percent under the old levels.

Those without a high risk will be advised to improve their lifestyles - lose weight, eat healthy, exercise more, limit alcohol, avoid smoking.

Blood pressure should be checked at least once a year by a health professional, and diagnosing high pressure requires 2 or 3 readings on at least two occasions. The guide lines recommend measuring pressure in the upper arm.

Unlike adults, numbers for normal pressure in children vary with age, height and gender. Kids should be checked at least once a year for high pressure, say guidelines announced in August by the American Academy of Pediatrics.  After age 13, the levels defining high pressure are the same as for adults.

"The article highlights the prevalence and risks of hypertension and the importance of achieving healthy blood pressure goals. Focusing on lifestyle modification including diet, exercise, weight reduction and stress management is essential to getting blood pressure under control along with any prescribed medication. Hopefully this news will raise awareness of hypertension and encourage people to be evaluated.", Dr. Susan Rubino

Healthy Living - Spice It Up! Glitter
What if you were told you could prevent inflammation, burn more fat, stop infections...all simply by spicing up your life? 

The health benefits associated with adding spices to your foods 
are immense and have received a lot of traction in the health industry. Some spices have been known to benefit your heart, provide anti-bacterial and antiviral properties and are high in vitamins and trace minerals. Not to mention they can help boost the taste of so many meals without adding extra calories.

Some of the most common spices and their benefits include the following:

Cayenne pepper - "hot" due to its capsaicin content, a substance that helps heat up your body and fire up your metabolism to burn extra calories and fat. It has also been known to relieve aches and soreness. Other benefits may include improved circulation, heart health and fighting some cancers and ulcers.

Ginger - commonly known to treat upset stomachs, ginger may also help gas and bloating, sore throats, colds, arthritis and motion sickness.  It has also been known to lessen workout induced soreness and inflammation and may even be attributed to higher memory. It can be ingested in multiple ways and is readily available.

Cinnamon - has one of the highest antioxidant values of any spice and has been shown to reduce inflammation, lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels, help with nausea and help the body in burning fat. It is also a great source of manganese, iron and calcium...and can reduce risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. Try to buy pure organic Ceylon cinnamon.

Fennel - high in calcium and rich in niacin, fennel is also high in vitamin C and can help promote a strong immune system and is an excellent source of dietary fiber and iron - helping to boost your metabolism and keep your digestive tract healthy. And, it's a natural appetite suppressant and can help detoxify and exfoliate the skin.

Turmeric - a common ingredient in mustard, butter and cheese to add to their yellow hue. Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and has been known to provide pain relief and may have benefits to treating Alzheimer's disease, arthritis and breast, stomach and colon cancer. It also contains anti-bacterial properties and helps digest fat quickly. Try to find the purest form - there are many impostors.

Oregano - has been known to have antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer, antioxidant and antibiotic properties. It contains vitamin K, which has bone-building properties, and can help fend off the stomach flu. The oil and leaves of the plant have been used medicinally to body aches and illnesses.

Basil - known for it's powerful antioxidant properties that can protect the body from premature aging, skin issues and some types of cancer. The plant pigments are said to protect your cell structure from oxygen and radiation damage and can also be applied to wounds to help prevent bacterial infections.

Cumin - super rich in iron, cumin helps keep your energy level high and your immune system strong. It has also been associated to boosting brainpower, especially memory.

It's especially important to keep your spices fresh, using the purest forms available - and use them before the expiration date. Your best option is to buy the plant source and use it directly to spice up your meals.

Experiment with your recipes and add a little extra spice to your life.

Empowering women to make it easier to live healthier. 
Easy Access To Lab Reports labreports
You can find access to your lab reports right from our website :   The Rubino OB/GYN Group  

Our patient portal is specific to your records from The Rubino OB/GYN Group only and allows you to access your health history, update your profile page, request a prescription, submit a clinical question and access upcoming appointments. If you have not already received a username and password, please request one from our office.
Pay Your Bill Onlinepayonlinebills

You can pay your Rubino OB/GYN Group bills online right from the checkbook-pen.jpghomepage of our website. Simply click on the button at the top of the page that says "New! Pay Your Bill Online!".

Options include paying by credit card or  echeck. It is an easy one-time registration to create a password.


For easy reference, the direct link is: Pay My Bill

Office Announcements  announcements
8 AM Appointments
For your convenience, 8 am appointments are now available. Please call our main number 973-736-1100 to schedule. 

Pay Your Rubino OB/GYN Bills Online
Patients can pay their bills online at the following web site: 
Options include paying by credit card or echeck. 

Emmi Video Tutorials
Emmi is a free, online video tutorial that makes complex medical information simple and easy to understand. Emmi provides clear and concise step-by-step information on common health topics and procedures right on our website. Click here to find out more.

"Important Announcements" on Our Website
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