Question: Is there an easy way to change how I've applied cash received to an invoice in Receivables? I have a tenant who is on a payment plan for outstanding rent, plus is (supposed to be) paying current rent. In error I applied a current rent payment to an old invoice.
How do I easily correct this and apply the payment to a different invoice? I know I can do this by applying a negative payment to the invoice and re-doing it correctly, but this gets messy in the customer subledger.
Answer: Yes, Enter a zero dollar cash transaction and move the amount from the wrong transaction to the right one.
Forgot Receivables Year End
Question: I forgot to process the year end closing for the prior year before completing entries in the current year. If I process the year end close now in the A/R module, will it pull current year info to previous year?
Answer: If you are asking about the statistics, yes, it will.
The best way around that is to use Toolkit for Adagio, a third-party product by Dakota Software, to recalculate the statistics. See the article above!
Or, you can manually enter the statistics, if you have very few customers.
Adagio for Property Management
Question: Does Adagio have a commercial property management module or a partner that they work with? We are owners of several commercial properties with numerous tenants (over 50 small and large) and are looking for a program or database or something that we can use to track our leases, maintenance schedules, building information, etc..
Answer: Adagio doesn't have a module or a partner that does Property Management software. Property management can be done in Adagio with the Invoice module and treating each property as a different dataset. Adagio modules do have features that can help you deal with most of the items you mentioned.
You can find more tips like this in the Softrak Technical Support Forum at through the Client Portal.